Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Brazil
1 × Canada
1 × Cyprus
1 × Hungary
1 × Ireland
1 × South Korea
1 × Sweden
11 × USA
2 × France
2 × Portugal
2 × Spain
2 × United Kingdom
3 × Belgium
4 × Italy
Collaborated with:
∅ K.D.Bosschere V.Dahl D.Haraburda B.Luderman E.Figa B.Demoen B.P.Buckles A.K.Majumdar D.Hurt Q.Zhou A.Gupta S.Tyagi Y.Bekkers U.Neumerkel M.Boyer R.Mihalcea R.Li G.Engels A.Fall
Talks about:
program (12) prolog (12) logic (12) engin (8) continu (6) base (6) binari (5) type (5) term (5) arithmet (4)
Person: Paul Tarau
DBLP: Tarau:Paul
Contributed to:
Wrote 44 papers:
- ICLP-2015-Tarau #generative #on the
- On Type-directed Generation of λ Terms (PT), pp. 60–72.
- PADL-2015-Tarau #combinator #generative #logic programming #normalisation #on the #type inference
- On Logic Programming Representations of λ Terms: de Bruijn Indices, Compression, Type Inference, Combinatorial Generation, Normalization (PT), pp. 115–131.
- PPDP-2015-Tarau #combinator #on the #representation
- On a uniform representation of combinators, arithmetic, λ terms and types (PT), pp. 244–255.
- LATA-2014-Tarau #product line
- Computing with Catalan Families (PT), pp. 565–575.
- PADL-2014-Tarau #declarative #specification
- A Declarative Specification of Giant Number Arithmetic (PT), pp. 120–135.
- PPDP-2014-Tarau #encoding
- Bijective Collection Encodings and Boolean Operations with Hereditarily Binary Natural Numbers (PT), pp. 31–42.
- SAC-2014-TarauB #algorithm
- Arithmetic algorithms for hereditarily binary natural numbers (PT, BPB), pp. 1593–1600.
- ICLP-J-2013-Tarau #prolog
- Compact serialization of Prolog terms (with catalan skeletons, cantor tupling and Gödel numberings) (PT), pp. 847–861.
- ICLP-2012-Tarau #performance
- Deriving a Fast Inverse of the Generalized Cantor N-tupling Bijection (PT), pp. 312–322.
- PADL-2012-Tarau #declarative #specification
- A Declarative Specification of Tree-Based Symbolic Arithmetic Computations (PT), pp. 273–288.
- SAC-2012-TarauH #on the
- On computing with types (PT, DH), pp. 1889–1896.
- SAC-PL-J-2012-HaraburdaT13 #framework
- Binary trees as a computational framework (DH, PT), pp. 163–181.
- ISMM-2011-Tarau #memory management #multi #prolog
- Integrated symbol table, engine and heap memory management in multi-engine prolog (PT), pp. 129–138.
- PPDP-2010-Tarau #declarative #finite #modelling
- Declarative modeling of finite mathematics (PT), pp. 131–142.
- PADL-2009-TarauM #logic
- Interoperating Logic Engines (PT, AKM), pp. 137–151.
- PPDP-2009-Tarau #data transformation #declarative #embedded #model transformation #transformation language
- An embedded declarative data transformation language (PT), pp. 171–182.
- SAC-2009-Tarau #data type #finite #haskell #morphism
- Isomorphisms, hylomorphisms and hereditarily finite data types in Haskell (PT), pp. 1898–1902.
- ICLP-2008-Tarau #logic
- Logic Engines as Interactors (PT), pp. 703–707.
- SAC-2008-TarauL #synthesis
- Revisiting exact combinational circuit synthesis (PT, BL), pp. 1758–1759.
- ICLP-2007-TarauL #framework #logic programming #synthesis
- A Logic Programming Framework for Combinational Circuit Synthesis (PT, BL), pp. 180–194.
