246 papers:
DATE-2015-ParkAHYL #big data #energy #gpu #low cost #memory management #performance- Memory fast-forward: a low cost special function unit to enhance energy efficiency in GPU for big data processing (EP, JA, SH, SY, SL), pp. 1341–1346.
ICSME-2015-MedicherlaKN #specification #using #verification- Program specialization and verification using file format specifications (RKM, RK, SN), pp. 191–200.
CHI-2015-AmmariS15a #facebook- Networked Empowerment on Facebook Groups for Parents of Children with Special Needs (TA, SYS), pp. 2805–2814.
PPDP-2015-AngelisFPP #generative #semantics #verification- Semantics-based generation of verification conditions by program specialization (EDA, FF, AP, MP), pp. 91–102.
DATE-2014-RuhrmairSB #how- Special session: How secure are PUFs really? On the reach and limits of recent PUF attacks (UR, US, WB), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-ShiC #named- Memcomputing: The cape of good hope: [Extended special session description] (YS, HMC), pp. 1–3.
PEPM-J-2013-AngelisFPP14 #verification- Program verification via iterated specialization (EDA, FF, AP, MP), pp. 149–175.
PLDI-2014-AungHJR #slicing- Specialization slicing (MA, SH, RJ, TWR), p. 19.
CSCW-2014-ChangKGT #gender #social- Specialization, homophily, and gender in a social curation site: findings from pinterest (SC, VK, EG, LGT), pp. 674–686.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-CagiltayCKCA #education #usability- Innovative Educational Technology for Special Education and Usability Issues (KÇ, FÇ, NK, HC, GKA), pp. 155–163.
KDD-2014-BiKWC #resource management #topic- Who are experts specializing in landscape photography?: analyzing topic-specific authority on content sharing services (BB, BK, CW, JC), pp. 1506–1515.
RecSys-2014-AdamopoulosT14a #bias #collaboration #on the #probability #recommendation- On over-specialization and concentration bias of recommendations: probabilistic neighborhood selection in collaborative filtering systems (PA, AT), pp. 153–160.
GPCE-2014-DanilewskiKLMS #staging- Specialization through dynamic staging (PD, MK, RL, RM, PS), pp. 103–112.
GPCE-2014-JarviFH #constraints #data flow #multi- Specializing planners for hierarchical multi-way dataflow constraint systems (JJ, GF, MH), pp. 1–10.
GPCE-2014-KaminGAXYC #multi #optimisation #runtime- Optimization by runtime specialization for sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SK, MJG, BA, DX, BY, ZC), pp. 93–102.
GPCE-2014-SteindorferV #memory management #performance- Code specialization for memory efficient hash tries (short paper) (MJS, JJV), pp. 11–14.
ASPLOS-2014-Wood #architecture #named- Resolved: specialized architectures, languages, and system software should supplant general-purpose alternatives within a decade (DAW), pp. 653–654.
CGO-2014-WangWP #optimisation #reduction #virtual machine- Optimizing R VM: Allocation Removal and Path Length Reduction via Interpreter-level Specialization (HW, PW, DAP), p. 295.
PPoPP-2014-BauerTA #named #performance- Singe: leveraging warp specialization for high performance on GPUs (MB, ST, AA), pp. 119–130.
DAC-2013-GrossmanTBS #design #framework #simulation- The role of cascade, a cycle-based simulation infrastructure, in designing the anton special-purpose supercomputers (JPG, BT, JAB, DES), p. 9.
PEPM-2013-AngelisFPP #source code #verification- Verifying programs via iterated specialization (EDA, FF, AP, MP), pp. 43–52.
IFL-2013-GrelckW #adaptation #array #functional #generative #performance- Next Generation Asynchronous Adaptive Specialization for Data-Parallel Functional Array Processing in SAC: Accelerating the Availability of Specialized High Performance Code (CG, HW), p. 117.
HCI-AMTE-2013-ForbrigMZ #challenge #modelling #smarttech- Special Challenges for Models and Patterns in Smart Environments (PF, CM, MZ), pp. 340–349.
HIMI-HSM-2013-HeinCCMLG #coordination #simulation- Developing a High-Fidelity Simulation and Training to Improve Coordination between Aerospace Specializations (MH, PC, PC, RM, GL, AG), pp. 66–75.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-YaoS #design #visual notation- The Designing Expressions of the Special Visual Effect Film in the Digital Technology (THY, CYS), pp. 267–274.
ICML-c3-2013-GermainHLM #adaptation #approach #classification #linear- A PAC-Bayesian Approach for Domain Adaptation with Specialization to Linear Classifiers (PG, AH, FL, EM), pp. 738–746.
GPCE-2013-ChapinSSW #named #network #programming #staged- Scalaness/nesT: type specialized staged programming for sensor networks (PCC, CS, SFS, MW), pp. 135–144.
LOPSTR-2013-PoulsenM #composition #generative #semantics- Generating Specialized Interpreters for Modular Structural Operational Semantics (CBP, PDM), pp. 220–236.
