Stem descriptor$ (all stems)
171 papers:
DAC-2015-VasudevanR #algorithm #performance- An efficient algorithm for frequency-weighted balanced truncation of VLSI interconnects in descriptor form (VV, MR), p. 6.
DocEng-2015-EskenaziGO #documentation #layout- The Delaunay Document Layout Descriptor (SE, PGK, JMO), pp. 167–175.
KDD-2015-GaoYCH #integration #learning #multi #visual notation- Anatomical Annotations for Drosophila Gene Expression Patterns via Multi-Dimensional Visual Descriptors Integration: Multi-Dimensional Feature Learning (HG, LY, WC, HH), pp. 339–348.
SIGIR-2015-NovakBZ #image #retrieval #scalability #using- Large-scale Image Retrieval using Neural Net Descriptors (DN, MB, PZ), pp. 1039–1040.
SAC-2015-RafailidisM #image #parallel #similarity- Parallel similarity search based on the dimensions value cardinalities of image descriptor vectors (DR, YM), pp. 1023–1030.
DRR-2014-YouADT #classification #image #retrieval- A contour-based shape descriptor for biomedical image classification and retrieval (DY, SA, DDF, GRT), p. ?–12.
ICPR-2014-AwadCR #hybrid- A New Hybrid Texture-Perceptual Descriptor: Application CBIR (DA, VC, AR), pp. 1150–1155.
ICPR-2014-CetinaMB #case study #comparative #segmentation- A Comparative Study of Feature Descriptors for Mitochondria and Synapse Segmentation (KC, PMN, LB), pp. 3215–3220.
ICPR-2014-CoteA #segmentation- Sparseness-Based Descriptors for Texture Segmentation (MC, ABA), pp. 1108–1113.
ICPR-2014-EikvilH #automation #evaluation #identification #performance- Evaluation of Binary Descriptors for Fast and Fully Automatic Identification (LE, MH), pp. 154–159.
ICPR-2014-ElmikatyS #detection #image #multi #using- Car Detection in High-Resolution Urban Scenes Using Multiple Image Descriptors (ME, TS), pp. 4299–4304.
ICPR-2014-Garcia-OrdasAGG #invariant #named- aZIBO: A New Descriptor Based in Shape Moments and Rotational Invariant Features (MTGO, EA, VGC, DGO), pp. 2395–2400.
ICPR-2014-Gonzalez-SosaVFO #comparison #image #recognition #using- Comparison of Body Shape Descriptors for Biometric Recognition Using MMW Images (EGS, RVR, JF, JOG), pp. 124–129.
ICPR-2014-KusumotoHC #hybrid #recognition- Hybrid Aggregation of Sparse Coded Descriptors for Food Recognition (RK, XHH, YWC), pp. 1490–1495.
ICPR-2014-LiuFW #keyword- Audio-visual Keyword Spotting for Mandarin Based on Discriminative Local Spatial-Temporal Descriptors (HL, TF, PW), pp. 785–790.
ICPR-2014-MajtnerSS #image #named #performance- RSURF — The Efficient Texture-Based Descriptor for Fluorescence Microscopy Images of HEP-2 Cells (TM, RS, DS), pp. 1194–1199.
ICPR-2014-MavridouHCL #fourier #image #normalisation #robust- Scale Normalized Radial Fourier Transform as a Robust Image Descriptor (EM, MDH, JLC, AL), pp. 3993–3998.
ICPR-2014-SeckDT #3d #analysis #geometry #using- 3D Facial Skin Texture Analysis Using Geometric Descriptors (AS, HD, BT), pp. 1126–1131.
ICPR-2014-SicreTG #difference #image- SuperPixel Based Angular Differences as a Mid-level Image Descriptor (RS, HET, TG), pp. 3732–3737.
ICPR-2014-TrichetN #recognition #segmentation #video- Video Segmentation Descriptors for Event Recognition (RT, RN), pp. 1940–1945.
ICPR-2014-WangLSSC #detection #evaluation- Evaluation of Feature Detectors and Descriptors for Motion Detection from Aerial Videos (CW, SL, YS, YS, HC), pp. 2596–2601.
ICPR-2014-WuMCXC #gesture #invariant #parametricity #recognition #using- View-Invariant Gesture Recognition Using Nonparametric Shape Descriptor (XW, XM, LC, YLX, AC), pp. 544–549.