- SAC-2005-HurtT #communication #effectiveness #empirical #evaluation #multi
- An empirical evaluation of communication effectiveness in autonomous reactive multiagent systems (DH, PT), pp. 74–78.
- SAC-2005-Tarau #logic programming
- Agent oriented logic programming in Jinni 2004 (PT), pp. 1427–1428.
- SAC-2005-TarauMF #documentation #rank #semantics
- Semantic document engineering with WordNet and PageRank (PT, RM, EF), pp. 782–786.
- ICLP-2004-Tarau #logic programming
- Agent Oriented Logic Programming Constructs in Jinni 2004 (PT), pp. 477–478.
- SAC-2004-TarauF #knowledge-based
- Knowledge-based conversational agents and virtual storytelling (PT, EF), pp. 39–44.
- PADL-2003-ZhouT #algorithm #garbage collection #prolog
- Garbage Collection Algorithms for Java-Based Prolog Engines (QZ, PT), pp. 304–319.
- PADL-2001-GuptaT #generative #logic programming #web
- Logic Programming Techniques for Dynamic VRML Web Content Generation (AG, PT), pp. 93–107.
- PADL-2001-TyagiT #algorithm #interface #prolog
- A Most Specific Method Finding Algorithm for Reflection Based Dynamic Prolog-to-Java Interfaces (ST, PT), pp. 322–336.
- CL-2000-Tarau #named #prolog #refactoring
- Fluents: A Refactoring of Prolog for Uniform Reflection an Interoperation with External Objects (PT), pp. 1225–1239.
- ICLP-1997-DahlTL #natural language
- Assumption Grammars for Processing Natural Language (VD, PT, RL), pp. 256–270.
- ILPS-1997-Tarau #internet #logic programming #tool support
- Logic Programming Tools for Advanced Internet Programming (PT), pp. 33–34.
- SAC-1996-DemoenET #garbage collection #order #prolog
- Segment order preserving copying garbage collection for WAM based Prolog (BD, GE, PT), pp. 380–386.
- ILPS-1995-BekkersT #logic programming #monad
- Monadic Constructs for Logic Programming (YB, PT), pp. 51–65.
- ILPS-1995-TarauDF #backtracking #continuation #linear
- Backtrackable State with Linear Assumptions, Continuations and Hidden Accumulator Grammars (PT, VD, AF), p. 642.
- SAC-1995-TarauDB #empirical #power of #prolog
- The power of partial tanslation: an experiment with the C-ification of binary Prolog (PT, BD, KDB), pp. 152–156.
- LOPSTR-1994-TarauD #continuation #first-order #logic programming
- Logic Programming and Logic Grammars with First-Order Continuations (PT, VD), pp. 215–230.
- PLILP-1994-TarauN #data transformation #novel #representation
- A Novel Term Compression Scheme and Data Representation in the BinWAM (PT, UN), pp. 73–87.
- SAC-1994-BosschereT #continuation #performance #prolog
- High performance continuation passing style Prolog-to-C mapping (KDB, PT), pp. 383–387.
- ILPS-1993-BosschereT #parallel #programming #prolog
- Blackboard-based Extensions for Parallel Programming in BinProlog (KDB, PT), p. 664.
- ILPS-1993-Tarau #continuation #performance #source code
- An Efficient Specialization of the WAM for Continuation Passing Binary Programs (PT), p. 652.
- LOPSTR-1993-TarauB #delphi
- Memoing with Abstract Answers and Delphi Lemmas (PT, KDB), pp. 196–209.
- IWMM-1992-Tarau #continuation #memory management #prolog
- Ecological Memory Management in a Continuation Passing Prolog Engine (PT), pp. 344–356.
- PLILP-1992-Tarau #continuation #named #prolog
- BinProlog: a Continuation Passing Style Prolog Engine (PT), pp. 479–480.
- PLILP-1990-TarauB #logic programming #source code
- Elementary Logic Programs (PT, MB), pp. 159–173.