Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × South Korea
2 × Canada
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.E.Lindley J.Lingel R.Banks R.H.R.Harper A.Sellen A.S.Taylor E.Thiry H.M.Mentis S.Taylor P.Dunphy D.Sweeney V.Vlachokyriakos L.Grainger R.Eardley S.Izadi K.R.Wood W.Odom D.S.Kirk M.Selby J.Forlizzi J.Zimmerman S.Ylirisku G.Jacucci C.D.Stewart M.Chetty C.Gkantsidis T.Karagiannis P.B.Key
Talks about:
home (4) design (2) data (2) framework (1) fingertip (1) communiti (1) bandwidth (1) photobox (1) artefact (1) timelin (1)
Person: Tim Regan
DBLP: Regan:Tim
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- CHI-2015-TaylorLRSVGL #community #named
- Data-in-Place: Thinking through the Relations Between Data and Community (AST, SEL, TR, DS, VV, LG, JL), pp. 2863–2872.
- CHI-2014-OdomSBKRSFZ #case study #design
- Designing for slowness, anticipation and re-visitation: a long term field study of the photobox (WO, AS, RB, DSK, TR, MS, JF, JZ), pp. 1961–1970.
- CSCW-2014-LingelR #quote #tool support
- “It’s in your spinal cord, it’s in your fingertips”: practices of tools and craft in building software (JL, TR), pp. 295–304.
- CHI-2013-ThiryLBR #authoring #framework #timeline
- Authoring personal histories: exploring the timeline as a framework for meaning making (ET, SEL, RB, TR), pp. 1619–1628.
- CHI-2013-YliriskuLJBSSHR #design #physics
- Designing web-connected physical artefacts for the “aesthetic” of the home (SY, SEL, GJ, RB, CDS, AS, RHRH, TR), pp. 909–918.
- CSCW-2012-MentisLTDRH
- Taking as an act of sharing (HMM, SEL, ST, PD, TR, RHRH), pp. 1091–1100.
- CHI-2010-ChettyBHRSGKK
- Who’s hogging the bandwidth: the consequences of revealing the invisible in the home (MC, RB, RHRH, TR, AS, CG, TK, PBK), pp. 659–668.
- CSCW-2006-SellenHEIRTW #named
- HomeNote: supporting situated messaging in the home (AS, RHRH, RE, SI, TR, AST, KRW), pp. 383–392.