319 papers:
DAC-2015-Engblom #integration #using- Virtual to the (near) end: using virtual platforms for continuous integration (JE), p. 6.
DATE-2015-MamaghanianV #design #power management- Ultra-low-power ECG front-end design based on compressed sensing (HM, PV), pp. 671–676.
ICPC-2015-Roehm #comprehension #developer- Two user perspectives in program comprehension: end users and developer users (TR), pp. 129–139.
MSR-2015-BurletH #community #empirical #music- An Empirical Study of End-User Programmers in the Computer Music Community (GB, AH), pp. 292–302.
LATA-2015-CodishCS #game studies #network #sorting- Sorting Networks: The End Game (MC, LCF, PSK), pp. 664–675.
CHI-2015-CockburnQG #experience- Examining the Peak-End Effects of Subjective Experience (AC, PQ, CG), pp. 357–366.
CHI-2015-TetterooVGMKVM #development #framework #lessons learnt #physics- Lessons Learnt from Deploying an End-User Development Platform for Physical Rehabilitation (DT, PV, IG, MM, EK, DV, PM), pp. 4133–4142.
DUXU-DD-2015-Zhang #design #research #semantics- Research on the Correspondence Between Designer End Expressions of Product Semantics with the Cognition of User End (LZ), pp. 379–391.
ICEIS-v1-2015-Marques-LucenaA #framework #information management #using- Knowledge Management Framework using Wiki-based Front-end Modules (CML, CA, SK, JS), pp. 79–86.
ICEIS-v1-2015-Staniszkis #information management #re-engineering- Empowering the Knowledge Worker — End-User Software Engineering in Knowledge Management (WS), p. VII.
RecSys-2015-LiuK #named #recommendation- Kibitz: End-to-End Recommendation System Builder (QL, DRK), pp. 335–336.
SIGIR-2015-KimY #design #evaluation #information retrieval #pipes and filters- IR Evaluation: Designing an End-to-End Offline Evaluation Pipeline (JYK, EY), pp. 1129–1132.
SAC-2015-KatsalisSPKT #network- Content placement in heterogeneous end-to-end virtual networks (KK, VS, TP, TK, LT), pp. 602–608.
PLEASE-2015-TzeremesG #approach #development #product line- A Software Product Line Approach for End User Development of Smart Spaces (VT, HG), pp. 23–26.
ASPLOS-2015-HauswaldLZLRKDM #named- Sirius: An Open End-to-End Voice and Vision Personal Assistant and Its Implications for Future Warehouse Scale Computers (JH, MAL, YZ, CL, AR, AK, RGD, TNM, VP, LT, JM), pp. 223–238.
HPCA-2015-WonKKJPS #network #scalability- Overcoming far-end congestion in large-scale networks (JW, GK, JK, TJ, MP, SS), pp. 415–427.
DAC-2014-YangHCLRX #behaviour #certification #framework #scalability #synthesis- Scalable Certification Framework for Behavioral Synthesis Front-End (ZY, KH, KC, LL, SR, FX), p. 6.
HT-2014-SubercazeG #named #recognition- FoP: never-ending face recognition and data lifting (JS, CG), pp. 321–323.
PLDI-2014-Carbonneaux0RS #bound #c #source code #verification- End-to-end verification of stack-space bounds for C programs (QC, JH, TR, ZS), p. 30.
CHI-2014-BensonK #how #web #what #why- End-users publishing structured information on the web: an observational study of what, why, and how (EB, DRK), pp. 1265–1274.
CHI-2014-DachteraRW #design #industrial #research- Research on research: design research at the margins: academia, industry and end-users (JD, DWR, VW), pp. 713–722.
CSCW-2014-MatthewsWBS #collaboration #community #social #tool support- Beyond end user content to collaborative knowledge mapping: interrelations among community social tools (TM, SW, HB, BAS), pp. 900–910.
DUXU-DP-2014-CandelloCBP #validation #visual notation- A Validation Study of a Visual Analytics Tool with End Users (HC, VFC, AB, RAdP), pp. 381–391.
ICML-c2-2014-GravesJ #network #recognition #speech #towards- Towards End-To-End Speech Recognition with Recurrent Neural Networks (AG, NJ), pp. 1764–1772.
HPCA-2014-KannanGS #cost analysis #persistent- Reducing the cost of persistence for nonvolatile heaps in end user devices (SK, AG, KS), pp. 512–523.
HPCA-2014-PeraisS- Practical data value speculation for future high-end processors (AP, AS), pp. 428–439.
HPDC-2014-MittalVL #embedded #energy #performance- Improving energy efficiency of embedded DRAM caches for high-end computing systems (SM, JSV, DL), pp. 99–110.
OSDI-2014-AngelBKOT #performance- End-to-end Performance Isolation Through Virtual Datacenters (SA, HB, TK, GO, ET), pp. 233–248.
OSDI-2014-ChowMFPW #analysis #internet #performance #scalability- The Mystery Machine: End-to-end Performance Analysis of Large-scale Internet Services (MC, DM, JF, DP, TFW), pp. 217–231.
OSDI-2014-HawblitzelHLNPZZ #automation #security #verification- Ironclad Apps: End-to-End Security via Automated Full-System Verification (CH, JH, JRL, AN, BP, DZ, BZ), pp. 165–181.
CAV-2014-WijsKB #component #composition #graph- GPU-Based Graph Decomposition into Strongly Connected and Maximal End Components (AW, JPK, DB), pp. 310–326.
ICDAR-2013-MilyaevBNKL #comprehension #image- Image Binarization for End-to-End Text Understanding in Natural Images (SM, OB, TN, PK, VSL), pp. 128–132.
ICDAR-2013-SchusterMESBWAH #documentation #information management #named- Intellix — End-User Trained Information Extraction for Document Archiving (DS, KM, DE, AS, MB, CW, KA, AH), pp. 101–105.
CSEET-2013-ChimalakondaN #adaptation #education #learning #personalisation #re-engineering #what- What makes it hard to teach software engineering to end users? some directions from adaptive and personalized learning (SC, KVN), pp. 324–328.
ICSM-2013-RoehmBHP #behaviour #identification #specification #towards- Towards Identification of Software Improvements and Specification Updates by Comparing Monitored and Specified End-User Behavior (TR, BB, TMH, BP), pp. 464–467.
CHI-2013-ChilanaKWG #case study #crowdsourcing #multi- A multi-site field study of crowdsourced contextual help: usage and perspectives of end users and software teams (PKC, AJK, JOW, TG), pp. 217–226.
CHI-2013-KuksenokBM #online- Accessible online content creation by end users (KK, MB, JM), pp. 59–68.
CHI-2013-KuttalSR #debugging #programming- Debugging support for end user mashup programming (SKK, AS, GR), pp. 1609–1618.
CHI-2013-OhF #challenge #gesture- The challenges and potential of end-user gesture customization (UO, LF), pp. 1129–1138.