ICPR-2014-YlioinasHKP #recognition- An In-depth Examination of Local Binary Descriptors in Unconstrained Face Recognition (JY, AH, JK, MP), pp. 4471–4476.
SAC-2014-BergamascoN #3d #approach #feature model #retrieval #using- A new local feature extraction approach for content-based 3D medical model retrieval using shape descriptor (LCCB, FLSN), pp. 902–907.
SAC-2014-CaetanoAGA #recognition #representation #visual notation- Representing local binary descriptors with BossaNova for visual recognition (CC, SEFdA, SJFG, AdAA), pp. 49–54.
DocEng-2013-AlvaroZ #layout- A shape-based layout descriptor for classifying spatial relationships in handwritten math (FA, RZ), pp. 123–126.
ICDAR-2013-AlmazanFV- Deformable HOG-Based Shape Descriptor (JA, AF, EV), pp. 1022–1026.
ICDAR-2013-JainD13a #identification #using- Writer Identification Using an Alphabet of Contour Gradient Descriptors (RJ, DSD), pp. 550–554.
ICDAR-2013-ParvezM #recognition #reduction #using- Lexicon Reduction Using Segment Descriptors for Arabic Handwriting Recognition (MTP, SAM), pp. 1265–1269.
ICDAR-2013-RazafindramananaRV #approximate #recognition- Alpha*-Approximated Delaunay Triangulation Based Descriptors for Handwritten Character Recognition (OR, FR, GV), pp. 440–444.
ECIR-2013-ZhangZBC #categorisation #distance #encoding #visual notation- Encoding Local Binary Descriptors by Bag-of-Features with Hamming Distance for Visual Object Categorization (YZ, CZ, SB, LC), pp. 630–641.
ICML-c3-2013-WeinshallLH #topic #word- LDA Topic Model with Soft Assignment of Descriptors to Words (DW, GL, DH), pp. 711–719.
SIGIR-2013-GollubHMS #keyword #web- From keywords to keyqueries: content descriptors for the web (TG, MH, MM, BS), pp. 981–984.
SAC-2013-PerazzoWM #framework- A data warehouse as an infrastructure to mine molecular descriptors for virtual screening (GXP, ATW, KSM), pp. 1335–1336.
CIKM-2012-HuangQYY #algorithm #detection #robust- Local anomaly descriptor: a robust unsupervised algorithm for anomaly detection based on diffusion space (HH, HQ, SY, DY), pp. 405–414.
ICPR-2012-0001ZP #segmentation #using- Unsupervised dynamic texture segmentation using local descriptors in volumes (JC, GZ, MP), pp. 3622–3625.
ICPR-2012-AliGBPNP #biology #classification #using- Classification of biological cells using bio-inspired descriptors (WBHA, DG, MB, PP, RN, TP), pp. 3353–3357.
ICPR-2012-AtupelageNYAHS #multi- Multifractal feature descriptor for grading Hepatocellular carcinoma (CA, HN, MY, TA, AH, MS), pp. 129–132.
ICPR-2012-ChherawalaWC #documentation #reduction- Sparse descriptor for lexicon reduction in handwritten Arabic documents (YC, RW, MC), pp. 3729–3732.
ICPR-2012-dAngeloAV #image- Beyond bits: Reconstructing images from Local Binary Descriptors (Ed, AA, PV), pp. 935–938.
ICPR-2012-DubrovinaKFSB #classification #image #performance #robust #user interface- Efficient and robust image descriptor for GUI object classification (AD, PK, DF, SS, RB), pp. 3594–3597.
ICPR-2012-FelhiBT #detection #image- A skeleton based descriptor for detecting text in real scene images (MF, NB, ST), pp. 282–285.
ICPR-2012-HuangH #invariant #using- Binary invariant cross color descriptor using galaxy sampling (GHH, CRH), pp. 2610–2613.
ICPR-2012-JoshiDGBP #analysis #classification- Neural-net classification for spatio-temporal descriptor based depression analysis (JJ, AD, RG, MB, GP), pp. 2634–2638.
ICPR-2012-LankinenKK #categorisation #comparison #detection #visual notation- A comparison of local feature detectors and descriptors for visual object categorization by intra-class repeatability and matching (JL, VK, JKK), pp. 780–783.
