28 papers:
ECIR-2015-UrbanoM #correlation #definite clause grammar #how #question #user satisfaction- How Do Gain and Discount Functions Affect the Correlation between DCG and User Satisfaction? (JU, MM), pp. 197–202.
LICS-2015-BokerHO #problem- The Target Discounted-Sum Problem (UB, TAH, JO), pp. 750–761.
TACAS-2014-AlmagorBK #ltl- Discounting in LTL (SA, UB, OK), pp. 424–439.
KDD-2014-LeeLTS #modelling #recommendation #scalability- Modeling impression discounting in large-scale recommender systems (PL, LVSL, MT, SS), pp. 1837–1846.
DATE-2013-LishernessLC #analysis #mutation testing- Mutation analysis with coverage discounting (PL, NL, KT(C), pp. 31–34.
LATA-2013-AlurKTY #complexity #graph #on the #problem- On the Complexity of Shortest Path Problems on Discounted Cost Graphs (RA, SK, KT, YY), pp. 44–55.
CIAA-2012-Mandrali #ltl- Weighted LTL with Discounting (EM), pp. 353–360.
DUXU-v2-2011-WynnS #data analysis #low cost #video- Motivating Change and Reducing Cost with the Discount Video Data Analysis Technique (JW, JDS), pp. 321–328.
SIGIR-2011-ThomasJH #quality #what- What deliberately degrading search quality tells us about discount functions (PT, TJ, DH), pp. 1107–1108.
CSL-2011-BokerH #automaton- Determinizing Discounted-Sum Automata (UB, TAH), pp. 82–96.
CHI-2009-DiefenbachH- The “Beauty Dilemma”: beauty is valued but discounted in product choice (SD, MH), pp. 1419–1426.
CIKM-2009-KanoulasA #empirical- Empirical justification of the gain and discount function for nDCG (EK, JAA), pp. 611–620.
QAPL-2009-FahrenbergL09a- Discounting in Time (UF, KGL), pp. 25–31.
CASE-2008-BandaruN #algorithm #combinator #composition #performance #web #web service- Efficient algorithms for combinatorial auctions with volume discounts arising in web service composition (PB, YN), pp. 995–1000.
ECIR-2008-JarvelinPDN #evaluation #information retrieval #multi- Discounted Cumulated Gain Based Evaluation of Multiple-Query IR Sessions (KJ, SLP, LMLD, MLN), pp. 4–15.
FoSSaCS-2007-BreugelSW #approximate #behaviour #probability #pseudo- Approximating a Behavioural Pseudometric Without Discount for Probabilistic Systems (FvB, BS, JW), pp. 123–137.
CIAA-2007-DrosteR #automaton #logic- Weighted Automata and Weighted Logics with Discounting (MD, GR), pp. 73–84.
LICS-2007-GimbertZ #markov #multi #process- Limits of Multi-Discounted Markov Decision Processes (HG, WZ), pp. 89–98.
CASE-2006-ShrinivasR- Optimal advertisement-innovation mix for maximizing the discounted flow of profit (PS, NRSR), pp. 562–567.
ICALP-v2-2006-GimbertZ #game studies- Deterministic Priority Mean-Payoff Games as Limits of Discounted Games (HG, WZ), pp. 312–323.
TACAS-2004-AlfaroFHMS #model checking- Model Checking Discounted Temporal Properties (LdA, MF, TAH, RM, MS), pp. 77–92.
ICALP-2003-AlfaroHM- Discounting the Future in Systems Theory (LdA, TAH, RM), pp. 1022–1037.
KDD-2000-YamanishiTWM #algorithm #detection #finite #learning #online #using- On-line unsupervised outlier detection using finite mixtures with discounting learning algorithms (KY, JiT, GJW, PM), pp. 320–324.
HCI-SEC-1997-SantosB #usability- Discount Usability Engineering (PJS, ANB), pp. 173–176.
ICML-1996-Mahadevan #learning- Sensitive Discount Optimality: Unifying Discounted and Average Reward Reinforcement Learning (SM), pp. 328–336.
ICML-1995-KimuraYK #learning #probability- Reinforcement Learning by Stochastic Hill Climbing on Discounted Reward (HK, MY, SK), pp. 295–303.
RTA-1995-AvenhausDF #deduction #distributed #equation #named- DISCOUNT: A SYstem for Distributed Equational Deduction (JA, JD, MF), pp. 397–402.
ICML-1994-Mahadevan #case study #learning- To Discount or Not to Discount in Reinforcement Learning: A Case Study Comparing R Learning and Q Learning (SM), pp. 164–172.