Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
R.Furuta F.M.S.III L.Francisco-Revilla P.L.B.II J.Na P.Dave Y.Park M.Nordt C.Lee C.Quick A.Arora S.Dash Z.Dalal T.Hubbard J.J.John K.Skinner P.Adamczyk J.Johnston A.Kerne J.Wang S.Ustun Y.Park V.Gupta T.Ciftci S.Davis L.Cifuentes D.Pogue
Talks about:
base (8) chang (5) collect (4) digit (4) imag (3) web (3) hypertext (2) interfac (2) artifact (2) support (2)
Person: Unmil Karadkar
DBLP: Karadkar:Unmil
Contributed to:
Wrote 17 papers:
- ECDL-2010-ParkKF #authoring #component #framework #library #petri net
- Component-Based Authoring of Complex, Petri net-based Digital Library Infrastructure (YP, UK, RF), pp. 22–29.
- ECDL-2006-KaradkarNFLQ #constraints #information management #interface #testing
- An Exploration of Space-Time Constraints on Contextual Information in Image-Based Testing Interfaces (UK, MN, RF, CL, CQ), pp. 391–402.
- ECDL-2004-DaveFKFSB #physics
- Incorporating Physical and Digital Artifacts into Growing Personal Collections (PD, LFR, UK, RF, FMSI, PLBI), pp. 341–352.
- HT-2004-DaveBKFFS #hypermedia
- Dynamically growing hypertext collections (PD, PLBI, UK, LFR, RF, FMSI), pp. 171–180.
- HT-2004-KaradkarFUPNGCP #hypermedia
- Display-agnostic hypermedia (UK, RF, SU, YP, JCN, VG, TC, YP), pp. 58–67.
- ECDL-2003-KaradkarKFFSW #interface
- Connecting Interface Metaphors to Support Creation of Path-Based Collections (UK, AK, RF, LFR, FMSI, JW), pp. 338–349.
- HT-2003-DaveKFFSDD
- Browsing intricately interconnected paths (PD, UK, RF, LFR, FMSI, SD, ZD), pp. 95–103.
- ECDL-2002-KaradkarNF #flexibility #library #petri net
- Employing Smart Browsers to Support Flexible Information Presentation in Petri Net-Based Digital Libraries (UK, JCN, RF), pp. 324–337.
- HT-2001-Francisco-RevillaSFKA #hypermedia
- Perception of content, structure, and presentation changes in Web-based hypertext (LFR, FMSI, RF, UK, AA), pp. 205–214.
- JCDL-2001-Francisco-RevillaSFKA #web
- Managing change on the web (LFR, FMSI, RF, UK, AA), pp. 67–76.
- JCDL-2004-DalalDDFFKS #distributed #web
- Managing distributed collections: evaluating web page changes, movement, and replacement (ZD, SD, PD, LFR, RF, UK, FMSI), pp. 160–168.
- JCDL-2005-KaradkarFJN #image #similarity
- Exploring user perceptions of digital image similarity (UK, RF, JJJ, JCN), pp. 89–90.
- JCDL-2006-DavisBCFFHKPS #authoring #education
- Template-based authoring of educational artifacts (SD, PLBI, LC, LFR, RF, TH, UK, DP, FMSI), pp. 242–243.
- JCDL-2006-KaradkarNFLQ #evaluation #research
- Image-based evaluation of video-acquired research skills (UK, MN, RF, CL, CQ), pp. 200–201.
- JCDL-2007-BogenFFHKS
- Longitudinal study of changes in blogs (PLBI, LFR, RF, TH, UK, FMSI), pp. 135–136.
- JCDL-2008-BogenJKFS #identification
- Application of kalman filters to identify unexpected change in blogs (PLBI, JJ, UK, RF, FMSI), pp. 305–312.
- JCDL-2015-BogenSAK
- Organizational Strategies for Cultural Heritage Preservation (PLBI, KS, PA, UK), p. 289.