ICPR-2012-LiangYCJ #evaluation #representation- Evaluation of local feature descriptors and their combination for pedestrian representation (JL, QY, JC, JJ), pp. 2496–2499.
ICPR-2012-LiX #image- Glocal shape context descriptor in cluttered images (SL, WX), pp. 3704–3707.
ICPR-2012-MakaremiA #image #invariant #recognition- Generalized ordinary moment based blur invariant descriptors for face recognition with degraded images (IM, MA), pp. 3648–3651.
ICPR-2012-MiksikM #detection #evaluation #performance- Evaluation of local detectors and descriptors for fast feature matching (OM, KM), pp. 2681–2684.
ICPR-2012-NascimentoSC #named #visual notation- EDVD — Enhanced descriptor for visual and depth data (ERN, WRS, MFMC), pp. 2776–2779.
ICPR-2012-OliverAA #3d #identification #people- 3D descriptor for people re-identification (JO, AA, AA), pp. 1395–1398.
ICPR-2012-PalenichkaPKL #image #modelling #multi #using- Model-based extraction of image area descriptors using a multi-scale attention operator (RMP, MP, YK, AL), pp. 853–856.
ICPR-2012-PedoneH #invariant #recognition #robust- Local phase quantization descriptors for blur robust and illumination invariant recognition of color textures (MP, JH), pp. 2476–2479.
ICPR-2012-RodriguesPBPM #image #multi #segmentation #towards #using- Towards breast ultrasound image segmentation using multi-resolution pixel descriptors (RR, AMGP, RB, MP, JM), pp. 2833–2836.
ICPR-2012-SantosFTRGPF #analysis #classification #correlation #image #multi- Descriptor correlation analysis for remote sensing image multi-scale classification (JAdS, FAF, RdST, AR, PHG, SPF, AXF), pp. 3078–3081.
ICPR-2012-SchaeferD #analysis #multi- Multi-dimensional local binary pattern descriptors for improved texture analysis (GS, NPD), pp. 2500–2503.
ICPR-2012-TabernikKBL #learning #low level #statistics #visual notation- Learning statistically relevant edge structure improves low-level visual descriptors (DT, MK, MB, AL), pp. 1471–1474.
ICPR-2012-WangGL #detection #image- A new depth descriptor for pedestrian detection in RGB-D images (NW, XG, JL), pp. 3688–3691.
ICPR-2012-XiangL #detection #symmetry- Symmetric object detection based on symmetry and centripetal-SIFT edge descriptor (YX, SL), pp. 1403–1406.
ICPR-2012-ZenRSRS #categorisation #functional #semantics- Enhanced semantic descriptors for functional scene categorization (GZ, NR, JS, ER, NS), pp. 1985–1988.
ICPR-2012-ZhuW #gesture #kernel #recognition #using- Single-frame hand gesture recognition using color and depth kernel descriptors (XZ, KYKW), pp. 2989–2992.
ICDAR-2011-HasegawaT #correlation- A Shape Descriptor Combining Logarithmic-Scale Histogram of Radon Transform and Phase-Only Correlation Function (MH, ST), pp. 182–186.
ICDAR-2011-NewellG #multi #recognition #robust- Multiscale Histogram of Oriented Gradient Descriptors for Robust Character Recognition (AJN, LDG), pp. 1085–1089.
HIMI-v2-2011-BagciMKKT #adaptation #recognition #using- Object and Scene Recognition Using Color Descriptors and Adaptive Color KLT (VHB, MGM, RK, RK, VT), pp. 355–363.
KMIS-2011-KrainesG #research #semantics #similarity- Calculating Semantic Similarity between Computer-understandable Descriptors of Scientific Research (SBK, WG), pp. 146–151.
MLDM-2011-AttigP #biology #comparison #image #random #set- A Comparison between Haralick’s Texture Descriptor and the Texture Descriptor Based on Random Sets for Biological Images (AA, PP), pp. 524–538.
SIGIR-2011-ChatzichristofisZA #image #multimodal #retrieval- Bag-of-visual-words vs global image descriptors on two-stage multimodal retrieval (SAC, KZ, AA), pp. 1251–1252.
ECIR-2010-GoharianFYM #peer-to-peer #query #using- Enriching Peer-to-Peer File Descriptors Using Association Rules on Query Logs (NG, OF, WGY, JM), pp. 636–639.
