Travelled to:
1 × Spain
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.K.Pandya S.Mohalik A.C.Rajeev M.G.Dixit S.Ramesh S.Jiang
Talks about:
time (2) end (2) determin (1) automata (1) transit (1) express (1) analysi (1) system (1) silent (1) latenc (1)
Person: P. Vijay Suman
DBLP: Suman:P=_Vijay
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- LATA-2009-SumanP #automaton #integer
- Determinization and Expressiveness of Integer Reset Timed Automata with Silent Transitions (PVS, PKP), pp. 728–739.
- DAC-2008-MohalikRDRSPJ #analysis #embedded #latency #model checking #realtime
- Model checking based analysis of end-to-end latency in embedded, real-time systems with clock drifts (SM, ACR, MGD, SR, PVS, PKP, SJ), pp. 296–299.