Collaborated with:
G.(.Xu L.Fang S.Khoo S.Lu Kai Wang 0029 Aftab Hussain 0001 A.A.Sani Cheng Cai Q.Zhang K.Nguyen Guoqing Harry Xu Z.Su Y.Yang Y.J.0001 Y.Wang H.Sun H.Lu Y.Zhou B.Xu
Talks about:
system (2) code (2) interprocedur (1) constraint (1) translat (1) reachabl (1) overhead (1) abstract (1) statist (1) graspan (1)
Person: Zhiqiang Zuo 0002
DBLP: 0002:Zhiqiang_Zuo
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ASE-2019-YangJ0WSLZX #automation #self #test coverage
- Automatic Self-Validation for Code Coverage Profilers (YY, YJ0, ZZ0, YW, HS, HL, YZ, BX), pp. 79–90.
- OOPSLA-2016-ZuoFKXL #abstraction #automation #debugging #refinement #statistics
- Low-overhead and fully automated statistical debugging with abstraction refinement (ZZ0, LF, SCK, G(X, SL), pp. 881–896.
- PLDI-2018-CaiZZNXS #constraints
- Calling-to-reference context translation via constraint-guided CFL-reachability (CC, QZ, ZZ0, KN, GHX, ZS), pp. 196–210.
- ASPLOS-2017-WangHZXS #analysis #graph #interprocedural #named #scalability
- Graspan: A Single-machine Disk-based Graph System for Interprocedural Static Analyses of Large-scale Systems Code (KW0, AH0, ZZ0, G(X, AAS), pp. 389–404.