ASPLOS-2013-OhKJLA #automation- Practical automatic loop specialization (TO, HK, NPJ, JWL, DIA), pp. 419–430.
CGO-2013-CostaASP- Just-in-time value specialization (IRdAC, PROA, HNS, FMQP), p. 11.
HPDC-2013-Shaw #named #simulation- Anton: a special-purpose machine that achieves a hundred-fold speedup in biomolecular simulations (DES), pp. 129–130.
PLDI-2012-WuTHCY #analysis #parallel #precise #source code- Sound and precise analysis of parallel programs through schedule specialization (JW, YT, GH, HC, JY), pp. 205–216.
LOPSTR-2012-AngelisFPP #model checking- Specialization with Constrained Generalization for Software Model Checking (EDA, FF, AP, MP), pp. 51–70.
SAC-2012-DamianiPW #object-oriented #programming #type system- A type system for checking specialization of packages in object-oriented programming (FD, APH, YW), pp. 1737–1742.
CGO-2012-ZhangDS #database #named- Micro-specialization: dynamic code specialization of database management systems (RZ, SD, RTS), pp. 63–73.
PPoPP-2012-WernsingS #automation #heuristic #manycore #named- RACECAR: a heuristic for automatic function specialization on multi-core heterogeneous systems (JRW, GS), pp. 321–322.
ICLP-2012-Angelis #model checking- Software Model Checking by Program Specialization (EDA), pp. 439–444.
DAC-2011-DensmoreHKSAWV #biology #design #synthesis- Joint DAC/IWBDA special session design and synthesis of biological circuits (DD, MH, SK, XS, AA, EW, CV), pp. 114–115.
DATE-2011-HuangWSLXL #embedded #low cost- A specialized low-cost vectorized loop buffer for embedded processors (LH, ZW, LS, HL, NX, CL), pp. 1200–1203.
CSEET-2011-WhiteC #design #implementation #online #re-engineering- The design and implementation of an innovative online program for a master of science degree in Computer Science — Software Engineering specialization (LJW, JWC), pp. 257–265.
SCAM-J-2009-Ross11 #editing #quality- Guest Editor’s Introduction to the Special Section on the 2009 Software Quality Management conference (MR), pp. 379–380.
CSMR-2011-HigoK #clone detection #dependence #detection #heuristic- Code Clone Detection on Specialized PDGs with Heuristics (YH, SK), pp. 75–84.
CHI-2011-ZarinF #design #interactive- Through the troll forest: exploring tabletop interaction design for children with special cognitive needs (RZ, DF), pp. 3319–3322.
HCI-DDA-2011-PeissnerSS #adaptation #approach #design pattern #user interface- A Design Patterns Approach to Adaptive User Interfaces for Users with Special Needs (MP, AS, DS), pp. 268–277.
KEOD-2011-HotzR- Thoughts about Structuralization, Specialization, Instantiation, and Metaization (LH, SvR), pp. 457–460.
LOPSTR-2011-FioravantiPPS #using- Using Real Relaxations during Program Specialization (FF, AP, MP, VS), pp. 106–122.
HPCA-2011-GovindarajuHS #energy #performance- Dynamically Specialized Datapaths for energy efficient computing (VG, CHH, KS), pp. 503–514.
CAV-2011-ChinGVLCQ #calculus #verification- A Specialization Calculus for Pruning Disjunctive Predicates to Support Verification (WNC, CG, RV, QLL, FC, SQ), pp. 293–309.
DAC-2010-Ababei #design #modelling #network #optimisation #using- Network on chip design and optimization using specialized influence models (CA), pp. 625–626.
DAC-2010-RiedelHWSAM #biology- Joint DAC/IWBDA special session engineering biology: fundamentals and applications (MR, SH, RW, PS, JCA, RMM), pp. 220–221.
DATE-2010-ZhangDYMZKCPS #code generation #compilation #evaluation- A special-purpose compiler for look-up table and code generation for function evaluation (YZ, LD, PY, SPM, HZ, MTK, CC, NP, XS), pp. 1130–1135.
CIKM-2010-LiLBZ #optimisation #ranking #web- Optimizing unified loss for web ranking specialization (FL, XL, JB, ZZ), pp. 1593–1596.
ICPR-2010-Chicheva #2d #algorithm #data transformation #parallel #representation- Parallel Algorithm of Two-Dimensional Discrete Cosine Transform Based on Special Data Representation (MAC), pp. 2326–2328.
LOPSTR-2010-FioravantiPPS #evaluation #infinity #verification- Program Specialization for Verifying Infinite State Systems: An Experimental Evaluation (FF, AP, MP, VS), pp. 164–183.
SLE-2010-BakCW #metamodelling- Feature and Meta-Models in Clafer: Mixed, Specialized, and Coupled (KB, KC, AW), pp. 102–122.
CC-2010-Chevalier-BoisvertHV #matlab #optimisation- Optimizing Matlab through Just-In-Time Specialization (MCB, LJH, CV), pp. 46–65.
ICLP-2010-Fierens10 #logic #modelling #performance #probability- Improving the Efficiency of Gibbs Sampling for Probabilistic Logical Models by Means of Program Specialization (DF), pp. 74–83.
