Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × Germany
1 × Hungary
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
T.A.Khan R.Heckel C.Ermel A.Bucchiarone P.Pelliccione G.Täntzer C.Vattani H.Ehrig
Talks about:
contract (3) visual (3) test (3) agg (3) system (2) verif (2) model (2) self (2) use (2) transform (1)
Person: Olga Runge
DBLP: Runge:Olga
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- GT-VMT-2013-RungeKH #contract #generative #testing #using #visual notation
- Test Case Generation Using Visual Contracts (OR, TAK, RH).
- GT-VMT-2012-KhanRH #contract #testing #visual notation
- Visual Contracts as Test Oracle in AGG 2.0 (TAK, OR, RH).
- ICGT-2012-KhanRH #contract #modelling #testing #visual notation
- Testing against Visual Contracts: Model-Based Coverage (TAK, OR, RH), pp. 279–293.
- AGTIVE-2011-RungeET #algebra #graph transformation #specification
- AGG 2.0 — New Features for Specifying and Analyzing Algebraic Graph Transformations (OR, CE, GT), pp. 81–88.
- FASE-2010-EhrigERBP #analysis #formal method #self #verification
- Formal Analysis and Verification of Self-Healing Systems (HE, CE, OR, AB, PP), pp. 139–153.
- WICSA-ECSA-2009-BucchiaronePVR #modelling #self #using #verification
- Self-Repairing systems modeling and verification using AGG (AB, PP, CV, OR), pp. 181–190.