DUXU-WM-2013-CappielloMP #development #mobile- End-User Development of Mobile Mashups (CC, MM, MP), pp. 641–650.
HCI-III-2013-WangWDL #3d #estimation #image #multi #sequence- Tracking End-Effectors for Marker-Less 3D Human Motion Estimation in Multi-view Image Sequences (WW, ZW, XD, BL), pp. 227–235.
OCSC-2013-BramanVDWRT #education #network #perspective #social- Teaching about the Impacts of Social Networks: An End of Life Perspective (JB, GV, AD, YW, KR, UT), pp. 240–249.
ICEIS-v2-2013-BenhaddiBA #approach #evaluation #formal method #implementation #user satisfaction- Formalization of the User Centric SOA Approach — Implementation and End User Satisfaction Evaluation (MB, KB, EHA), pp. 481–488.
KDD-2013-HaoCZ0RK #learning #towards- Towards never-ending learning from time series streams (YH, YC, JZ, BH, TR, EJK), pp. 874–882.
KDD-2013-RautiainenSHYK #concept #mining #online- An online system with end-user services: mining novelty concepts from tv broadcast subtitles (MR, JS, AH, MY, VK), pp. 1486–1489.
SEKE-2013-MaierS #privacy- Profiles for Convenient Front-end Privacy (RM, JS), pp. 125–130.
ECMFA-2013-0002G #debugging #execution #model transformation- End-User Support for Debugging Demonstration-Based Model Transformation Execution (YS, JG), pp. 86–100.
MoDELS-2013-SongBCC #adaptation #constraints #modelling #runtime #self #theorem proving #using- Self-adaptation with End-User Preferences: Using Run-Time Models and Constraint Solving (HS, SB, AC, SC), pp. 555–571.
MoDELS-2013-SongBCC #adaptation #constraints #modelling #runtime #self #theorem proving #using- Self-adaptation with End-User Preferences: Using Run-Time Models and Constraint Solving (HS, SB, AC, SC), pp. 555–571.
SAC-2013-WyssBPF #design #latency #multi- End-to-end latency computation in a multi-periodic design (RW, FB, CP, JF), pp. 1682–1687.
CAV-2013-GantyG #proving #termination- Proving Termination Starting from the End (PG, SG), pp. 397–412.
TAP-2013-ArthoBS #modelling #testing #verification- Model-Based Testing for Verification Back-Ends (CA, AB, MS), pp. 39–55.
CBSE-2012-MaurelBKA #adaptation #monitoring- Adaptive monitoring of end-user OSGi-based home boxes (YM, AB, RK, KA), pp. 157–166.
CASE-2012-EhmP #research- Future research directions for mastering end-to-end semiconductor supply chains (HE, TP), pp. 641–645.
DAC-2012-PalemA #exclamation #what- What to do about the end of Moore’s law, probably! (KVP, LA), pp. 924–929.
DocEng-2012-GeelCN #named #web- Sift: an end-user tool for gathering web content on the go (MG, TC, MCN), pp. 181–190.
SIGMOD-2012-SikkaFLCPB #database #performance #transaction- Efficient transaction processing in SAP HANA database: the end of a column store myth (VS, FF, WL, SKC, TP, CB), pp. 731–742.
ITiCSE-2012-Santos #education #java- An open-ended environment for teaching Java in context (AS), pp. 87–92.
ESOP-2012-BartheDP- A Formally Verified SSA-Based Middle-End — Static Single Assignment Meets CompCert (GB, DD, DP), pp. 47–66.
CHI-2012-MetoyerLRC #comprehension #visualisation- Understanding the verbal language and structure of end-user descriptions of data visualizations (RAM, BL, NHR, MC), pp. 1659–1662.
CHI-2012-PiperWH #authoring #game studies #interactive #process #tool support- TAP & PLAY: an end-user toolkit for authoring interactive pen and paper language activities (AMP, NW, JDH), pp. 149–158.
CSCW-2012-BaumerKFAGPRNOG #design #health #mobile #persuasion #social- Prescriptive persuasion and open-ended social awareness: expanding the design space of mobile health (EPSB, SJK, JEF, PA, ALG, JPP, DR, JN, CMO, GKG), pp. 475–484.
ICEIS-v1-2012-QuastH #information management #question #social- Social Information Systems — The End of Shadow Applications? (MQ, MJH), pp. 5–15.
ICEIS-v3-2012-HamadaASO #classification #documentation #taxonomy #using- A Classification Method of Open-ended Questionnaires using Category-based Dictionary from Sampled Documents (KH, MA, MS, HO), pp. 193–198.
ICPR-2012-WangWCN #network #recognition- End-to-end text recognition with convolutional neural networks (TW, DJW, AC, AYN), pp. 3304–3308.
SEKE-2012-DoranCG #api #how #network #privacy #social- How Social Network APIs Have Ended the Age of Privacy (DD, SC, SSG), pp. 400–405.
RE-2012-Knauss #ecosystem #elicitation #on the #requirements- On the usage of context for requirements elicitation: End-user involvement in IT ecosystems (AK), pp. 345–348.
SAC-2012-GrooteOW #case study #experience #formal method- Experience report on developing the Front-end client unit under the control of formal methods (JFG, AO, JHW), pp. 1183–1190.
ICSE-2012-Chowdhury #development #tool support- Assisting end-user development in browser-based mashup tools (SRC), pp. 1625–1627.
ICSE-2012-MarianiP #composition #named #plugin- MASH: A tool for end-user plug-in composition (LM, FP), pp. 1387–1390.
SPLC-2012-LettnerVRG- Supporting end users with business calculations in product configuration (DL, MV, RR, PG), pp. 171–180.
ECSA-2011-DwivediEFGS #approach #architecture- An Architectural Approach to End User Orchestrations (VD, PVE, JMF, DG, BRS), pp. 370–378.
ASE-2011-WinbladhR #testing- Evaluating test selection strategies for end-user specified flow-based applications (KW, AR), pp. 400–403.
ICDAR-2011-LamiroyL #analysis #architecture #benchmark #documentation #metric- An Open Architecture for End-to-End Document Analysis Benchmarking (BL, DPL), pp. 42–47.
ICDAR-2011-LamiroyLS #algorithm #analysis #contest #documentation- Document Analysis Algorithm Contributions in End-to-End Applications: Report on the ICDAR 2011 Contest (BL, DPL, TS), pp. 1521–1525.
CHI-2011-MassimiOBK #human-computer #matter #research- Matters of life and death: locating the end of life in lifespan-oriented hci research (MM, WO, RB, DSK), pp. 987–996.
CHI-2011-MorrisonVM #interactive- Building sensitising terms to understand free-play in open-ended interactive art environments (AJM, SV, PM), pp. 2335–2344.
DUXU-v2-2011-DahlS #case study #composition #interface #smarttech #usability- End-User Composition Interfaces for Smart Environments: A Preliminary Study of Usability Factors (YD, RMS), pp. 118–127.
