Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
Y.Fu H.Xiong B.Liu Y.Ge Y.Zheng Z.Zhou
Talks about:
geograph (2) recommend (1) perspect (1) interest (1) exploit (1) cluster (1) apprais (1) prefer (1) mutual (1) depend (1)
Person: Zijun Yao
DBLP: Yao:Zijun
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- KDD-2014-FuXGYZZ #clustering #dependence #ranking
- Exploiting geographic dependencies for real estate appraisal: a mutual perspective of ranking and clustering (YF, HX, YG, ZY, YZ, ZHZ), pp. 1047–1056.
- KDD-2013-LiuFYX #learning #recommendation
- Learning geographical preferences for point-of-interest recommendation (BL, YF, ZY, HX), pp. 1043–1051.