Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Ireland
1 × Spain
1 × UK
Collaborated with:
S.Holland A.Al-Zaid ∅ A.Shubati C.W.Dawson L.Y.C.Cheung P.W.H.Chung D.Clowes D.S.Kolovos C.Holmes L.M.Rose R.F.Paige J.Johnson S.G.Probets
Talks about:
engin (3) process (2) case (2) complianc (1) standard (1) knowledg (1) intellig (1) artefact (1) approach (1) support (1)
Person: Ray Dawson
DBLP: Dawson:Ray
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- ECMFA-2010-ClowesKHRPJDP #approach #modelling #web
- A Reflective Approach to Model-Driven Web Engineering (DC, DSK, CH, LMR, RFP, JJ, RD, SGP), pp. 62–73.
- SCAM-J-2009-HollandD11 #classification #information management #quality #tool support
- Classification and selection of tools for quality knowledge management (SH, RD), pp. 393–409.
- SCAM-J-2009-ShubatiDD11 #generative #reasoning
- Artefact generation in second life with case-based reasoning (AS, CWD, RD), pp. 431–446.
- ICEIS-2002-CheungCD #design #process #standard
- Supporting Engineering Design Process with an Intelligent Compliance Agent: A Way to Ensure a Standard Complied Process (LYCC, PWHC, RD), pp. 341–349.
- ICEIS-2000-DawsonA #case study #requirements
- Facilitating a User Performed Requirements Analysis-A Case Study (RD, AAZ), pp. 525–526.
- ICSE-2000-Dawson
- Twenty dirty tricks to train software engineers (RD), pp. 209–218.