PEPM-2009-EversK #automation #network- Partially evaluated sensor networks: automatic specialization for heterogeneous wireless sensor & actuator networks (LE, JK), pp. 73–80.
PEPM-2009-MatsudaHT #type system #xml- Type-based specialization of xml transformations (KM, ZH, MT), pp. 61–72.
PLDI-2009-GalESAMHKHZORSRBCF- Trace-based just-in-time type specialization for dynamic languages (AG, BE, MS, DA, DM, MRH, BK, GH, BZ, JO, JR, EWS, RR, MB, MC, MF), pp. 465–478.
LATA-2009-DassowT #petri net- Grammars Controlled by Special Petri Nets (JD, ST), pp. 326–337.
DHM-2009-Weber #algorithm- Intelligent Motion Tracking by Combining Specialized Algorithms (MW), pp. 170–179.
CIKM-2009-KementsietsidisW #evaluation #query #question #what- Provenance query evaluation: what’s so special about it? (AK, MW), pp. 681–690.
KMIS-2009-VinandPPV #design- Managing Engineering Knowledge in Special Machine Design Companies (PEV, FP, GP, FV), pp. 123–128.
CC-2009-VasudevanTDE #analysis #concurrent #source code- Compile-Time Analysis and Specialization of Clocks in Concurrent Programs (NV, OT, JD, SAE), pp. 48–62.
HPCA-2009-YehiaGBT #flexibility- Reconciling specialization and flexibility through compound circuits (SY, SG, HB, OT), pp. 277–288.
SAT-2009-Nieuwenhuis #algorithm #modulo theories #satisfiability- SAT Modulo Theories: Enhancing SAT with Special-Purpose Algorithms (RN), p. 1.
PEPM-2008-PopeeaXC #array #bound #precise- A practical and precise inference and specializer for array bound checks elimination (CP, DNX, WNC), pp. 177–187.
PEPM-2008-ZhuK #library #using- Specialization for applications using shared libraries (PZ, SCK), pp. 159–168.
SEFM-2008-DjokoDF #aspect-oriented- Specialized Aspect Languages Preserving Classes of Properties (SDD, RD, PF), pp. 227–236.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-BiscarriMLGBM #data mining #mining #variability- A Data Mining Method Based on the Variability of the Customer Consumption — A Special Application on Electric Utility Companies (FB, IM, CL, JIG, JB, RM), pp. 370–374.
CIKM-2008-LuoTYW #information retrieval #named- MedSearch: a specialized search engine for medical information retrieval (GL, CT, HY, XW), pp. 143–152.
SAC-2008-KhanCB #optimisation- Optimizing code through iterative specialization (MAK, HPC, DB), pp. 206–210.
HPCA-2008-KuskinYGBDDS #flexibility #simulation- Incorporating flexibility in Anton, a specialized machine for molecular dynamics simulation (JK, CY, JPG, BB, MMD, ROD, DES), pp. 343–354.
HPCA-2008-LarsonSDDYGSKS #interactive #simulation- High-throughput pairwise point interactions in Anton, a specialized machine for molecular dynamics simulation (RHL, JKS, ROD, MMD, CY, JPG, YS, JLK, DES), pp. 331–342.
ISMM-2008-PizloPS #execution- Path specialization: reducing phased execution overheads (FP, EP, BS), pp. 81–90.
CASE-2007-Tomas-RodriguezS #automation #modelling- Automated Modeling of Rotorcraft Dynamics with Special Reference to Autosim (MTR, RSS), pp. 974–979.
CSEET-2007-MeadHMRS #on the #re-engineering #source code- On the Feasibility of Specialization within Software Engineering Degree Programs (NRM, TBH, JM, MR, DS), pp. 362–366.
PEPM-2007-ZhuK #component #reuse #towards- Towards constructing reusable specialization components (PZ, SCK), pp. 154–163.
HCI-IDU-2007-EschenbrennerN #identification #information management #what- What Makes Them So Special?: Identifying Attributes of Highly Competent Information System Users (BE, FFHN), pp. 736–745.
HCI-MIE-2007-YangCZJ #flexibility #interactive #multi #user interface- Flexible Multi-modal Interaction Technologies and User Interface Specially Designed for Chinese Car Infotainment System (CY, NC, PfZ, ZJ), pp. 243–252.
ICEIS-J-2007-CastroO07a #distributed #multi #problem #using- Solving Airline Operations Problems Using Specialized Agents in a Distributed Multi-Agent System (AJMC, ECO), pp. 173–184.
RecSys-2007-BerkovskyKR #collaboration #distributed- Distributed collaborative filtering with domain specialization (SB, TK, FR), pp. 33–40.
POPL-2007-ReppyX #message passing- Specialization of CML message-passing primitives (JHR, YX), pp. 315–326.
VMCAI-2007-Lev-AmiSIR #analysis- Constructing Specialized Shape Analyses for Uniform Change (TLA, MS, NI, TWR), pp. 215–233.
