Travelled to:
1 × Poland
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Martonosi S.Malik A.Kanhere R.Krishnaiyer D.Kulkarni W.Li C.Lim J.Ng
Talks about:
transform (1) implement (1) arbitrari (1) program (1) product (1) analysi (1) precis (1) integr (1) experi (1) design (1)
Person: Somnath Ghosh
DBLP: Ghosh:Somnath
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CC-2003-GhoshKKKLLN #compilation #design #experience #implementation #optimisation
- Integrating High-Level Optimizations in a Production Compiler: Design and Implementation Experience (SG, AK, RK, DK, WL, CCL, JN), pp. 303–319.
- ASPLOS-1998-GhoshMM #analysis #precise #program transformation
- Precise Miss Analysis for Program Transformations with Caches of Arbitrary Associativity (SG, MM, SM), pp. 228–239.