Collaborated with:
Pilar Lacasa Héctor del Castillo Laura Méndez
Talks about:
classroom (2) adolesc (2) game (2) machinima (1) commerci (1) write (1) think (1) onlin (1) after (1) use (1)
Person: Rut Martínez Borda
DBLP: Borda:Rut_Mart=iacute=nez
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- DiGRA-2011-LacasaBC #game studies #online #using
- Adolescent thinking and online writing after the use of commercial games in the classroom (PL, RMB, HdC).
- DiGRA-2011-LacasaBM #game studies
- Games and machinima in adolescents' classrooms (PL, RMB, LM).