Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Korea
1 × Switzerland
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.J.Haas ∅ M.Stonebraker V.Markl Y.Sismanis B.Reinwald I.F.Ilyas A.Aboulnaga M.J.Carey D.J.DeWitt J.F.Naughton M.Asgarian J.Gehrke D.Shah M.Altinel S.Cline R.Kartha E.Louie L.Mau Y.Ng D.E.Simmen A.Singh
Talks about:
discoveri (3) data (3) automat (2) relat (2) constraint (1) implement (1) benchmark (1) intranet (1) function (1) composit (1)
Person: Paul Brown
DBLP: Brown:Paul
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- VLDB-2007-AltinelBCKLMMNSS #intranet #named
- DAMIA — A Data Mashup Fabric for Intranet Applications (MA, PB, SC, RK, EL, VM, LM, YHN, DES, AS), pp. 1370–1373.
- VLDB-2006-SismanisBHR #named #performance #scalability
- GORDIAN: Efficient and Scalable Discovery of Composite Keys (YS, PB, PJH, BR), pp. 691–702.
- SIGMOD-2004-IlyasMHBA #automation #correlation #dependence #functional #named
- CORDS: Automatic Discovery of Correlations and Soft Functional Dependencies (IFI, VM, PJH, PB, AA), pp. 647–658.
- VLDB-2003-HaasB #algebra #automation #constraints #fuzzy #named #relational
- BHUNT: Automatic Discovery of Fuzzy Algebraic Constraints in Relational Data (PB, PJH), pp. 668–679.
- SIGMOD-1999-Brown #implementation
- Implementing the Spirit of SQL-99 (PB), pp. 515–518.
- SIGMOD-1997-CareyDNAGS #benchmark #metric
- The BUCKY Object-Relational Benchmark (MJC, DJD, JFN, MA, PB, JG, DS), pp. 135–146.
- VLDB-1995-BrownS #named
- BigSur: A System For the Management of Earth Science Data (PB, MS), pp. 720–728.