ICPR-2010-AiHRC #adaptation #classification #component #image #independence- Adaptive Color Independent Components Based SIFT Descriptors for Image Classification (DA, XHH, XR, YWC), pp. 2436–2439.
ICPR-2010-AkuneVT #database #named- MONORAIL: A Disk-Friendly Index for Huge Descriptor Databases (FA, EV, RdST), pp. 4145–4148.
ICPR-2010-BellaviaTT- Improving SIFT-based Descriptors Stability to Rotations (FB, DT, ET), pp. 3460–3463.
ICPR-2010-CaiTP #people- Matching Groups of People by Covariance Descriptor (YC, VT, MP), pp. 2744–2747.
ICPR-2010-Carneiro #automation #case study #comparative #design #image- A Comparative Study on the Use of an Ensemble of Feature Extractors for the Automatic Design of Local Image Descriptors (GC), pp. 3356–3359.
ICPR-2010-DederscheckZFM- Optical Rails: View-Based Track Following with Hemispherical Environment Model and Orientation View Descriptors (DD, MZ, HF, RM), pp. 2752–2755.
ICPR-2010-Fehr #3d #invariant- Local Rotation Invariant Patch Descriptors for 3D Vector Fields (JF), pp. 1381–1384.
ICPR-2010-FornesELV #classification #using- Symbol Classification Using Dynamic Aligned Shape Descriptor (AF, SE, JL, EV), pp. 1957–1960.
ICPR-2010-GuoC #invariant #named- FIND: A Neat Flip Invariant Descriptor (XG, XC), pp. 515–518.
ICPR-2010-HadidNS #recognition- Recognition of Blurred Faces via Facial Deblurring Combined with Blur-Tolerant Descriptors (AH, MN, YS), pp. 1160–1163.
ICPR-2010-HiraiUK #performance #realtime- Real-Time Pose Regression with Fast Volume Descriptor Computation (MH, NU, MK), pp. 1852–1855.
ICPR-2010-HoangT #fourier #geometry #invariant- A Geometric Invariant Shape Descriptor Based on the Radon, Fourier, and Mellin Transforms (TVH, ST), pp. 2085–2088.
ICPR-2010-KoniuszM #image #on the #segmentation- On a Quest for Image Descriptors Based on Unsupervised Segmentation Maps (PK, KM), pp. 762–765.
ICPR-2010-MonzoAAM #case study #comparative #locality #recognition #using- A Comparative Study of Facial Landmark Localization Methods for Face Recognition Using HOG descriptors (DM, AA, AA, JMM), pp. 1330–1333.
ICPR-2010-NacereddineTZH #image #retrieval #using- Shape-Based Image Retrieval Using a New Descriptor Based on the Radon and Wavelet Transforms (NN, ST, DZ, LH), pp. 1997–2000.
ICPR-2010-QinLLL- Moving Cast Shadow Removal Based on Local Descriptors (RQ, SL, ZL, SZL), pp. 1377–1380.
ICPR-2010-RusinolNKVL #image #retrieval- Perceptual Image Retrieval by Adding Color Information to the Shape Context Descriptor (MR, FN, DK, EV, JL), pp. 1594–1597.
ICPR-2010-SoldeaUE #fourier- Moments of Elliptic Fourier Descriptors (OS, MU, AE), pp. 3521–3524.
ICPR-2010-SuLLT #detection- An RST-Tolerant Shape Descriptor for Object Detection (CWS, HYML, YML, HRT), pp. 766–769.
ICPR-2010-TimmM #classification #fault #fourier #image #statistics- Statistical Fourier Descriptors for Defect Image Classification (FT, TM), pp. 4190–4193.
ICPR-2010-VenkateshaT #process #recognition #using- Human Activity Recognition Using Local Shape Descriptors (SV, MT), pp. 3704–3707.
ICPR-2010-YangK #feature model #fourier #performance- Fast Polar and Spherical Fourier Descriptors for Feature Extraction (ZY, SiK), pp. 975–978.
SIGIR-2010-LiNCL #classification #image- Entropy descriptor for image classification (HL, JN, JC, HL), pp. 753–754.
SAC-2010-GongWWLZY #using- Recognizing affect from non-stylized body motion using shape of Gaussian descriptors (LG, TW, CW, FL, FZ, XY), pp. 1203–1206.
DAC-2009-Wong #canonical #performance- An efficient passivity test for descriptor systems via canonical projector techniques (NW), pp. 957–962.