DATE-2006-BonnetLM #framework #monitoring #named #network #towards- Hogthrob: towards a sensor network infrastructure for sow monitoring (wireless sensor network special day) (PB, ML, KM), p. 1109.
DATE-2006-NollL #aspect-oriented- Cross disciplinary aspects (4G wireless special day) (TGN, UL), p. 726.
SCAM-J-2005-AntoniolKT06 #analysis #source code- Special issue on Source code analysis and manipulation (GA, JK, PT), pp. 205–208.
PEPM-2006-Edwards #fixpoint #simulation #using- Using program specialization to speed SystemC fixed-point simulation (SAE), pp. 21–28.
PLDI-2006-JarviGWLS #algorithm #c++ #challenge #programming- Algorithm specialization in generic programming: challenges of constrained generics in C++ (JJ, DG, JW, AL, JGS), pp. 272–282.
SAS-2006-Arnold #analysis #logic #refinement #using- Specialized 3-Valued Logic Shape Analysis Using Structure-Based Refinement and Loose Embedding (GA), pp. 204–220.
SAS-2006-PueblaAH #abstract interpretation- Abstract Interpretation with Specialized Definitions (GP, EA, MVH), pp. 107–126.
CHI-2006-RoblesSRN #how- Being watched or being special: how I learned to stop worrying and love being monitored, surveilled, and assessed (ER, AS, KR, CN), pp. 831–839.
KR-2006-ErdoganL- Actions as Special Cases (STE, VL), pp. 377–388.
SAC-2006-BezivinPV #model transformation- Special track on model transformation (MT 2006) (JB, AP, AV), pp. 1186–1187.
ASPLOS-2006-ChakrabortyWS #hardware #migration #on the fly- Computation spreading: employing hardware migration to specialize CMP cores on-the-fly (KC, PMW, GSS), pp. 283–292.
ASE-2005-MenziesPCH #cost analysis #modelling- Specialization and extrapolation of software cost models (TM, DP, ZC, JH), pp. 384–387.
DATE-2005-BortolazziMBM #architecture- Automotive System Architectures (Automotive Special Day) (JB, JLM, JB, CM), p. 654.
ICDAR-2005-CecottiB05a #approach #documentation #hybrid- Hybrid OCR combination approach complemented by a specialized ICR applied on ancient documents (HC, AB), pp. 1045–1049.
ICDAR-2005-Kavallieratou #algorithm #documentation #image- A Binarization Algorithm specialized on Document Images and Photos (EK), pp. 463–467.
ECMDA-FA-2005-HwanKC #feature model #modelling- Synchronizing Cardinality-Based Feature Models and Their Specializations (CHPK, KC), pp. 331–348.
OOPSLA-2005-ShankarSBS #analysis #runtime- Runtime specialization with optimistic heap analysis (AS, SSS, RB, JES), pp. 327–343.
LOPSTR-2005-OchoaPH #prolog #source code- Removing Superfluous Versions in Polyvariant Specialization of Prolog Programs (CO, GP, MVH), pp. 80–97.
PADL-2005-BraunerEFGP #case study #generative- Specializing Narrowing for Timetable Generation: A Case Study (NB, RE, GF, HG, FP), pp. 22–36.
LCTES-2005-ChanetSBPB #kernel #linux- System-wide compaction and specialization of the linux kernel (DC, BDS, BDB, LVP, KDB), pp. 95–104.
ICLP-2005-PueblaAH #analysis #framework #logic programming #source code- A Generic Framework for the Analysis and Specialization of Logic Programs (GP, EA, MVH), pp. 407–409.
LICS-2005-DawarO #theorem- Modal Characterisation Theorems over Special Classes of Frames (AD, MO), pp. 21–30.
ASE-2004-HammoudaKPKM #adaptation #framework #uml- Adaptable Concern-Based Framework Specialization in UML (IH, JK, MP, MK, TM), pp. 78–87.
CSEET-2004-MacNeil #comprehension #education #re-engineering- Teaching for Understanding and Its Specialization to Software Engineering (PEM), pp. 24–29.
PASTE-2004-NystromKH #analysis #pointer- Importance of heap specialization in pointer analysis (EMN, HSK, WmWH), pp. 43–48.
PEPM-2004-AndersenS #declarative- Declarative specialization for object-oriented-program specialization (HMA, UPS), pp. 27–38.
PEPM-2004-BobeffN #component- Component specialization (GJB, JN), pp. 39–50.
PEPM-2004-Daugherty- Invited application paper: a proposal for the specialization of HA/DRE systems (GD), pp. 56–67.
PEPM-2004-Rigo #prototype #python- Representation-based just-in-time specialization and the psyco prototype for python (AR), pp. 15–26.
SIGIR-2004-ChandrasekarCCB- Subwebs for specialized search (RC, HC, SCO, EB), pp. 480–481.
GPCE-2004-Schultz #automation #inheritance #unification- A Unification of Inheritance and Automatic Program Specialization (UPS), pp. 244–265.
