Travelled to:
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.S.Sohi K.Chakraborty
Talks about:
multicor (2) system (2) intermitt (1) workload (1) instruct (1) special (1) reliabl (1) hardwar (1) strike (1) spread (1)
Person: Philip M. Wells
DBLP: Wells:Philip_M=
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ASPLOS-2009-WellsCS #manycore #reliability
- Mixed-mode multicore reliability (PMW, KC, GSS), pp. 169–180.
- ASPLOS-2008-WellsCS #adaptation #fault #manycore
- Adapting to intermittent faults in multicore systems (PMW, KC, GSS), pp. 255–264.
- HPCA-2008-WellsS
- Serializing instructions in system-intensive workloads: Amdahl’s Law strikes again (PMW, GSS), pp. 264–275.
- ASPLOS-2006-ChakrabortyWS #hardware #migration #on the fly
- Computation spreading: employing hardware migration to specialize CMP cores on-the-fly (KC, PMW, GSS), pp. 283–292.