Stem manuscript$ (all stems)
37 papers:
DocEng-2015-HollausDFKS #multi- Investigation of Ancient Manuscripts based on Multispectral Imaging (FH, MD, SF, FK, RS), pp. 93–96.
DRR-2015-ChandnaTJSKVBP #automation #image #workflow- Software workflow for the automatic tagging of medieval manuscript images (SWATI) (SC, DT, TJ, RS, CK, PV, HB, AP), p. 940206.
ICPR-2014-ChenWLHI #image #robust #segmentation #using- Robust Text Line Segmentation for Historical Manuscript Images Using Color and Texture (KC, HW, ML, JH, RI), pp. 2978–2983.
DRR-2013-LabbenKB #retrieval- A proposal system for historic Arabic manuscript transcription and retrieval (AL, AK, AB).
ICDAR-2013-BaechlerLI #classification #using- Text Line Extraction Using DMLP Classifiers for Historical Manuscripts (MB, ML, RI), pp. 1029–1033.
ICDAR-2013-GarzFBI #approach #clustering- A Binarization-Free Clustering Approach to Segment Curved Text Lines in Historical Manuscripts (AG, AF, HB, RI), pp. 1290–1294.
ICDAR-2013-HerzogSN #graph #retrieval #using- Using Harris Corners for the Retrieval of Graphs in Historical Manuscripts (RH, AS, BN), pp. 1295–1299.
ICDAR-2013-NafchiAMC #performance- An Efficient Ground Truthing Tool for Binarization of Historical Manuscripts (HZN, SMA, RFM, MC), pp. 807–811.
ICDAR-2013-RabaevBEKD #detection- Text Line Detection in Corrupted and Damaged Historical Manuscripts (IR, OB, JES, KK, ID), pp. 812–816.
DRR-2012-DaherGEBV #categorisation #recognition- Unsupervised categorization method of graphemes on handwritten manuscripts: application to style recognition (HD, DG, VE, SB, NV).
ICPR-2012-WahlbergB #graph #segmentation- Graph based line segmentation on cluttered handwritten manuscripts (FW, AB), pp. 1570–1573.
DRR-2011-RamirezO- OMR of early plainchant manuscripts in square notation: a two-stage system (CR, JO), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2011-BaechlerI #analysis #layout #multi #using- Multi Resolution Layout Analysis of Medieval Manuscripts Using Dynamic MLP (MB, RI), pp. 1185–1189.
ICDAR-2011-GarzSD #analysis #layout #using- Layout Analysis for Historical Manuscripts Using Sift Features (AG, RS, MD), pp. 508–512.
ICDAR-2011-WangT- Non-rigid Registration and Restoration of Double-Sided Historical Manuscripts (JW, CLT), pp. 1374–1378.
KMIS-2011-AinsworthM #approach #pervasive- Breaching the Strongroom — A Pervasive Informatics Approach to Working with Medieval Manuscripts (PFA, MM), pp. 264–271.
DocEng-2010-BaechlerI #layout- Medieval manuscript layout model (MB, RI), pp. 275–278.
ICPR-2010-GilliamWC #identification- Scribe Identification in Medieval English Manuscripts (TG, RCW, JAC), pp. 1880–1883.
ICPR-2010-WangT #image- Non-rigid Image Registration for Historical Manuscript Restoration (JW, CLT), pp. 2274–2277.
ICDAR-2009-EstradaT- Manuscript Bleed-through Removal via Hysteresis Thresholding (RE, CT), pp. 753–757.
ICDAR-2009-LicataPK #similarity #visual notation- Revealing the Visually Unknown in Ancient Manuscripts with a Similarity Measure for IR-Imaged Inks (AL, AP, VK), pp. 818–822.
ICDAR-2009-TonazziniBS #multi- Registration and Enhancement of Double-Sided Degraded Manuscripts Acquired in Multispectral Modality (AT, GB, ES), pp. 546–550.
DRR-2007-JoutelEBE #classification #feature model- Curvelets based feature extraction of handwritten shapes for ancient manuscripts classification (GJ, VE, SB, HE).
ICDAR-2007-GarainPPH- Machine Dating of Handwritten Manuscripts (UG, SKP, TP, LH), pp. 759–763.
ICDAR-2007-GuptaKGCJ #image- Enhancement of Old Manuscript Images (AKG, SK, RG, SC, SJ), pp. 744–748.
SAC-2007-BoussellaaZA #hybrid #using- A methodology for the separation of foreground/background in Arabic historical manuscripts using hybrid methods (WB, AZ, AMA), pp. 605–609.
SAC-2006-AgostiFO #automation #graph #image- Graph-based automatic suggestion of relationships among images of illuminated manuscripts (MA, NF, NO), pp. 1063–1067.
ICDAR-2005-Carrera- Making History: an Emergent System for the Systematic Accrual of Transcriptions of Historic Manuscripts (FC), pp. 543–449.
ICDAR-2005-FengM #classification #modelling #recognition- Classification Models for Historical Manuscript Recognition (SF, RM), pp. 528–532.
ICDAR-2005-LeydierBE- Omnilingual Segmentation-freeWord Spotting for Ancient Manuscripts Indexation (YL, FLB, HE), pp. 533–537.
ICDAR-2005-YosefBKD #image #using- Extraction of Specified Objects from Binary Images Using Object Based Erosion Transform: Application to Hebrew Calligraphic Manuscripts (IBY, IB, KK, ID), pp. 878–882.
ICPR-v1-2004-LeydierBE #adaptation #classification #image #segmentation- Serialized Unsupervised Classifier for Adaptative Color Image Segmentation: Application to Digitized Ancient Manuscripts (YL, FLB, HE), pp. 494–497.
SIGIR-2004-RathML #image- A search engine for historical manuscript images (TMR, RM, VL), pp. 369–376.
DocEng-2003-NicolasPH- Digitizing cultural heritage manuscripts: the Bovary project (SN, TP, LH), pp. 55–57.
ICDAR-2003-RathM #word- Features for Word Spotting in Historical Manuscripts (TMR, RM), pp. 218–222.
ICDAR-1997-RobertLL #image- Image and text coupling for creating electronic books from manuscripts (LR, LLS, EL), pp. 823–826.
SIGIR-1992-DumaisN #automation- Automating the Assignment of Submitted Manuscripts to Reviewers (STD, JN), pp. 233–244.