Travelled to:
1 × France
2 × Germany
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
Y.Wang J.R.Phillips Y.Li M.Gao Z.Yu M.Zhang J.Yao L.M.Silveira Z.Zhu B.Wu S.Han
Talks about:
analysi (4) effici (3) high (3) system (2) passiv (2) massiv (2) yield (2) sigma (2) model (2) electromagnet (1)
Person: Zuochang Ye
DBLP: Ye:Zuochang
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- DATE-2014-ZhangYW #analysis #performance #problem
- Efficient high-sigma yield analysis for high dimensional problems (MZ, ZY, YW), pp. 1–6.
- DAC-2013-YeWHL #parallel #segmentation #simulation
- Time-domain segmentation based massively parallel simulation for ADCs (ZY, BW, SH, YL), p. 6.
- DATE-2013-YaoYW #adaptation #analysis #modelling #online #performance
- Efficient importance sampling for high-sigma yield analysis with adaptive online surrogate modeling (JY, ZY, YW), pp. 1291–1296.
- DAC-2011-YeLGY #framework #megamodelling #novel
- A novel framework for passive macro-modeling (ZY, YL, MG, ZY), pp. 546–551.
- DAC-2010-GaoYWY #analysis #correlation #estimation #performance #statistics
- Efficient tail estimation for massive correlated log-normal sums: with applications in statistical leakage analysis (MG, ZY, YW, ZY), pp. 475–480.
- DATE-2010-YeSP #assessment
- Extended Hamiltonian Pencil for passivity assessment and enforcement for S-parameter systems (ZY, LMS, JRP), pp. 1148–1152.
- DAC-2008-YeZP #analysis #equation #linear #multi
- Generalized Krylov recycling methods for solution of multiple related linear equation systems in electromagnetic analysis (ZY, ZZ, JRP), pp. 682–687.