LOPSTR-2004-Fruhwirth #concurrent #multi- Specialization of Concurrent Guarded Multi-set Transformation Rules (TWF), pp. 133–148.
SAC-2004-BellaR #security- Editoral message: special track on computer security (GB, PR), pp. 373–374.
SAC-2004-OssowskiM #coordination #modelling- Editoral message: special track on coordination models, languages and applications (SO, RM), pp. 447–448.
CGO-2004-AlmogRSS #architecture #energy #optimisation- Specialized Dynamic Optimizations for High-Performance Energy-Efficient Microarchitecture (YA, RR, NS, AS), pp. 137–150.
SCAM-2003-OlmosV #compilation #dynamic typing #static typing #type system- Turning Dynamic Typing into Static Typing by Program Specialization in a Compiler Front-end for Octave (KO, EV), pp. 141–150.
PEPM-2003-PueblaH- Abstract specialization and its applications (GP, MVH), pp. 29–43.
ICEIS-v2-2003-ZhengE #automation #documentation #summary #using #web- Using Specialized Knowledge in Automated Web Document Summarization (ZZ, GE), pp. 579–582.
SAC-2003-Blake #architecture #distributed #retrieval- An Architecture to Support Distributed Data Retrieval in Specialized Formats (MBB), pp. 803–810.
DAC-2002-KolblKAD #simulation- Handling special constructs in symbolic simulation (AK, JHK, KA, RFD), pp. 105–110.
ASIA-PEPM-2002-AffeldtMSY #bytecode #runtime- Supporting objects in run-time bytecode specialization (RA, HM, ES, AY), pp. 50–60.
ASIA-PEPM-2002-Gluck- Jones optimality, binding-time improvements, and the strength of program specializers (RG), pp. 9–19.
ASIA-PEPM-2002-KhooS #constraints- Output-constraint specialization (SCK, KS), pp. 106–116.
ASIA-PEPM-2002-ParkP #data type #using- Using indexed data structures for program specialization (JGP, MSP), pp. 61–69.
PEPM-2002-Vidal- Cost-augmented narrowing-driven specialization (GV), pp. 52–62.
PLDI-2002-RamalingamWFGS #analysis #component #consistency- Deriving Specialized Program Analyses for Certifying Component-Client Conformance (GR, AV, JF, DG, SS), pp. 83–94.
ICPR-v2-2002-KimJKS #clustering #detection #segmentation #word- Word Segmentation of Printed Text Lines Based on Gap Clustering and Special Symbol Detection (SHK, CBJ, HKK, CYS), pp. 320–323.
LOPSTR-2002-PeraltaG #abstraction #source code- Convex Hull Abstractions in Specialization of CLP Programs (JCP, JPG), pp. 90–108.
SAT-2002-Bruni #satisfiability- Exact selection of minimal unsatisfiable subformulae for special classes of propositional formulae (RB), p. 22.
WICSA-2001-HakalaHKPVV #architecture #reuse- Annotating Reusable Software Architectures with Specialization Patterns (MH, JH, KK, JP, AV, JV), pp. 171–180.
ESOP-2001-Thiemann #safety #using- Enforcing Safety Properties Using Type Specialization (PT), pp. 62–76.
ICEIS-v1-2001-GoncalvesLB #integration- Specializing Agents on Data Integration in Data Warehousing System Environment (JG, AL, OB), pp. 19–23.
SEKE-2001-Chang #multi #re-engineering- A Special Presentation on Multimedia Software Engineering (SKC), p. 346.
PPDP-2001-NassenCS #prolog #virtual machine- Instruction Merging and Specialization in the SICStus Prolog Virtual Machine (HN, MC, KFS), pp. 49–60.
ASE-2000-SchultzLC- Specialization Patterns (UPS, JLL, CC), p. 197–?.
PEPM-2000-Walpole #case study #challenge #experience #operating system- Operating Systems Specialization: Experiences, Opportunities and Challenges (Abstract of Invited Talk) (JW), p. 83.
SAS-2000-MuthWD- Code Specialization Based on Value Profiles (RM, SAW, SKD), pp. 340–359.
ICPR-v1-2000-KruizingaP #analysis- A Nonlinear Texture Operator Specialized in the Analysis of Dot-Patterns (PK, NP), pp. 1197–1201.
ICPR-v4-2000-LiangCPH- A Methodology for Special Symbol Recognitions (JL, VC, ITP, RMH), pp. 4011–4014.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-2000-AuerD #development #migration #object-oriented- A Model for the Migration to object-oriented Software Development with Special Emphasis on Improvement of Acceptance (DA, HD), pp. 132–145.
LOPSTR-2000-FioravantiPP #automation #constraints #logic programming #source code- Automated strategies for specializing constraint logic programs (FF, AP, MP).
LOPSTR-J-2000-FioravantiPP #automation #constraints #logic programming #source code- Automated Strategies for Specializing Constraint Logic Programs (FF, AP, MP), pp. 125–146.
SAIG-2000-HelsenT- Fragmental Specialization (SH, PT), pp. 51–71.
SAIG-2000-Makholm #on the- On Jones-Optimal Specialization for Strongly Typed Languages (HM), pp. 129–148.
