22 papers:
CGO-2015-FauziaPS #memory management- Characterizing and enhancing global memory data coalescing on GPUs (NF, LNP, PS), pp. 12–22.
LCTES-2014-LozanoCBS #combinator #optimisation- Combinatorial spill code optimization and ultimate coalescing (RCL, MC, GHB, CS), pp. 23–32.
PPoPP-2013-WuZZJS #algorithm #analysis #complexity #design #gpu #memory management- Complexity analysis and algorithm design for reorganizing data to minimize non-coalesced memory accesses on GPU (BW, ZZ, EZZ, YJ, XS), pp. 57–68.
ICSE-2011-SumnerBZP #analysis #nondeterminism #performance- Coalescing executions for fast uncertainty analysis (WNS, TB, XZ, SP), pp. 581–590.
ESOP-2010-BlazyRA #graph #verification- Formal Verification of Coalescing Graph-Coloring Register Allocation (SB, BR, AWA), pp. 145–164.
CC-2010-PereiraP- Punctual Coalescing (FMQP, JP), pp. 165–184.
CGO-2010-OdairaNIKN #graph- Coloring-based coalescing for graph coloring register allocation (RO, TN, TI, HK, TN), pp. 160–169.
LCTES-2009-BlazyR #performance- Live-range unsplitting for faster optimal coalescing (SB, BR), pp. 70–79.
PLDI-2008-HackG #graph- Copy coalescing by graph recoloring (SH, GG), pp. 227–237.
CC-2007-GrundH #algorithm #performance- A Fast Cutting-Plane Algorithm for Optimal Coalescing (DG, SH), pp. 111–125.
CGO-2007-BouchezDR #complexity #on the- On the Complexity of Register Coalescing (FB, AD, FR), pp. 102–114.
LCTES-2007-AhnLP #architecture- Optimistic coalescing for heterogeneous register architectures (MA, JL, YP), pp. 93–102.
PPoPP-2005-Chavarria-MirandaM #communication #effectiveness- Effective communication coalescing for data-parallel applications (DGCM, JMMC), pp. 14–25.
VLDB-2004-SismanisR #complexity- The Complexity of Fully Materialized Coalesced Cubes (YS, NR), pp. 540–551.
SIGMOD-2003-Dyreson- Temporal Coalescing with Now, Granularity, and Incomplete Information (CED), pp. 169–180.
LCTES-2003-ZhuangLP #embedded #optimisation- Storage assignment optimizations through variable coalescence for embedded processors (XZ, CL, SP), pp. 220–231.
PLDI-2002-BudimlicCHKOR #identification #performance- Fast Copy Coalescing and Live-Range Identification (ZB, KDC, TJH, KK, TSO, SWR), pp. 25–32.
SAS-1997-UhW #branch #performance- Coalescing Conditional Branches into Efficient Indirect Jumps (GRU, DBW), pp. 315–329.
VLDB-1996-BohlenSS #database- Coalescing in Temporal Databases (MHB, RTS, MDS), pp. 180–191.
POPL-1996-GeorgeA- Iterated Register Coalescing (LG, AWA), pp. 208–218.
PLDI-1994-DavidsonJ #memory management- Memory Access Coalescing: A technique for Eliminating Redundant memory Accesses (JWD, SJ), pp. 186–195.
SOSP-1989-BarkleyL #bound #lazy evaluation- A Lazy Buddy System Bounded by Two Coalescing Delays per Class (REB, TPL), pp. 167–176.