DocEng-2009-VallePC #consistency #documentation #geometry #retrieval- Geometric consistency checking for local-descriptor based document retrieval (EV, DP, MC), pp. 135–138.
ICDAR-2009-GordoV #classification #documentation #invariant #layout #retrieval- A Rotation Invariant Page Layout Descriptor for Document Classification and Retrieval (AG, EV), pp. 481–485.
ICDAR-2009-HassanCG #documentation #image #recognition- Shape Descriptor Based Document Image Indexing and Symbol Recognition (EH, SC, MG), pp. 206–210.
ICDAR-2009-ZhangL #recognition #statistics- A Pixel-level Statistical Structural Descriptor for Shape Measure and Recognition (JZ, WL), pp. 386–390.
ICSM-2009-DraganCM #using- Using method stereotype distribution as a signature descriptor for software systems (ND, MLC, JIM), pp. 567–570.
ICST-2009-DelamareBGT #approach #aspect-oriented #aspectj #testing- A Test-Driven Approach to Developing Pointcut Descriptors in AspectJ (RD, BB, SG, YLT), pp. 376–385.
DocEng-2008-ValleCP #documentation #identification #performance #using #visual notation- Fast identification of visual documents using local descriptors (EV, MC, SPF), pp. 173–176.
DRR-2008-DolegaAA #identification- Stroke frequency descriptors for handwriting-based writer identification (BD, GA, SA), p. 68150.
IFL-2008-TrojahnerG #array #dependent type #representation- Descriptor-Free Representation of Arrays with Dependent Types (KT, CG), pp. 100–117.
CIKM-2008-ValleCP #database #multi #scalability- High-dimensional descriptor indexing for large multimedia databases (EV, MC, SPF), pp. 739–748.
ICPR-2008-ChenZP #segmentation #using- Unsupervised dynamic texture segmentation using local spatiotemporal descriptors (JC, GZ, MP), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HeAP- A Bayesian Local Binary Pattern texture descriptor (CH, TA, MP), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LiYWS #invariant #using- Bi-model tracking of object of interest using invariant spatiogram descriptor (JL, WYY, JGW, WS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MeiA #invariant- Affine invariant shape descriptors: The ICA-Fourier descriptor and the PCA-Fourier descriptor (YM, DA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-NagarNJ #fuzzy- Securing fingerprint template: Fuzzy vault with minutiae descriptors (AN, KN, AKJ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-PerezO #invariant #learning #programming #search-based- Learning invariant region descriptor operators with genetic programming and the F-measure (CBP, GO), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-RabinDG- A contrario matching of SIFT-like descriptors (JR, JD, YG), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-Salgian #3d #categorisation #recognition- Combining local descriptors for 3D object recognition and categorization (AS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TabboneTB #retrieval- Histogram of radon transform. A useful descriptor for shape retrieval (ST, ORT, SB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TsaiWY #named- CDIKP: A highly-compact local feature descriptor (YTT, QW, SY), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WangWW- Harris feature vector descriptor (HFVD) (XW, FCW, ZW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-XuD- A local descriptor for finding corresponding points in vector fields (LX, HQD), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ZhangLHT #automation #classification- Boosting local feature descriptors for automatic objects classification in traffic scene surveillance (ZZ, ML, KH, TT), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ZhangWHJG #image- Matching images more efficiently with local descriptors (DZ, WW, QH, SJ, WG), pp. 1–4.
DRR-2007-YangKR #difference- Scale-controlled area difference shape descriptor (MY, KK, JR).
ICDAR-2007-TerradesTV #analysis #bibliography #documentation- A Review of Shape Descriptors for Document Analysis (ORT, ST, EV), pp. 227–231.
ICDAR-2007-ValleCP #database #identification #image- Matching Local Descriptors for Image Identification on Cultural Databases (EV, MC, SPF), pp. 679–683.
DHM-2007-ZhangZPY #analysis #linear #multi- Estimating Mental Fatigue Based on Multichannel Linear Descriptors Analysis (CZ, CZ, XmP, XY), pp. 521–529.
MLDM-2007-CuiL #sequence- A New Combined Fractal Scale Descriptor for Gait Sequence (LC, HL), pp. 616–627.
