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Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Korea
1 × Norway
2 × Canada
2 × France
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Widom K.Munagala R.Ramakrishnan C.Olston A.Silberstein B.F.Cooper S.Chopra R.Motwani E.Vee S.Chaudhuri G.Das B.Reed R.Yerneni P.Agrawal R.Kumar A.Tomkins L.Guo S.Amer-Yahia J.Shanmugasundaram V.Markl N.Megiddo M.Kutsch T.M.Tran P.J.Haas A.Gates O.Natkovich P.Kamath S.Narayanam S.Srinivasan P.Bohannon H.Jacobsen N.Puz D.Weaver G.Aggarwal M.Bawa P.Ganesan H.Garcia-Molina K.Kenthapadi N.Mishra D.Thomas Y.Xu
Talks about:
queri (4) data (4) process (3) stream (3) dataflow (2) system (2) effici (2) optim (2) level (2) estim (2)

Person: Utkarsh Srivastava

DBLP DBLP: Srivastava:Utkarsh

Contributed to:

SIGMOD 20092009
VLDB 20092009
SIGMOD 20082008
VLDB 20082008
PODS 20072007
VLDB 20062006
PODS 20052005
VLDB 20052005
PODS 20042004
SIGMOD 20042004
VLDB 20042004

Wrote 15 papers:

SIGMOD-2009-AgrawalSCSR #database #maintenance
Asynchronous view maintenance for VLSD databases (PA, AS, BFC, US, RR), pp. 179–192.
SIGMOD-2009-OlstonCS #data flow #generative #source code
Generating example data for dataflow programs (CO, SC, US), pp. 245–256.
VLDB-2009-GatesNCKNORSS #data flow #experience #pipes and filters
Building a HighLevel Dataflow System on top of MapReduce: The Pig Experience (AG, ON, SC, PK, SN, CO, BR, SS, US), pp. 1414–1425.
Pig latin: a not-so-foreign language for data processing (CO, BR, US, RK, AT), pp. 1099–1110.
SIGMOD-2008-SilbersteinCSVYR #distributed #order #performance
Efficient bulk insertion into a distributed ordered table (AS, BFC, US, EV, RY, RR), pp. 765–778.
VLDB-2008-CooperRSSBJPWY #exclamation #framework #named #platform
PNUTS: Yahoo!’s hosted data serving platform (BFC, RR, US, AS, PB, HAJ, NP, DW, RY), pp. 1277–1288.
VLDB-2008-GuoARSSV #performance
Efficient top-k processing over query-dependent functions (LG, SAY, RR, JS, US, EV), pp. 1044–1055.
PODS-2007-MunagalaSW #optimisation #query
Optimization of continuous queries with shared expensive filters (KM, US, JW), pp. 215–224.
VLDB-2006-SrivastavaMWM #optimisation #query #web #web service
Query Optimization over Web Services (US, KM, JW, RM), pp. 355–366.
PODS-2005-SrivastavaMW #query
Operator placement for in-network stream query processing (US, KM, JW), pp. 250–258.
Consistently Estimating the Selectivity of Conjuncts of Predicates (VM, NM, MK, TMT, PJH, US), pp. 373–384.
PODS-2004-SrivastavaW #data type #flexibility
Flexible Time Management in Data Stream Systems (US, JW), pp. 263–274.
SIGMOD-2004-ChaudhuriDS #effectiveness #estimation #statistics #using
Effective Use of Block-Level Sampling in Statistics Estimation (SC, GD, US), pp. 287–298.
VLDB-2004-AggarwalBGGKMMSTW #privacy
Vision Paper: Enabling Privacy for the Paranoids (GA, MB, PG, HGM, KK, NM, RM, US, DT, JW, YX), pp. 708–719.
VLDB-2004-SrivastavaW #execution
Memory-Limited Execution of Windowed Stream Joins (US, JW), pp. 324–335.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.