HCD-2011-MirandaHB #empirical #interactive- Adjustable Interactive Rings for iDTV: First Results of an Experiment with End-Users (LCdM, HHH, MCCB), pp. 262–271.
HCI-UA-2011-FiddianBMFCKML #case study #design- An End User and Environment Field Study for an Inclusive Design of Consumer Products (TF, CB, MM, AF, JOC, PTK, YM, ML), pp. 443–452.
ICEIS-v4-2011-DavisC11a #data transformation #logic #metadata #modelling- Variant Logic Meta-data Management for Model Driven Applications — Allows Unlimited End User Configuration and Customisation of All Meta-data EIS Application Features (JD, EC), pp. 395–400.
CIKM-2011-ShiehLW #recommendation- Recommendation in the end-to-end encrypted domain (JRS, CYL, JLW), pp. 915–924.
KEOD-2011-LepperT #2d #authoring #documentation #maintenance #named #prototype #robust #xml- D2d — A Robust Front-end for Prototyping, Authoring and Maintaining XML Encoded Documents by Domain Experts (ML, BTyW), pp. 449–456.
RE-2011-SeyffOB #named #requirements- iRequire: Gathering end-user requirements for new apps (NS, GO, MB), pp. 347–348.
REFSQ-2011-DhunganaSG #elicitation #modelling #product line #requirements #research #using #variability- Research Preview: Supporting End-User Requirements Elicitation Using Product Line Variability Models (DD, NS, FG), pp. 66–71.
ICSE-2011-StoleeE #refactoring- Refactoring pipe-like mashups for end-user programmers (KTS, SGE), pp. 81–90.
ICSE-2011-Sun #approach #aspect-oriented #modelling- An end-user demonstration approach to support aspect-oriented modeling (YS), pp. 1176–1178.
ICSE-2011-SunGW #approach #evolution #named- MT-Scribe: an end-user approach to automate software model evolution (YS, JG, JW), pp. 980–982.
HPDC-2011-AhujaBFGS #modelling #protocol- Introspective end-system modeling to optimize the transfer time of rate based protocols (VA, AB, MKF, DG, GS), pp. 61–72.
ASE-2010-AliHGH #specification #tool support #visual notation- End-user oriented critic specification for domain-specific visual language tools (NMA, JGH, JCG, JH), pp. 297–300.
ASE-2010-HirschHG #generative #named #specification #visual notation #wiki- VikiBuilder: end-user specification and generation of visual wikis (CH, JGH, JCG), pp. 13–22.
ASE-2010-LiuZHJM #named #programming #web- iMashup: assisting end-user programming for the service-oriented web (XL, QZ, GH, ZJ, HM), pp. 285–288.
CASE-2010-PintoKK #analysis #modelling #probability- A model-based end-to-end toolchain for the probabilistic analysis of complex systems (AP, SK, SK), pp. 994–1000.
DAC-2010-HuangCKT #named #network #predict- NTPT: on the end-to-end traffic prediction in the on-chip networks (YSCH, KCKC, CTK, SYT), pp. 449–452.
DATE-2010-BauerSF #analysis #network #worst-case- Worst-case end-to-end delay analysis of an avionics AFDX network (HB, JLS, CF), pp. 1220–1224.
DATE-2010-LakshmananBR #analysis- Integrated end-to-end timing analysis of networked AUTOSAR-compliant systems (KL, GB, RR), pp. 331–334.
VLDB-2010-Matsudaira #3d #biology #dataset #scalability- High-End Biological Imaging Generates Very Large 3D+ and Dynamic Datasets (PM), p. 3.
CSEET-2010-LiuKC #education #testing- Teaching an End-User Testing Methodology (HL, FCK, TYC), pp. 81–88.
ICSM-2010-NagyVFGKK #assurance #developer #named #quality- MAGISTER: Quality assurance of Magic applications for software developers and end users (CN, LV, RF, TG, FK, IK), pp. 1–6.
PLDI-2010-ChenCS #compilation #security #verification- Type-preserving compilation of end-to-end verification of security enforcement (JC, RC, NS), pp. 412–423.
CHI-2010-AmershiFKT #concept #interactive #learning #modelling #multi- Examining multiple potential models in end-user interactive concept learning (SA, JF, AK, DST), pp. 1357–1360.
CHI-2010-CaoRWBG #design #lens #programming- End-user mashup programming: through the design lens (JC, YR, SW, MMB, VG), pp. 1009–1018.
CHI-2010-GrigoreanuBR #approach #debugging #design #tool support- A strategy-centric approach to the design of end-user debugging tools (VG, MMB, GGR), pp. 713–722.
CHI-2010-PatelGR #design #evaluation #power management- The design and evaluation of an end-user-deployable, whole house, contactless power consumption sensor (SNP, SG, MSR), pp. 2471–2480.
KMIS-2010-FogliP #collaboration #development #web- End-user Development for Knowledge Sharing — A Collaborative Web Mapping Application in the First Aid Domain (DF, LPP), pp. 5–14.
SEKE-2010-NunesBL #adaptation- An End-user Domain-specific Model to Drive Dynamic User Agents Adaptations (IN, SDJB, CJPdL), pp. 509–514.
RE-2010-SeyffGM #mobile #tool support #using- Using Mobile RE Tools to Give End-Users Their Own Voice (NS, FG, NAMM), pp. 37–46.
ICSE-2010-Roy #towards #web #web service- Towards end-user enabled web service consumption for Mashups (MR), pp. 413–416.
ICSE-2010-SeyffGM #requirements- End-user requirements blogging with iRequire (NS, FG, NAMM), pp. 285–288.
ICSE-2010-ShonleY #composition- Compose & conquer: modularity for end-users (MS, TTY), pp. 191–194.
LDTA-2010-Bagge #implementation- Language description for front end implementation (AHB), p. 9.
ICTSS-2010-ShinboTAHS #network #performance #testing- Practical End-to-End Performance Testing Tool for High Speed 3G-Based Networks (HS, AT, SA, TH, KS), pp. 205–220.
DATE-2009-Anghel #concurrent #development #topic- HOT TOPIC — Concurrent SoC development and end-to-end planning (LA), p. 430.
DATE-2009-SinghPHMM #embedded #power management- Single ended 6T SRAM with isolated read-port for low-power embedded systems (JS, DKP, SH, SPM, JM), pp. 917–922.
ICSM-2009-HolmesCWD #case study #source code- The end-to-end use of source code examples: An exploratory study (RH, RC, RJW, JD), pp. 555–558.
CHI-2009-SuhmP #experience- Call browser: a system to improve the caller experience by analyzing live calls end-to-end (BS, PP), pp. 1313–1322.
CHI-2009-ToomimDDRTL #user interface- Attaching UI enhancements to websites with end users (MT, SMD, MD, AR, BT, JAL), pp. 1859–1868.
HCD-2009-Seland #design #game studies #mobile #using- Empowering End Users in Design of Mobile Technology Using Role Play as a Method: Reflections on the Role-Play Conduction (GS), pp. 912–921.
