Collaborated with:
Sven Seele R.Herpers C.Bauckhage Thomas Dettmar Tobias Haubrich Steffen Kampmann
Talks about:
virtual (2) simul (2) agent (2) mesoscop (1) intellig (1) behavior (1) traffic (1) synthet (1) persist (1) percept (1)
Person: Peter Becker 0001
DBLP: 0001:Peter_Becker
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- VS-Games-2013-DettmarSHBB #3d #game studies #performance #persistent #simulation
- Efficient Mesoscopic Simulations for Persistent Agents in 3D-Applications and Games (TD, SS, RH, PB0, CB), pp. 1–8.
- CHI-PLAY-2014-HaubrichSHBB
- Synthetic perception for intelligent virtual agents (TH, SS, RH, CB, PB0), pp. 421–422.
- CIG-2015-KampmannSHBB #automation #behaviour #parametricity #simulation
- Automatic mapping of human behavior data to personality model parameters for traffic simulations in virtual environments (SK, SS, RH, PB0, CB), pp. 336–343.