DAC-2006-WongC #matrix #performance- A fast passivity test for descriptor systems via structure-preserving transformations of Skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian matrix pencils (NW, CKC), pp. 261–266.
DocEng-2006-ZeridaLC #mining- Combining linguistic and structural descriptors for mining biomedical literature (NZ, NL, BC), pp. 62–64.
ICPR-v1-2006-OgataCKI #detection #multi #process- Improving human activity detection by combining multi-dimensional motion descriptors with boosting (TO, WJC, JK, SI), pp. 295–298.
ICPR-v2-2006-BourgeoisND #visual notation- Coarse Visual Registration from Closed-Contour Neighborhood Descriptor (SB, SNC, MD), pp. 283–287.
ICPR-v2-2006-ChenBK #invariant #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Invariant Ridgelet-Fourier Descriptor for Pattern Recognition (GC, TDB, AK), pp. 768–771.
ICPR-v2-2006-MeleMS #categorisation #image #probability #using- Image Categorization Using Local Probabilistic Descriptors (KM, JM, DS), pp. 336–340.
ICPR-v2-2006-MunguiaGS #image- Matching Images Features in a Wide Base Line with ICA Descriptors (RM, AG, AS), pp. 159–162.
ICPR-v2-2006-TerradesTV #adaptation #using- Combination of shape descriptors using an adaptation of boosting (ORT, ST, EV), pp. 764–767.
ICPR-v2-2006-TianK #invariant- A Low-Complexity Deformation Invariant Descriptor (LT, SiK), pp. 227–230.
ICPR-v2-2006-ZhaoP #recognition- Local Binary Pattern Descriptors for Dynamic Texture Recognition (GZ, MP), pp. 211–214.
ICPR-v3-2006-AbateNRS #3d #fourier #recognition #using- 3D Face Recognition using Normal Sphere and General Fourier Descriptor (AFA, MN, DR, GS), pp. 1183–1186.
ICPR-v3-2006-ChangCH #visual notation- Discriminative Descriptor-Based Observation Model for Visual Tracking (WYC, CSC, YPH), pp. 83–86.
ICPR-v3-2006-RendekW #consistency #set #using- Extraction of Consistent Subsets of Descriptors using Choquet Integral (JR, LW), pp. 208–211.
ICPR-v4-2006-AbateNRR #invariant #recognition- Ear Recognition by means of a Rotation Invariant Descriptor (AFA, MN, DR, SR), pp. 437–440.
ICPR-v4-2006-HuangCC #image- Contrast Context Histogram — A Discriminating Local Descriptor for Image Matching (CRH, CSC, PCC), pp. 53–56.
ICPR-v4-2006-OuyangFSC- Fingerprint Matching With Rotation-Descriptor Texture Features (ZO, JF, FS, AC), pp. 417–420.
DRR-2005-HopkinsA #framework #open source #recognition- A Fourier-descriptor-based character recognition engine implemented under the Gamera open-source document-processing framework (JH, TLA), pp. 111–118.
ICDAR-2005-SalmonWT #metric- Automatical Definition of Measures from the Combination of Shape Descriptors (JPS, LW, ST), pp. 986–990.
CIKM-2005-TorresFZFFGC #framework #image #retrieval- A new framework to combine descriptors for content-based image retrieval (RdST, AXF, BZ, WF, EAF, MAG, PC), pp. 335–336.
ICML-2005-PalettaFS #recognition #visual notation- Q-learning of sequential attention for visual object recognition from informative local descriptors (LP, GF, CS), pp. 649–656.
CIKM-2004-MaguitmanLRM #automation #topic #towards- Dynamic extraction topic descriptors and discriminators: towards automatic context-based topic search (AGM, DBL, TR, FM), pp. 463–472.
ICPR-v1-2004-KimMPJP #image #segmentation- Non-contrast Based Edge Descriptor for Image Segmentation (BGK, PSM, DJP, JHJ, JSP), pp. 572–575.
ICPR-v2-2004-KunttuLRV #fourier #image #multi #retrieval- Multiscale Fourier Descriptor for Shape-Based Image Retrieval (IK, LL, JR, AV), pp. 765–768.
ICPR-v2-2004-Rodriguez-DamianCFS #classification #using- Pollen Classification using Brightness-Based and Shape-Based Descriptors (MRD, EC, AF, PdSO), pp. 212–215.