HCI-VAD-2009-SaC #development #learning #mobile #personalisation #tool support- Supporting End-User Development of Personalized Mobile Learning Tools (MdS, LC), pp. 217–225.
HIMI-II-2009-BaeLLCKB #estimation- An End-to-End Proactive TCP Based on Available Bandwidth Estimation with Congestion Level Index (SB, DL, CL, JC, JK, SB), pp. 124–130.
EDOC-2009-RosenbergCMLD #approach #composition- An End-to-End Approach for QoS-Aware Service Composition (FR, PC, AM, PL, SD), pp. 151–160.
ICEIS-HCI-2009-AuerPB #development #user interface #visual notation- End-user Development in a Graphical user Interface Setting (MA, JP, SB), pp. 5–14.
ICEIS-J-2009-MullerKEHZ #as a service #enterprise #multitenancy- Customizing Enterprise Software as a Service Applications: Back-End Extension in a Multi-tenancy Environment (JM, JK, SE, MH, AZ), pp. 66–77.
ICEIS-J-2009-SpahnW #analysis #development #information management #problem- End-User Development for Individualized Information Management: Analysis of Problem Domains and Solution Approaches (MS, VW), pp. 843–857.
CIKM-2009-LiuLW #order- Post-rank reordering: resolving preference misalignments between search engines and end users (CL, ML, YMW), pp. 641–650.
GTTSE-2009-FritzscheG #model management #model transformation #performance- Model Transformation Chains and Model Management for End-to-End Performance Decision Support (MF, WG), pp. 345–363.
WICSA-2008-SousaSPB #design #monitoring #named- uDesign: End-User Design Applied to Monitoring and Control Applications for Smart Spaces (JPS, BRS, VP, AB), pp. 71–80.
CASE-2008-GuetaCAUO #configuration management #design #multi- Design of the end-effector tool attachment for robot arm with multiple reconfigurable goals (LBG, RC, TA, TU, JO), pp. 876–881.
CASE-2008-NummelaUSK #case study #industrial- Exploiting passive UHF RFID in paper industry — Case study: End user (JN, LU, LS, MK), pp. 436–441.
DAC-2008-MohalikRDRSPJ #analysis #embedded #latency #model checking #realtime- Model checking based analysis of end-to-end latency in embedded, real-time systems with clock drifts (SM, ACR, MGD, SR, PVS, PKP, SJ), pp. 296–299.
DATE-2008-BrisolaraORLCW #code generation #uml #using- Using UML as Front-end for Heterogeneous Software Code Generation Strategies (LBdB, MFdSO, RMR, LCL, LC, FRW), pp. 504–509.
DATE-2008-BuboltzK #network- Front End Device for Content Networking (JB, TK), pp. 1456–1461.
DATE-2008-GuiducciSGL #architecture #interface #novel- Novel Front-End Circuit Architectures for Integrated Bio-Electronic Interfaces (CG, AS, FKG, YL), pp. 1328–1333.
DATE-2008-RoyKM #named- EPIC: Ending Piracy of Integrated Circuits (JAR, FK, ILM), pp. 1069–1074.
DocEng-2008-PimentelCMT #documentation #editing #interactive #multi- End-user editing of interactive multimedia documents (MdGCP, RGC, ELM, CACT), pp. 298–301.
VLDB-2008-ChandramouliY #scalability- End-to-end support for joins in large-scale publish/subscribe systems (BC, JY), pp. 434–450.
AFL-2008-KuskeL #automation #graph #recursion- Euler paths and ends in automatic and recursive graphs (DK, ML), pp. 245–256.
CHI-2008-SubrahmaniyanBGBWNBDF #debugging #testing #what- Testing vs. code inspection vs. what else?: male and female end users’ debugging strategies (NS, LB, VG, MMB, SW, VN, KB, RD, XZF), pp. 617–626.
CHI-2008-TerryKVSP #named #open source- Ingimp: introducing instrumentation to an end-user open source application (MAT, MK, BVV, BS, TP), pp. 607–616.
CSCW-2008-PousmanRS #community #design #visualisation- Imprint, a community visualization of printer data: designing for open-ended engagement on sustainability (ZP, HR, JTS), pp. 13–16.
SOFTVIS-2008-SubrahmaniyanBB #visualisation- Software visualization for end-user programmers: trial period obstacles (NS, MMB, CB), pp. 135–144.
AdaEurope-2008-FahmyRJ #performance #realtime #scheduling #thread- Fast Scheduling of Distributable Real-Time Threads with Assured End-to-End Timeliness (SFF, BR, EDJ), pp. 211–225.
EDOC-2008-StoitsevS #architecture #process- An Architecture for End-User Driven Business Process Management (TS, SS), pp. 53–62.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-StoitsevSFM #architecture #composition #process- Architecture for End User-Driven Composition of Underspecified, Human-Centric Business Processes (TS, SS, FF, MM), pp. 165–172.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-StoitsevSFM08a #modelling #process #programming- Enabling end Users to Proactively Tailor Underspecified, Human-Centric Business Processes — “Programming by Example” of Weakly-Structured Process Models (TS, SS, FF, MM), pp. 38–46.
ICEIS-J-2008-StoitsevSFM08b #modelling #process #programming- Enabling End Users to Proactively Tailor Underspecified, Human-Centric Business Processes: “Programming by Example” of Weakly-Structured Process Models (TS, SS, FF, MM), pp. 307–320.
ICPR-2008-VillS #analysis #automation #classification- Automated stroke ending analysis for drawing tool classification (MCV, RS), pp. 1–4.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2008-Brodie- The End of the Computing Era: Hephaestus Meets the Olympians (MLB), p. 1.
FSE-2008-KoesnandarERHSS #metaprogramming #using #web- Using assertions to help end-user programmers create dependable web macros (AK, SGE, GR, LH, CS, KTS), pp. 124–134.
ICSE-2008-NiggemannS #modelling #why- Models for model’s sake: why explicit system models are also an end to themselves (ON, JS), pp. 561–570.
ICSE-2008-ScaffidiMS08a #tool support #validation- Tool support for data validation by end-user programmers (CS, BAM, MS), pp. 867–870.
CSL-2008-BlanquiJR #order- The Computability Path Ordering: The End of a Quest (FB, JPJ, AR), pp. 1–14.
DAC-2007-GuptaKKSS- Line-End Shortening is Not Always a Failure (PG, ABK, YK, SS, DS), pp. 270–271.
DAC-2007-LucasHE #library #named #realtime- FlexWAFE — A High-end Real-Time Stream Processing Library for FPGAs (AdCL, SH, RE), pp. 916–921.
DATE-2007-ChoudhuryRRM #interactive #memory management- Interactive presentation: Single-ended coding techniques for off-chip interconnects to commodity memory (MRC, KR, SR, KM), pp. 1072–1077.
DATE-2007-DasM #analysis- Sensitivity analysis for fault-analysis and tolerance in RF front-end circuitry (TD, PRM), pp. 1277–1282.
