13 papers:
DocEng-2015-EskenaziGO #documentation #layout- The Delaunay Document Layout Descriptor (SE, PGK, JMO), pp. 167–175.
ICPR-2014-RazafindramananaRV #clustering #incremental- Incremental Delaunay Triangulation Construction for Clustering (OR, FR, GV), pp. 1354–1359.
ICDAR-2013-RazafindramananaRV #approximate #recognition- Alpha*-Approximated Delaunay Triangulation Based Descriptors for Handwritten Character Recognition (OR, FR, GV), pp. 440–444.
ICPR-2012-ChowdhuryKPD #design #graph #using #video- Video storyboard design using Delaunay graphs (ASC, SKK, RP, MND), pp. 3108–3111.
ICPR-2012-YuL #3d #refinement- Genus refinement of a manifold surface reconstructed by sculpting the 3d-Delaunay triangulation of Structure-from-Motion points (SY, ML), pp. 1021–1025.
CASE-2010-MaFW #re-engineering- Delaunay-based triangular surface reconstruction from points via Umbrella Facet Matching (JM, HYF, LW), pp. 580–585.
ICPR-v3-2000-LomenieSGC- Morphological Operations on Delaunay Triangulations (NL, GS, LG, NC), pp. 3556–3559.
SIGMOD-1997-CruzALRZ #database #named #visualisation- Delaunay: A Database Visualization System (IFC, MA, WTL, MR, KZ), pp. 510–513.
SAC-1997-Lee- Constructing the constrained Delaunay triangulation on the Intel paragon (FL), pp. 464–467.
STOC-1995-MillerTTW #generative- A Delaunay based numerical method for three dimensions: generation, formulation, and partition (GLM, DT, SHT, NW), pp. 683–692.
ICALP-1993-DillencourtS- A Simple Method for Resolving Degeneracies in Delaunay Triangulations (MBD, WDS), pp. 177–188.
ICALP-1991-BernEY- The Expected Extremes in a Delaunay Triangulation (MWB, DE, FFY), pp. 674–685.
ICALP-1990-GuibasKS #diagrams #incremental #random- Randomized Incremental Construction of Delaunay and Voronoi Diagrams (LJG, DEK, MS), pp. 414–431.