Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × Finland
1 × France
1 × Israel
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Ye L.Sun J.Chen W.Zhang J.Liu B.Shen Q.Sun S.Kumar W.Xu M.Yang K.Yu L.Tang S.Yu S.Yang P.Wonka I.Davidson L.Yuan Y.Li Z.Zhou B.Ceran Q.Li M.Wu R.Li T.Zeng
Talks about:
learn (7) classif (3) analysi (3) kernel (3) formul (3) multi (3) discrimin (2) subspac (2) quadrat (2) program (2)
Person: Shuiwang Ji
DBLP: Ji:Shuiwang
Contributed to:
Wrote 14 papers:
- KDD-2015-YangSJWDY #learning #visual notation
- Structural Graphical Lasso for Learning Mouse Brain Connectivity (SY, QS, SJ, PW, ID, JY), pp. 1385–1394.
- KDD-2015-ZhangLZSKYJ #analysis #biology #image #learning #modelling #multi
- Deep Model Based Transfer and Multi-Task Learning for Biological Image Analysis (WZ, RL, TZ, QS, SK, JY, SJ), pp. 1475–1484.
- KDD-2012-JiZL #clustering
- A sparsity-inducing formulation for evolutionary co-clustering (SJ, WZ, JL), pp. 334–342.
- ICML-2010-JiXYY #3d #network #recognition
- 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Recognition (SJ, WX, MY, KY), pp. 495–502.
- ICML-2009-JiY
- An accelerated gradient method for trace norm minimization (SJ, JY), pp. 457–464.
- ICML-2009-SunJY #machine learning #problem
- A least squares formulation for a class of generalized eigenvalue problems in machine learning (LS, SJ, JY), pp. 977–984.
- KDD-2009-JiYLZKY #interactive #using
- Drosophila gene expression pattern annotation using sparse features and term-term interactions (SJ, LY, YXL, ZHZ, SK, JY), pp. 407–416.
- KDD-2009-ShenJY #matrix #mining
- Mining discrete patterns via binary matrix factorization (BHS, SJ, JY), pp. 757–766.
- ICML-2008-SunJY #analysis #canonical #correlation
- A least squares formulation for canonical correlation analysis (LS, SJ, JY), pp. 1024–1031.
- KDD-2008-ChenJCLWY #classification #kernel #learning
- Learning subspace kernels for classification (JC, SJ, BC, QL, MW, JY), pp. 106–114.
- KDD-2008-JiTYY #classification #multi
- Extracting shared subspace for multi-label classification (SJ, LT, SY, JY), pp. 381–389.
- KDD-2008-SunJY #classification #learning #multi
- Hypergraph spectral learning for multi-label classification (LS, SJ, JY), pp. 668–676.
- ICML-2007-YeCJ #kernel #learning #parametricity #programming
- Discriminant kernel and regularization parameter learning via semidefinite programming (JY, JC, SJ), pp. 1095–1102.
- KDD-2007-YeJC #analysis #kernel #learning #matrix #polynomial #programming
- Learning the kernel matrix in discriminant analysis via quadratically constrained quadratic programming (JY, SJ, JC), pp. 854–863.