27 papers:
SIGMOD-2015-PerelmanR #compilation #named #query #worst-case- DunceCap: Compiling Worst-Case Optimal Query Plans (AP, CR), pp. 2075–2076.
SIGMOD-2015-TuR #named #query #using- DunceCap: Query Plans Using Generalized Hypertree Decompositions (ST, CR), pp. 2077–2078.
STOC-2015-KothariM #generative #pseudo- Almost Optimal Pseudorandom Generators for Spherical Caps: Extended Abstract (PKK, RM), pp. 247–256.
DHM-EH-2015-MaruyamaKD #adaptation #scalability #simulation- MoCap-Based Adaptive Human-Like Walking Simulation in Laser-Scanned Large-Scale as-Built Environments (TM, SK, HD), pp. 193–204.
KDD-2015-Cohen #statistics- Stream Sampling for Frequency Cap Statistics (EC), pp. 159–168.
DAC-2014-HeisswolfZZKWTHSHB #communication #named #programming- CAP: Communication Aware Programming (JH, AZ, AZ, SK, AW, JT, JH, GS, AH, JB), p. 6.
VLDB-2014-Arauz #database #design- CAP Limits in Telecom Subscriber Database Design (JA), pp. 1474–1483.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-PetkovB #design- Hardwired Critical Action Panels for Emergency Preparedness: — Design Principles and CAP Design for Offshore Petroleum Platforms (BP, AOB), pp. 326–337.
AdaEurope-2014-IliasovLR #approach #formal method- Practical Formal Methods in Railways — The SafeCap Approach (AI, IL, AR), pp. 177–192.
DATE-2013-LiYHL #adaptation #named #smarttech #user interface- SmartCap: user experience-oriented power adaptation for smartphone’s application processor (XL, GY, YH, XL), pp. 57–60.
KDD-2013-SunXY #analysis #component #robust- Robust principal component analysis via capped norms (QS, SX, JY), pp. 311–319.
CHI-2012-ChanMRB- CapStones and ZebraWidgets: sensing stacks of building blocks, dials and sliders on capacitive touch screens (LC, SM, AR, PB), pp. 2189–2192.
CHI-2012-ChettyBBDG #comprehension- You’re capped: understanding the effects of bandwidth caps on broadband use in the home (MC, RB, AJBB, JD, REG), pp. 3021–3030.
ICPR-2012-VieiraLSC #distance #invariant #matrix- Distance matrices as invariant features for classifying MoCap data (AWV, TL, WRS, MFMC), pp. 2934–2937.
WICSA-2011-SuHG11a #documentation #named #navigation #visualisation- KaitoroCap: A Document Navigation Capture and Visualisation Tool (MTS, JGH, JG), pp. 359–362.
ICDAR-2011-NguyenCO #approach #classification- Bags of Strokes Based Approach for Classification and Indexing of Drop Caps (TTHN, MC, JMO), pp. 349–353.
HPDC-2011-ZhangWW- Capping the electricity cost of cloud-scale data centers with impacts on power markets (YZ, YW, XW), pp. 271–272.
DAC-2009-GongYH #incremental #named #parallel #probability #process- PiCAP: a parallel and incremental capacitance extraction considering stochastic process variation (FG, HY, LH), pp. 764–769.
ICDAR-2009-CoustatyOPV #composition- Drop Caps Decomposition for Indexing a New Letter Extraction Method (MC, JMO, RP, NV), pp. 476–480.
CSEET-2009-TaranVG #authoring #case study #education #framework #multi #re-engineering- Multimedia Case Studies in Software Engineering: A Look at MDM CAP: A Case Authoring Platform for Education and Training (GT, VV, KG), pp. 296–297.
RTA-2007-AnantharamanNR- Intruders with Caps (SA, PN, MR), pp. 20–35.
TOOLS-USA-2000-LuqiBSRN #prototype- Evolutionary Computer Aided Prototyping System (CAPS) (L, VB, MtS, RR, JN), pp. 363–372.
ICML-1998-BaxterTW #named- KnightCap: A Chess Programm That Learns by Combining TD(λ) with Game-Tree Search (JB, AT, LW), pp. 28–36.
SIGMOD-1996-HungYK #named #process- CapBasED-AMS: A Capability-based and Event-driven Activity Management System (PCKH, HPY, KK), p. 554.
SOSP-1977-Needham #evaluation- The CAP Project — An Interim Evaluation (RMN), pp. 17–22.
SOSP-1977-NeedhamB- The Cap Filing System (RMN, AB), pp. 11–16.
SOSP-1977-NeedhamW- The Cambridge CAP Computer and its Protection System (RMN, RDHW), pp. 1–10.