VLDB-2007-StonebrakerMAHHH #architecture- The End of an Architectural Era (It’s Time for a Complete Rewrite) (MS, SM, DJA, SH, NH, PH), pp. 1150–1160.
ICSM-2007-OlivetoAMH #challenge #traceability- Software Artefact Traceability: the Never-Ending Challenge (RO, GA, AM, JHH), pp. 485–488.
SAS-2007-NandivadaPP #evaluation #framework #verification- A Framework for End-to-End Verification and Evaluation of Register Allocators (VKN, FMQP, JP), pp. 153–169.
STOC-2007-ShaltielU #trade-off- Low-end uniform hardness vs. randomness tradeoffs for AM (RS, CU), pp. 430–439.
CHI-2007-WongH #programming #towards #web- Making mashups with marmite: towards end-user programming for the web (JW, JIH), pp. 1435–1444.
HCI-IPT-2007-MavrommatiD #bibliography #perspective #tool support- End User Tools for Ambient Intelligence Environments: An Overview (IM, JD), pp. 864–872.
MoDELS-2007-RenggliDK #approach #developer #named- Magritte — A Meta-driven Approach to Empower Developers and End Users (LR, SD, AK), pp. 106–120.
MoDELS-2007-RenggliDK #approach #developer #named- Magritte — A Meta-driven Approach to Empower Developers and End Users (LR, SD, AK), pp. 106–120.
RE-2007-Rashid #collaboration #named #requirements #specification #towards #visual notation- OpenProposal: Towards Collaborative End-User Participation in Requirements Management By Usage of Visual Requirement Specifications (AR), pp. 371–374.
ESEC-FSE-2007-AsuncionFT #industrial #traceability- An end-to-end industrial software traceability tool (HUA, FF, RNT), pp. 115–124.
ICSE-2007-AbrahamE #debugging #named #spreadsheet- GoalDebug: A Spreadsheet Debugger for End Users (RA, ME), pp. 251–260.
ICSE-2007-Kajko-Mattsson #maturity- Maturity Status within Front-End Support Organisations (MKM), pp. 652–663.
DAC-2006-GoffioulVDDC #consistency #design #object-oriented #using- Ensuring consistency during front-end design using an object-oriented interfacing tool called NETLISP (MG, GV, JVD, BD, BC), pp. 889–892.
DAC-2006-MokhoffZ #trade-off- Tradeoffs and choices for emerging SoCs in high-end applications (NM, YZ), p. 273.
DAC-2006-WangDC #approach #named #scheduling #tool support- ExtensiveSlackBalance: an approach to make front-end tools aware of clock skew scheduling (KW, LD, XC), pp. 951–954.
DATE-2006-ParkOPSH #embedded #source code- Dynamic code overlay of SDF-modeled programs on low-end embedded systems (HwP, KO, SP, MmS, SH), pp. 945–946.
DATE-DF-2006-SteenhofDNGL #architecture #network- Networks on chips for high-end consumer-electronics TV system architectures (FS, HD, BN, KG, RPL), pp. 148–153.
DocEng-2006-CesarBJ #documentation #multi- Benefits of structured multimedia documents in IDTV: the end-user enrichment system (PC, DCAB, AJJ), pp. 176–178.
SIGMOD-2006-DalyMWFFGZ #ad hoc #named- PADS: an end-to-end system for processing ad hoc data (MD, YM, DW, MFF, KF, RG, XZ), pp. 727–729.
ITiCSE-2006-BerginLOM #programming- The first programming course: ideas to end the enrollment decline (JB, RL, BBO, MFM), pp. 301–302.
CSMR-2006-Kajko-Mattsson #evaluation #industrial #problem- Evaluation of CM3: Front-End Problem Management within Industry (MKM), pp. 367–368.
DLT-2006-Lakshmanan- End-Marked Maximal Depth-First Contextual Grammars (LK), pp. 339–350.
FM-2006-BlazyDL #c #compilation #verification- Formal Verification of a C Compiler Front-End (SB, ZD, XL), pp. 460–475.
CHI-2006-BeckwithKBWLBC #debugging #gender- Tinkering and gender in end-user programmers’ debugging (LB, CK, MMB, SW, JL, AFB, CRC), pp. 231–240.
CAiSE-2006-ValderasPP #approach #development #towards #web- Towards an End-User Development Approach for Web Engineering Methods (PV, VP, OP), pp. 528–543.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-EinigTP #editing #ontology #visual notation- Managing the Knowledge Needed to Support an Electronic Personal Assistant — An End-User Friendly Graphical Ontology Editing Tool (ME, RT, GP), pp. 304–309.
ICPR-v4-2006-Choi #cumulative #recognition #robust #speech #using- A Noise Robust Front-end for Speech Recognition Using Hough Transform and Cumulative Distribution Mapping (EHCC), pp. 286–289.
POPL-2006-Leroy #certification #compilation #programming #proving- Formal certification of a compiler back-end or: programming a compiler with a proof assistant (XL), pp. 42–54.
RE-2006-Rosson #requirements- End Users Who Meet Their Own Requirements (MBR), p. 2.
SAC-2006-AgiusA #case study #experience #user interface- MPEG-7 in action: end user experiences with COSMOS-7 front end systems (HWA, MCA), pp. 1348–1355.
SAC-2006-ChongL #using- An extension of dead end elimination for protein side-chain conformation using merge-decoupling (KFC, HWL), pp. 195–199.
DATE-2005-GielenDCDJMV #design #question- Analog and Digital Circuit Design in 65 nm CMOS: End of the Road? (GGEG, WD, PC, DD, EJ, KM, TV), pp. 36–42.
HT-2005-RubartW #modelling- Supporting joint modeling by end users (JR, WW), pp. 270–272.
FM-2005-BuchholtzGHM #analysis #framework #performance #security- End-to-End Integrated Security and Performance Analysis on the DEGAS Choreographer Platform (MB, SG, VH, CM), pp. 286–301.
CHI-2005-BeckwithBWCSH #debugging #effectiveness #gender #question- Effectiveness of end-user debugging software features: are there gender issues? (LB, MMB, SW, CRC, SS, MH), pp. 869–878.
ICEIS-v2-2005-Hakansson #comprehension #problem- Transferring Problem Solving Strategies from the Expert to the End Users — Supporting Understanding (AH), pp. 3–10.
SAC-2005-Atterer #tool support #web- Where web engineering tool support ends: building usable websites (RA), pp. 1684–1688.
ICSE-2005-RuthruffBR #empirical #fault #locality- An empirical study of fault localization for end-user programmers (JRR, MMB, GR), pp. 352–361.
SOSP-2005-CostaCCRZZB #internet #named- Vigilante: end-to-end containment of internet worms (MC, JC, MC, AITR, LZ, LZ, PB), pp. 133–147.
DATE-DF-2004-BonaZZ #industrial #modelling #simulation- System Level Power Modeling and Simulation of High-End Industrial Network-on-Chip (AB, VZ, RZ), pp. 318–323.
