Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × France
Collaborated with:
F.M.R.Alencar T.Cabral V.Lomné P.Maurine L.Torres M.Robert N.Calazans
Talks about:
against (1) robust (1) tripl (1) logic (1) evalu (1) rail (1) fpga (1) dema (1) dpa (1)
Person: Rafael Soares
DBLP: Soares:Rafael
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ER-BR-2013-AlencarCS #portuguese #requirements
- Evolução de requisitos na metodologia ágil (FMRA, TC, RS).
- ER-BR-2013-SoaresCA #agile #development #portuguese #requirements
- Gerenciamento de Requisitos em Scrum baseado em Test Driven Development (RS, TC, FMRA).
- DATE-2009-LomneMTRSC #evaluation #logic #robust
- Evaluation on FPGA of triple rail logic robustness against DPA and DEMA (VL, PM, LT, MR, RS, NC), pp. 634–639.