SAIG-2000-Muller #source code- Specialization of Systems Programs: Lessons and Perspectives (GM), pp. 7–8.
SAIG-2000-SongF #approach #termination- A New Termination Approach for Specialization (LS, YF), pp. 72–91.
CADE-2000-BachmairT #congruence- Abstract Congruence Closure and Specializations (LB, AT), pp. 64–78.
ITiCSE-1999-SheardH #learning #student- A special learning environment for repeat students (JS, DH), pp. 56–59.
WCRE-1999-Balmas #named #query #source code- QBO: A Query Tool Specially Developed to Explore Programs (FB), pp. 270–279.
PEPM-1999-ChirokoffC- Combining Program and Data Specialization (SC, CC), pp. 45–59.
PEPM-1999-Thiemann #type system- Interpreting Specialization in Type Theory (PT), pp. 30–43.
PLDI-1999-MarletCB #for free #incremental #performance #runtime- Efficient Incremental Run-Time Specialization for Free (RM, CC, PB), pp. 281–292.
DLT-1999-CarpiLV- Special factors in some combinational structures (AC, AdL, SV), pp. 3–13.
ICFP-1999-AlpuenteHLV #functional #logic programming #source code- Specialization of Inductively Sequential Functional Logic Programs (MA, MH, SL, GV), pp. 273–283.
HCI-CCAD-1999-BrownS #development #education #learning #people- An illustrated methodology for the development of virtual learning environments for use by people in special needs education (DJB, DSS), pp. 1105–1110.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Burmester #design #people #requirements #user interface- Consumer electronics user interfaces for all. Design on the basis of the special requirements of elderly people (MB), pp. 942–946.
ECOOP-1999-SchultzLCM #automation #java #source code #towards- Towards Automatic Specialization of Java Programs (UPS, JLL, CC, GM), pp. 367–390.
PADL-1999-FerreiraD #multi- Multiple Specialization of WAM Code (MF, LD), pp. 243–258.
SAC-1999-OgataIF #optimisation #term rewriting #using- Optimizing Term Rewriting Using Discrimination Nets With Specialization (KO, SI, KF), pp. 511–518.
SAC-1999-Papadopoulos #coordination #modelling- Special Track on Coordination Models, Languages and Applications (GAP), pp. 132–133.
DATE-1998-WangK #reduction- A Performance-Driven MCM Router with Special Consideration of Crosstalk Reduction (DW, ESK), pp. 466–470.
ESOP-1998-Thiemann #framework- A Generic Framework for Specialization (Abridged Version) (PT), pp. 267–281.
WRLA-1998-Schorlemmer #logic- Rewriting logic as a logic of special relations (WMS), pp. 196–217.
SAS-1998-AlbertAFJV #functional #logic programming- Improving Control in Functional Logic Program Specialization (EA, MA, MF, PJI, GV), pp. 262–277.
ICALP-1998-Danvy- A Simple Solution to Type Specialization (OD), pp. 908–917.
ICFP-1998-Kiselyov- LAND*: an AND with local bindings, a guarded LET* special form (OK), p. 336.
ALP-PLILP-1998-HatcliffDL #analysis #staging #using- Staging Static Analyses Using Abstraction-Based Program Specialization (JH, MBD, SL), pp. 134–151.
LOPSTR-1998-GluckHJ #online- Generalization in Hierarchies of Online Program Specialization Systems (RG, JH, JJ), pp. 179–198.
PEPM-1997-AlpuenteFJV #functional #lazy evaluation #logic programming #source code- Specialization of Lazy Functional Logic Programs (MA, MF, PJI, GV), pp. 151–162.
PEPM-1997-GrantMPCE #c #runtime- Annotation-Directed Run-Time Specialization in C (BG, MM, MP, CC, SJE), pp. 163–178.
SAS-1997-HornofCN #effectiveness #source code- Effective Specialization of Realistic Programs via Use Sensitivity (LH, CC, JN), pp. 293–314.
STOC-1997-FreundSSW #predict #using- Using and Combining Predictors That Specialize (YF, RES, YS, MKW), pp. 334–343.
ICALP-1997-NarendranO #confluence #decidability #finite #problem #string #term rewriting #word- The Word Matching Problem Is Undecidable For Finite Special String-Rewriting Systems That Are Confluent (PN, FO), pp. 638–648.
ICFP-1997-Draves #implementation- Implementing Bit-addressing with Specialization (SD), pp. 239–250.
ICFP-1997-DussartHT #imperative- Type Specialization for Imperative Languages (DD, JH, PT), pp. 204–216.
CHI-1997-FitzmauriceB #empirical #evaluation #multi #towards #user interface- An Empirical Evaluation of Graspable User Interfaces: Towards Specialized, Space-Multiplexed Input (GWF, WB), pp. 43–50.
UML-1997-Strahringer #modelling #object-oriented- Ways of Handling and Interpreting Specialization in Object-Oriented Modeling (SS), pp. 170–189.