DATE-DF-2004-Tissafi-DrissiOG #automation #design #framework #multi #named #performance- RUNE: Platform for Automated Design of Integrated Multi-Domain Systems. Application to High-Speed CMOS Photoreceiver Front-Ends (FTD, IO, FG), pp. 16–21.
DATE-v1-2004-MartensG #architecture #design- A Phase-Frequency Transfer Description of Analog and Mixed-Signal Front-End Architectures for System-Level Design (EM, GGEG), pp. 436–441.
DATE-v1-2004-NagariN #algorithm #multi- A 2.7V 350muW 11-b Algorithmic Analog-to-Digital Converter with Single-Ended Multiplexed Inputs (AN, GN), pp. 76–81.
HT-2004-MartinTA- The end-point is not enough (DM, MT, HA), pp. 128–129.
SCAM-2004-Rothermel #analysis #source code #using- Using Source-Code Analysis to Help End-User Programmers Create Dependable Software (GR), p. 3.
STOC-2004-AwerbuchK #adaptation #distributed #feedback #geometry #learning- Adaptive routing with end-to-end feedback: distributed learning and geometric approaches (BA, RDK), pp. 45–53.
CHI-2004-RobertsonPBCRBP #debugging- Impact of interruption style on end-user debugging (TJR, SP, MMB, CRC, JRR, LB, AP), pp. 287–294.
CHI-2004-SvanaesS #design #game studies #mobile #prototype- Putting the users center stage: role playing and low-fi prototyping enable end users to design mobile systems (DS, GS), pp. 479–486.
CSCW-2004-HaakeHSBL- End-user controlled group formation and access rights management in a shared workspace system (JMH, AH, TS, MB, BL), pp. 554–563.
ICEIS-v4-2004-LimaEMFC #data mining #information management #mining #web- Archcollect Front-End: A Web Usage Data Mining Knowledge Acquisition Mechanism Focused on Static or Dynamic Contenting Applications (JdCL, AAAE, JGdM, BF, TGdSC), pp. 258–262.
SAC-2004-LimaLS #category theory #combinator #haskell #multi- A back-end for GHC based on categorical multi-combinators (RMFL, RDL, ALMS), pp. 1482–1489.
SAC-2004-MitsosAK #case study- A study for provisioning of QoS web-based services to the end-user (YM, FA, DK), pp. 318–321.
SAC-2004-PutthividhyaTTW- Core selection with end-to-end QoS support (WP, MT, WT, JSW), pp. 328–333.
ASE-2003-Moore #communication #requirements #user interface #using- Communicating Requirements Using End-User GUI Constructions with Argumentation (JMM), pp. 360–363.
DAC-2003-Hooijmans #roadmap- RF front end application and technology trends (PWH), pp. 73–78.
ITiCSE-2003-KurhilaMNFT #learning #peer-to-peer #web- Peer-to-peer learning with open-ended writable Web (JK, MM, PN, PF, HT), pp. 173–177.
IWPC-2003-HennessyMP #comprehension #named #tool support #xml- gccXfront: Exploiting gcc as a Front End for Program Comprehension Tools via XML/XSLT (MH, BAM, JFP), p. 298–?.
SCAM-2003-OlmosV #compilation #dynamic typing #static typing #type system- Turning Dynamic Typing into Static Typing by Program Specialization in a Compiler Front-end for Octave (KO, EV), pp. 141–150.
PLDI-2003-ChenWAF #optimisation- A provably sound TAL for back-end optimization (JC, DW, AWA, HF), pp. 208–219.
CHI-2003-WilsonBBGCCDR #correctness #programming- Harnessing curiosity to increase correctness in end-user programming (AW, MMB, LB, OG, LC, CRC, MD, GR), pp. 305–312.
SOFTVIS-2003-RuthruffCBCPFM #fault #locality #visualisation- End-User Software Visualizations for Fault Localization (JRR, EC, MMB, CRC, SP, MFI, MM), pp. 123–132.
VISSOFT-2003-ChartersTM #question #visualisation- The end of the line for Software Visualisation? (SMC, NT, MM), pp. 110–112.
ICEIS-v3-2003-Heng- Beyond End Users Computing (MSHH), pp. 594–598.
SEKE-2003-CostagliolaMF #3d #developer #evaluation #perspective #web- An Evaluation of Web3d Technologies from Developer’s and End-User’s Point of View (GC, SDM, FF), pp. 25–32.
ICSE-2003-BurnettCPRSW #paradigm #re-engineering #spreadsheet- End-User Software Engineering with Assertions in the Spreadsheet Paradigm (MMB, CRC, OP, GR, JS, CSW), pp. 93–105.
HPCA-2003-El-MoursyA #performance #policy #smt- Front-End Policies for Improved Issue Efficiency in SMT Processors (AEM, DHA), pp. 31–40.
LCTES-2003-SchultzBCK #compilation #embedded #java- Compiling java for low-end embedded systems (UPS, KB, FGC, JLK), pp. 42–50.
DATE-2002-BaldiniBPMT #functional #uml- Beyond UML to an End-of-Line Functional Test Engine (AB, AB, PP, SM, AT), pp. 499–503.
DATE-2002-ChelceaNBE #synthesis- A Burst-Mode Oriented Back-End for the Balsa Synthesis System (TC, SMN, AB, DAE), pp. 330–337.
DATE-2002-GoffioulWVD #analysis #approach #architecture #using- Analysis of Nonlinearities in RF Front-End Architectures Using a Modified Volterra Series Approach (MG, PW, GV, SD), pp. 352–356.
CSEET-2002-DanielsFN #student- Open Ended Group Projects, Motivating Students and Preparing them for the “Real World” (MD, XF, IN), pp. 128–139.
ICPR-v2-2002-MielikainenK #image #integer #multi- Improved Back End for Integer PCA and Wavelet Transforms for Lossless Compression of Multispectral Images (JM, AK), pp. 257–260.
VLDB-2001-MorishimaKKT #approach #data-driven #repository #xml- Enabling End-users to Construct Data-intensive Web-sites from XML Repositories: An Example-based Approach (AM, SK, HK, ST), pp. 703–704.
FLOPS-J1-1998-Tsukada01 #framework #type system- Martin-Löf’s Type Theory as an Open-Ended Framework (YT), pp. 31–67.
CHI-2001-BuyukkoktenGP #summary- Accordion summarization for end-game browsing on PDAs and cellular phones (OB, HGM, AP), pp. 213–220.
EDOC-2001-BaiTSLP #distributed #testing- Distributed End-to-End Testing Management (XB, WTT, TS, BL, RAP), pp. 140–151.
ICEIS-v1-2001-MedinaT #tool support- Front-End Tools in Data Warehousing: Informix Metacube (ROLAP) vs. Cognos Powerplay (MOLAP) (EM, JT), pp. 10–18.
LDTA-2001-HedinM #implementation #jastadd #named- JastAdd — a Java-based system for implementing front ends (GH, EM), pp. 59–78.
