Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × South Korea
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.Semaan S.P.Robertson M.Maruyama H.A.Faucett
Talks about:
sphere (3) public (3) polit (3) support (2) deliber (2) media (2) particip (1) interact (1) influenc (1) consumpt (1)
Person: Sara K. Douglas
DBLP: Douglas:Sara_K=
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CHI-2015-SemaanFRMD #design #interactive
- Designing Political Deliberation Environments to Support Interactions in the Public Sphere (BS, HAF, SPR, MM, SKD), pp. 3167–3176.
- CSCW-2015-SemaanFRMD #navigation #online
- Navigating Imagined Audiences: Motivations for Participating in the Online Public Sphere (BS, HAF, SPR, MM, SKD), pp. 1158–1169.
- CSCW-2014-MaruyamaRDSF #how #hybrid #twitter
- Hybrid media consumption: how tweeting during a televised political debate influences the vote decision (MM, SPR, SKD, BS, HAF), pp. 1422–1432.
- CSCW-2014-SemaanRDM #multi #social #social media #towards
- Social media supporting political deliberation across multiple public spheres: towards depolarization (BS, SPR, SKD, MM), pp. 1409–1421.