OOPSLA-1997-TipS- Class Hierarchy Specialization (FT, PFS), pp. 271–285.
OOPSLA-1997-VolanschiCMC #declarative #object-oriented #source code- Declarative Specialization of Object-Oriented Programs (ENV, CC, GM, CC), pp. 286–300.
POPL-1997-PettorossiPR #logic programming #nondeterminism #source code- Reducing Nondeterminism while Specializing Logic Programs (AP, MP, SR), pp. 414–427.
CSEE-1996-HooverSM #re-engineering- The Carnegie Mellon University Master of Software Engineering Specialization Tracks (CLH, MS, NRM), pp. 100–118.
WPC-1996-BlazyF #analysis #comprehension #interprocedural- Interprocedural analysis for program comprehension by specialization (SB, PF), p. 133–?.
PLDI-1996-KnoblockR- Data Specialization (TBK, ER), pp. 215–225.
ECOOP-1996-BoylandC #compilation #type safety- Type-Safe Compilation of Covariant Specialization: A Practical Case (JB, GC), pp. 3–25.
LOPSTR-1996-PueblaH #parallel- Abstract Specialization and Its Application to Program Parallelization (GP, MVH), pp. 169–186.
POPL-1996-ConselN #approach #c #runtime- A General Approach for Run-Time Specialization and its Application to C (CC, FN), pp. 145–156.
SAC-1996-FordHPT #network #repository #standard #tool support- Linking specialized network data repositories to standard access tools (RF, GH, VP, DT), pp. 219–223.
PEPM-1995-Jones #years after- Special Address: MIX ten years after (NDJ), pp. 24–38.
PEPM-1995-PueblaH #implementation #logic programming #multi #source code- Implementation of Multiple Specialization in Logic Programs (GP, MVH), pp. 77–87.
PLDI-1995-DeanCG #object-oriented- Selective Specialization for Object-Oriented Languages (JD, CC, DG), pp. 93–102.
DLT-1995-Cassaigne #complexity #linear #sequence- Special Factors of Sequences with Linear Subword Complexity (JC), pp. 25–34.
ECOOP-1995-HolzleU #hardware #object-oriented #question- Do Object-Oriented Languages Need Special Hardware Support? (UH, DU), pp. 283–302.
PLILP-1995-GluckJ #generative #multi #performance- Efficient Multi-level Generating Extensions for Program Specialization (RG, JJ), pp. 259–278.
SOSP-1995-PuABCCIKWZ #incremental #operating system- Optimistic Incremental Specialization: Streamlining a Commercial Operating System (CP, TA, APB, CC, CC, JI, LK, JW, KZ), pp. 314–324.
PEPM-1994-DeanCG #identification #object-oriented- Identifying Profitable Specialization in Object-Oriented Languages (JD, CC, DG), pp. 85–96.
CHI-1994-GongK94a #development #validation- A validation of the GOMS model methodology in the development of a specialized, commercial software application (RG, DEK), pp. 351–357.
TRI-Ada-1994-Raiha #named- Delegation: Dynamic Specialization (LR), pp. 172–179.
SEKE-1994-Pliuskeviciene #hoare #logic #recursion- Specialization of derivations in Hoare-like logic with recursive procedures (AP), pp. 124–130.
SAC-1994-RayJD #algorithm #array #graph #linear #parallel- A parallel algorithm for mapping a special class of task graphs onto linear array multiprocessors (SR, HJ, JSD), pp. 473–477.
FSE-1994-VandevoordeG #analysis #composition #runtime #using- Using Specialized Procedures and Specification-Based Analysis to Reduce the Runtime Costs of Modularity (MTV, JVG), pp. 121–127.
SIGMOD-1993-Egenhofer #database #navigation #requirements #what- What’s Special about Spatial? Database Requirements for Vehicle Navigation in Geographic Space (Extended Abstract) (MJE), pp. 398–402.
PEPM-1993-Bulyonkov #analysis- Extracting Polyvariant Binding Time Analysis from Polyvariant Specializer (MAB), pp. 59–65.
HCI-ACS-1993-Yamamoto #performance- Topographic EEG Study of VDT Performance with Special Reference to Frontal Midline Theta Waves (Fm q) and Mental Work (SY), pp. 897–902.
SEKE-1993-LinCH #information management #network- A Generic Shell-Specialized Knowledge Acquisition Tool for Developing Network Management Software (CYIL, CCC, CSH), pp. 235–238.
OOPSLA-1993-Lamping #interface #type system- Typing the Specialization Interface (JL), pp. 201–214.
HPDC-1993-LilienkampWS #distributed- Accessing Remote Special Files in a Distributed Computing Envinronment (JL, BJW, RS), pp. 244–251.
ILPS-1993-Tarau #continuation #performance #source code- An Efficient Specialization of the WAM for Continuation Passing Binary Programs (PT), p. 652.
PEPM-1992-Andersen #c #self- Self-applicable C Program Specialization (LOA), pp. 54–61.
PEPM-1992-RufW #analysis #control flow #higher-order #using- Improving the Accuracy of Higher-Order Specialization using Control Flow Analysis (ER, DW), pp. 67–74.