HPDC-2001-SanderAFR #network #policy- End-to-End Provision of Policy Information for Network QoS (VS, WAA, ITF, AJR), pp. 115–126.
CAV-2001-AmlaEKN #diagrams #model checking #named #performance- Rtdt: A Front-End for Efficient Model Checking of Synchronous Timing Diagrams (NA, EAE, RPK, KSN), pp. 387–390.
DAC-2000-VandersteenWRDDEB #data flow #performance #simulation- A methodology for efficient high-level dataflow simulation of mixed-signal front-ends of digital telecom transceivers (GV, PW, YR, PD, SD, ME, IB), pp. 440–445.
DATE-2000-CarroSNJF #component- Non-Linear Components for Mixed Circuits Analog Front-End (LC, AAdSJ, MN, GPJ, DTF), pp. 544–549.
ICEIS-2000-ChesneyF #modelling #requirements- Increasing End User Involvement in Requirements Modelling in Small Organisations (TC, HF), pp. 248–252.
ICPR-v1-2000-TesserP #automation- RoadFinder Front End: An Automated Road Extraction System (HT, TP), pp. 1338–1341.
ECOOP-2000-OgawaSMMSK #compilation #framework #java #jit #named- OpenJIT: An Open-Ended, Reflective JIT Compiler Framework for Java (HO, KS, SM, FM, YS, YK), pp. 362–387.
ICSE-2000-BirbilisKKTV #architecture #named #programming- E-Slate: a software architectural style for end-user programming (GB, MK, KK, GT, GV), pp. 684–687.
CC-2000-Kim #compilation #embedded #optimisation- Advanced Compiler Optimization for Calm RISC8 Low-End Embedded Processor (DHK), pp. 173–188.
OSDI-2000-HowellK- End-to-End Authorization (JH, DK), pp. 151–164.
STOC-1999-AndrewsZ #requirements- Packet Routing with Arbitrary End-to-End Delay Requirements (MA, LZ), pp. 557–565.
HCI-CCAD-1999-ChoCHP #scalability- Electronic commerce system supporting scalable and high end marketing facility (HC, HC, HH, SP), pp. 1162–1166.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-AnLWJCWC #corba #framework #ide #java- A Java/CORBA Based Universal Framework for Super Server User-End Integrated Environments (HA, HL, MW, YJ, ZC, FW, GC), pp. 336–341.
HPDC-1999-SchnaidtHFKJ #adaptation #independence #message passing #monitoring #performance- Passive, Domain-Independent, End-to-End Message Passing Performance Monitoring to Support Adaptive Applications in MSHN (MCS, DAH, JF, TK, DSJ), pp. 337–338.
DAC-1998-KalavadeM #embedded #estimation #performance- A Tool for Performance Estimation of Networked Embedded End-systems (AK, PM), pp. 257–262.
VLDB-1998-Orenstein #database- Starting (and Sometimes Ending) a Database Company (JAO), p. 698.
ACIR-1998-ManglanoBR #behaviour #evaluation #interface #modelling- Evaluation of Interfaces for IRS: Modelling End-User Searching Behaviour (VM, MB, SER).
ECOOP-1998-SaneSC #design #framework #optimisation- Framework Design for End-to-End Optimization (AS, AS, RHC), pp. 135–157.
SAC-1998-Sterling #clustering- Beowulf PC clusters: breaking the cost barrier to high end application computing (keynote address — abstract) (TLS), p. 1.
LCTES-1998-Choi #distributed #optimisation #realtime- End-to-End Optimization in Heterogeneous Distributed Real-Time Systems (SC), pp. 235–249.
EDTC-1997-DonnayGSKLB #interface #synthesis- High-level synthesis of analog sensor interface front-ends (SD, GGEG, WMCS, WK, DL, WvB), pp. 56–60.
ICFP-1997-Okasaki- Catenable Double-Ended Queues (CO), pp. 66–74.
HCI-CC-1997-SoongB #visual notation- Some Experimental Suggestions to Assist the Visually Handicapped End-Users to Navigate the Information Space (NLS, GB), pp. 433–436.
PLILP-1997-CarlssonOC #constraints #finite #theorem proving- An Open-Ended Finite Domain Constraint Solver (MC, GO, BC), pp. 191–206.
ICSE-1997-Yourdon #developer #re-engineering- Beyond Software Engineering: Ten Imperatives for the Successful Software Developer at the End of the Decade (Abstract) (EY), p. 538.
DAC-1996-PopescuM #design #verification- Innovative Verification Strategy Reduces Design Cycle Time for High-End Sparc Processor (VP, BM), pp. 311–314.
VLDB-1996-MiningGroup #data mining #mining #visualisation- MineSet(tm): A System for High-End Data Mining and Visualization, p. 595.
ICFP-1996-HardinMP #calculus #functional- Functional Back-Ends within the λσ Calculus (TH, LM, BP), pp. 25–33.
IFL-1996-BoquistJ #functional #lazy evaluation #optimisation- The GRIN Project: A Highly Optimising Back End for Lazy Functional Languages (UB, TJ), pp. 58–84.
HPDC-1996-HuardILY #adaptation #monitoring- Meeting QoS Guarantees by End-to-End QoS Monitoring and Adaptation (JFH, II, AAL, HY), pp. 348–355.
ICDAR-v2-1995-TakahashiM #clustering- A clustering method and radius tuning by end users (HT, KMM), pp. 698–701.
TACAS-1995-CleavelandMS #generative #tool support #verification- A Front-End Generator for Verification Tools (RC, EM, SS), pp. 153–173.
STOC-1995-KushilevitzOR #communication #polynomial- Log-space polynomial end-to-end communication (EK, RO, AR), pp. 559–568.
CHI-1995-CypherS #named #programming #simulation- KidSim: End User Programming of Simulations (AC, DCS), pp. 27–34.
CHI-1995-WiedenbeckZM #empirical #online- End-User Training: An Empirical Study Comparing On-Line Practice Methods (SW, PLZ, DSM), pp. 74–81.
SEKE-1995-Al-SaadoonTE #approach #composition #named #object-oriented- AURA-CFG/E: An Object-Oriented approach for Acquisition and Decomposition of DFDs from End users (OAAS, WTT, HEb), pp. 1–7.
SAC-1995-BhattM #distributed #fault tolerance #process- A front-end process for fault tolerant distributed systems (PB, RAM), pp. 411–414.
EDAC-1994-GevaertVNS- Switched Current Sigma-Delta A/D Converter for a CMOS Subscriber Line Analog Front End (DG, JV, JN, JS), pp. 75–79.
CHI-1994-EisenbergF94a #design #programmable #programming- Programmable design environments: integrating end-user programming with domain-oriented assistance (ME, GF), pp. 431–437.
AdaEurope-1994-HagelsteinB #requirements- A Front-End to HOOD — The Clyder Requirements Engineering Method (JH, DR), pp. 60–62.
