Travelled to:
1 × Sweden
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
X.Geng Y.Xia R.Brown K.Driesen L.J.Hendren C.Verbrugge Y.Yu L.Cao E.A.Rundensteiner Y.Shen H.Yao T.Ho Y.Cai J.Chen W.Zhang M.Yang B.Zang W.Wang B.Dufour D.Eng J.Jorgensen
Talks about:
framework (2) softwar (2) trajectori (1) microfluid (1) distribut (1) visualis (1) function (1) contamin (1) process (1) practic (1)
Person: Qin Wang
DBLP: Wang:Qin
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- DAC-2014-WangSYHC #functional
- Practical Functional and Washing Droplet Routing for Cross-Contamination Avoidance in Digital Microfluidic Biochips (QW, YS, HY, TYH, YC), p. 6.
- ICPR-2014-GengWX #adaptation #estimation #learning
- Facial Age Estimation by Adaptive Label Distribution Learning (XG, QW, YX), pp. 4465–4470.
- KDD-2014-YuCRW #detection
- Detecting moving object outliers in massive-scale trajectory streams (YY, LC, EAR, QW), pp. 422–431.
- LCTES-2007-WangCZYZ #optimisation #performance
- Optimizing software cache performance of packet processing applications (QW, JC, WZ, MY, BZ), pp. 227–236.
- SOFTVIS-2003-WangWBDDHV #framework #named #visualisation
- EVolve: An Open Extensible Software Visualisation Framework (QW, WW, RB, KD, BD, LJH, CV), pp. 37–46.
- PASTE-2002-BrownDEHJVW #encoding #framework #named #performance
- STEP: a framework for the efficient encoding of general trace data (RB, KD, DE, LJH, JJ, CV, QW), pp. 27–34.