Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
2 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
∅ N.A.Danielsson P.Jansson J.Hughes A.A.0001 M.Benke A.Bove J.Svenningsson H.Svensson N.Smallbone T.Arts
Talks about:
program (4) type (3) haskel (2) depend (2) construct (1) interact (1) polytyp (1) express (1) verifi (1) theori (1)
Person: Ulf Norell
DBLP: Norell:Ulf
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- FASE-2014-SvenningssonSSANH #semantics
- An Expressive Semantics of Mocking (JS, HS, NS, TA, UN, JH), pp. 385–399.
- ICFP-2013-Norell #dependent type #interactive #programming
- Interactive programming with dependent types (UN), pp. 1–2.
- AFP-2008-Norell08 #programming
- Dependently Typed Programming in Agda (UN), pp. 230–266.
- IFL-2008-DanielssonN #parsing
- Parsing Mixfix Operators (NAD, UN), pp. 80–99.
- IFL-2003-NorellJ #haskell #programming
- Polytypic Programming in Haskell (UN, PJ), pp. 168–184.
- Haskell-2005-AbelBBHN #haskell #source code #type system #using #verification
- Verifying haskell programs using constructive type theory (AA0, MB, AB, JH, UN), pp. 62–73.