KR-1994-Rao #formal method #recognition #towards- Means-End Plan Recognition — Towards a Theory of Reactive Recognition (ASR), pp. 497–508.
CC-1994-GeorgeGR #compilation #optimisation- A Portable and Optimizing Back End for the SML/NJ Compiler (LG, FG, JHR), pp. 83–97.
ICDAR-1993-Bai #multi #recognition #using- Multifont Chinese character recognition using side-stroke-end feature (GB), pp. 794–797.
CSM-1993-BriandMB #design #maintenance- Measuring and Assessing Maintainability at the End of High Level Design (LCB, SM, VRB), pp. 88–97.
PLILP-1993-CanaldaCDM #generative #named- PAGODE: a Back End Generator (PC, LC, AD, MM), pp. 410–411.
ICSE-1993-DrakeXTZ #analysis #approach #case study- Approach and Case Study of Requirement Analysis Where End Users Take an Active Role (JMD, WWX, WTT, IAZ), pp. 177–186.
DAC-1992-HuangD #compilation #pipes and filters #set #synthesis- High Level Synthesis of Pipelined Instruction Set Processors and Back-End Compilers (IJH, AMD), pp. 135–140.
HT-ECHT-1992-Coover #hypermedia #named- Hypertext: Beyond the End of the Book (RC), p. 289.
CAiSE-1992-RossiGSJL #automation #editing #metamodelling- Metamodeling Editor as a Front End Tool for a CASE Shell (MR, MG, KS, LÅJ, KL), pp. 546–567.
SIGIR-1992-Allen #difference- Cognitive Differences in End User Searching of a CD-ROM Index (BA), pp. 298–309.
ICSE-1992-Devanbu #independence #named- GENOA: A Customizable Language- and Front-End Independent Code Analyzer (PTD), pp. 307–317.
VDME-1991-1-PlatPV- The Delft VDM-SL Front-End (NP, KP, MV), pp. 677–680.
CHI-1991-LaiM #lens- Object lens: letting end-users create cooperative work applications (KYL, TWM), pp. 425–426.
SIGMOD-1990-GyssensPG #database #user interface- A Graph-Oriented Object Model for Database End-User Interfaces (MG, JP, DVG), pp. 24–33.
CHI-1990-FischerG #design- End-user modifiability in design environments (GF, AG), pp. 183–192.
CSCW-1990-Clement #social- Cooperative Support for Computer Work: A Social Perspective on the Empowering of End Users (AC), pp. 223–236.
WAGA-1990-KellerM #ada- An OPTRAN-generated Front-End for Ada (PK, TM), pp. 266–283.
CC-1990-DesplandMR #generative #named #term rewriting #using- PAGODE: A Back End Generator Using Attribute Abstract Syntaxes and Term Rewritings (AD, MM, RR), pp. 86–105.
PLDI-1989-EmmelmannSL #generative #named #performance- BEG — A Generator for Efficient Back Ends (HE, FWS, RL), pp. 227–237.
ML-1989-YangF #clustering #concept- Conceptual Clustering of Mean-Ends Plans (HY, DHF), pp. 232–234.
VLDB-1988-PuKH #process #transaction- Split-Transactions for Open-Ended Activities (CP, GEK, NCH), pp. 26–37.
LFP-1988-QueinnecC #data transformation #lisp #representation- An Open-Ended Data Representation Model for EU_LISP (CQ, PC), pp. 298–308.
CCHSC-1988-Grosch #generative #performance- Generators for High-Speed Front-Ends (JG), pp. 81–92.
DAC-1987-Pachter #automation #design #standard- Design Automation Standards — Perspectives from a Down-the-Road End User (RJP), pp. 563–564.
HCI-CE-1987-Gutierrez #elicitation #requirements #simulation- A System Simulation System to Support the Elicitation of Information Requirements by End-Users (OG), pp. 529–536.
VLDB-1985-Gregor #named #relational #semantics- ARIEL — A Semantic Front-End to Relational DBMSs (RMM), pp. 305–315.
SIGMOD-1984-JarkeCV #optimisation #prolog #query #relational- An Optimizing Prolog Front-End to a Relational Query System (MJ, JC, YV), pp. 296–306.
SIGMOD-1984-TsurZ #implementation #relational #semantics- An Implementation of GEM — Supporting a Semantic Data Model on a Relational Back-End (ST, CZ), pp. 286–295.
VLDB-1984-Tagg #automation #database #scalability- End User Access to Very Large Databases in an Automated Office/Workstation Environment (RMT), pp. 272–279.
SIGIR-1984-LaenderS #database #interactive- An Interactive Database End-User Facility for the Definition and Manipulation of Forms (AHFL, PMS), pp. 41–54.
DAC-1983-RubinH #design #logic- A logic design front-end for improved engineering productivity (FR, PWH), pp. 239–245.
SIGIR-1983-Borgman #behaviour #information retrieval #monitoring #online- End User Behavior on an Online Information Retrieval System: A Computer Monitoring Study (CLB), pp. 162–176.
SIGIR-1983-Pollitt #approach #rule-based- End User Touch Searching for Cancer Therapy Literature: A Rule-Based Approach (ASP), pp. 136–145.
SOSP-1983-RichardsonN- The TRIPOS Filing Machine, a Front End to a File Server (MFR, RMN), pp. 120–128.
SCC-1982-Baker #ada- A Single-Pass Syntax-Directed Front End for Ada (TPB), pp. 318–326.
VLDB-1981-ArmisenC #database- A Commercial Back-End Data Base System (JPA, JYC), pp. 56–65.
STOC-1981-MullerS #automaton #graph #higher-order #logic #problem #reachability- Pushdown Automata, Graphs, Ends, Second-Order Logic, and Reachability Problems (DEM, PES), pp. 46–54.
STOC-1979-Kosaraju79aa #realtime #simulation- Real-Time Simulation of Concatenable Double-Ended Queues by Double-Ended Queues (Preliminary Version) (SRK), pp. 346–351.
VLDB-1978-Johnson #question #what- What End-User Facilities do we Need? (FEJ), p. 126.
VLDB-1978-KamenyWCBGB #data transformation #interface #named- EUFID: The End User Friendly Interface to Data Management Systems (IK, JW, MC, JB, RG, DB), pp. 380–391.
SIGMOD-1977-SorensonW #named- PICASSO — An Aid to an End-User Facility (PGS, JAW), pp. 30–39.
VLDB-1977-SpathS #architecture #database #relational- A Generalized End-User Facility Architecture for Relational Database Systems (CRS, LSS), pp. 359–369.
VLDB-1975-Tsubaki #database #multi- Multi-Level Data Model in DPLS — Database, Dynamic Program Control & Open-Ended Pol Support (MT), pp. 538–539.
STOC-1973-Pratt #parallel #permutation- Computing Permutations with Double-Ended Queues, Parallel Stacks and Parallel Queues (VRP), pp. 268–277.
LISP-1963-Weizenbaum #compilation- Open Ended compilation (JW), p. 12.