CHI-1992-McMillan #human-computer #interactive #modelling- Computing for Users with Special Needs and Models of Computer-Human Interaction (WWM), pp. 143–148.
SIGIR-1992-BartellCB #multi #scalability #semantics- Latent Semantic Indexing is an Optimal Special Case of Multidimensional Scaling (BTB, GWC, RKB), pp. 161–167.
CADE-1992-MannaW- The Special-Relation Rules are Incomplete (ZM, RJW), pp. 492–506.
DAC-1991-AuWS #automation #generative #simulation- Automatic Generation of Compiled Simulations through Program Specialization (WYA, DW, SS), pp. 205–210.
PEPM-1991-Klimov #functional- Dynamic Specialization in Extended Functional Language with Monotone Objects (AVK), pp. 199–210.
PEPM-1991-RufW #using- Using Types to Avoid Redundant Specialization (ER, DW), pp. 321–333.
WSA-1991-Malmkjaer #on the #source code- On Static Properties of Specialized Programs (KM), pp. 234–241.
ICALP-1991-MadlenerNO #monad #string #term rewriting- A Specialized Completion Procedure for Monadic String-Rewriting Systems Presenting Groups (KM, PN, FO), pp. 279–290.
ESEC-1991-Coen-PorisiniP #named- SESADA: An Environment Supporting Software Specialization (ACP, FDP), pp. 266–289.
ESOP-1990-Romanenko- Arity Raiser and its Use in Program Specialization (SAR), pp. 341–360.
OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-KahnS #concurrent #constraints #programming- Actors as a Special Case of Concurrent Constraint Programming (KMK, VAS), pp. 57–66.
POPL-1990-Mitchell #inheritance #towards- Toward a Typed Foundation for Method Specialization and Inheritance (JCM), pp. 109–124.
CC-1990-KrohaF #compilation #multi #scheduling- A Compiler with Scheduling for a Specialized Synchronous Multiprocessor System (PK, PF), pp. 132–146.
CLP-1990-JacobsLW90 #logic programming #multi #runtime #source code- Multiple Specialization of Logic Programs with Run-Time Test (DJ, AL, WHW), pp. 717–731.
DAC-1989-BhatN #architecture- Special Purpose Architecture for Accelerating Bitmap DRC (NBB, SKN), pp. 674–677.
NACLP-1989-Winsborough #analysis #multi #reachability- Path-Dependent Reachability Analysis for Multiple Specialization (WHW), pp. 133–153.
SIGMOD-1988-Bell #data transformation #execution #parallel #physics- A Specialized Data Management System For Parallel Execution of Particle Physics Codes (JLB), pp. 277–285.
DAC-1985-Frank #data-driven #simulation #using- Switch-level simulation of VLSI using a special-purpose data-driven computer (EHF), pp. 735–738.
DAC-1985-WinslettBPW #database #design #relational- Relational and entity-relationship model databases and specialized design files in VLSI design (MW, RB, THP, GW), pp. 410–416.
ICALP-1985-MannaW #automation #deduction- Special Relations in Automated Deduction (ZM, RJW), pp. 413–423.
ICALP-1984-KirschenhoferP #algorithm #analysis #recursion #traversal- Recursion Depth Analysis for Special Tree Traversal Algorithms (PK, HP), pp. 303–311.
STOC-1983-GabowT #algorithm #linear #set- A Linear-Time Algorithm for a Special Case of Disjoint Set Union (HNG, RET), pp. 246–251.
DAC-1982-Adshead #algorithm #complexity #hardware #problem #question #scalability #towards- Towards VLSI complexity: The DA algorithm scaling problem: can special DA hardware help? (HGA), pp. 339–344.
DAC-1982-Bruggere #hardware- Special purpose vs. general purpose hardware for da (THB), p. 338.
LFP-1982-White #bound #constant- Constant Time Interpretation for Shallow-bound Variables in the Presence of Mixed SPECIAL/LOCAL Declarations (JLW), pp. 196–200.
CADE-1982-Goad #automation #source code- Automatic Construction of Special Purpose Programs (CG), pp. 194–208.
POPL-1981-Scherlis- Program Improvement by Internal Specialization (WLS), pp. 41–49.
LISP-1980-Pitman #lisp- Special Forms in LISP (KMP), pp. 179–187.
FM-1979-LevittRS #specification- Writing Simulatable Specifications in SPECIAL (KNL, LR, BAS), pp. 39–78.
VLDB-1978-HollaarR #information retrieval #research- Current Research Into Specialized Processors For Text Information Retrieval (LAH, DCR), pp. 270–279.
ICSE-1976-GoudaM #analysis #design #modelling #on the #protocol- On the Modelling, Analysis and Design of Protocols — A Special Class of Software Structures (MGG, EGM), pp. 256–262.
DAC-1975-AllevaCGP #evaluation #implementation #simulation #source code- A simulation system for implementation and evaluation of diagnostic programs of a special-purpose telecommunication switching processor (IA, MGC, RG, FP), pp. 123–133.