ICPR-v3-2004-AlatasJS #retrieval #video- Compressed Spatio-temporal Descriptors for Video Matching and Retrieval (OA, OJ, MS), pp. 882–885.
ICPR-v3-2004-HardingE #fourier #gesture #using- Recognizing Hand Gesture using Fourier Descriptors (PRGH, TJE), pp. 286–289.
ICPR-v4-2004-AlliliCZ- Morse Homology Descriptor for Shape Characterization (MA, DC, DZ), pp. 27–30.
ICEIS-2002-AmousS #documentation #multi- Descriptors and Meta-Documents for Mono-Media and Multimedia Documents (IA, FS), pp. 11–17.
ICPR-v2-2002-KoskelaLO #image #retrieval #self #using- Using MPEG-7 Descriptors in Image Retrieval with Self-Organizing Maps (MK, JL, EO), pp. 1049–1052.
ICPR-v2-2002-OjalaAM #category theory #empirical #evaluation #image #retrieval #semantics- Empirical Evaluation of MPEG-7 XM Color Descriptors in Content-Based Retrieval of Semantic Image Categories (TO, MA, EM), pp. 1021–1024.
ICPR-v2-2002-SijbersCD #3d #algorithm #fourier- Algorithm for the Computation of 3D Fourier Descriptors (JS, TC, DVD), pp. 790–793.
ICPR-v3-2002-AricaV- A Perceptual Shape Descriptor (NA, FTYV), pp. 375–378.
ICPR-v3-2002-BerrettiBP #distributed #image #retrieval- Extraction of Resource Descriptors for Distributed Content Based Image Retrieval (SB, ADB, PP), pp. 995–998.
ICPR-v3-2002-FolkersS #database #fourier #image #retrieval #using- Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Fourier Descriptors on a Logo Database (AF, HS), pp. 521–524.
HPDC-2002-BaudeCHMV #deployment #grid #interactive #object-oriented- Interactive and Descriptor-Based Deployment of Object-Oriented Grid Applications (FB, DC, FH, LM, JV), pp. 93–102.
SIGMOD-2000-GarofalakisGRSS #documentation #named #xml- XTRACT: A System for Extracting Document Type Descriptors from XML Documents (MNG, AG, RR, SS, KS), pp. 165–176.
ICPR-v1-2000-AricaY #markov- A Shape Descriptor Based on Circular Hidden Markov Mode (NA, FTYV), pp. 1924–1927.
ICPR-v1-2000-VogelhuberS #constraints #detection- Face Detection Based on Generic Local Descriptors and Spatial Constraints (VV, CS), pp. 5084–5087.
ICPR-v2-2000-ValevSR- Generalized Non-Reducible Descriptors (VV, BS, PR), pp. 2394–2397.
ICPR-v3-2000-LeonS #fourier #recognition- Human Silhouette Recognition with Fourier Descriptors (RDdL, LES), pp. 3713–3716.
ICPR-1998-Kakarala #fourier #testing- Testing for convexity with Fourier descriptors (RK), pp. 792–794.
ICDAR-1997-MadhvanathK #scalability #using #word- Pruning Large Lexicons Using Generalized Word Shape Descriptors (SM, VK), pp. 552–555.
ICPR-1996-AguadoMN #fourier #geometry- Extracting arbitrary geometric primitives represented by Fourier descriptors (ASA, EM, MSN), pp. 547–551.
ICPR-1996-KindratenkoE #classification #fourier #using- Classification of irregularly shaped micro-objects using complex Fourier descriptors (VVK, PJMVE), pp. 285–289.
ICPR-1996-MokademDG #distance #invariant- A shape distance by complete and stable invariant descriptors for contour tracking (AM, MD, FG), pp. 105–109.
ICPR-1996-ValevR #recognition- Construction of Boolean decision rules for ECG recognition by non-reducible descriptors (VV, PR), pp. 111–115.
ML-1991-Day #csp #heuristic #learning #problem- Learning Variable Descriptors for Applying Heuristics Across CSP Problems (DSD), pp. 127–131.
TOOLS-USA-1991-KitchelM #using- Using Descriptor Classes in O-O Systems (SWK, NLM), pp. 167–178.
VLDB-1988-KentSR #database #multi #scalability- A Superimposed Coding Scheme Based on Multiple Block Descriptor Files for Indexing Very Large Data Bases (AJK, RSD, KR), pp. 351–359.