192 papers:
DRR-2015-ChenSWLHI #analysis #dataset #documentation #layout- Ground truth model, tool, and dataset for layout analysis of historical documents (KC, MS, HW, ML, JH, RI), p. 940204.
DRR-2015-FengPL #process #recognition- Gaussian process style transfer mapping for historical Chinese character recognition (JF, LP, FL).
DRR-2015-LamiroyBBCGHL #concept #documentation #parametricity- Re-typograph phase I: a proof-of-concept for typeface parameter extraction from historical documents (BL, TB, JB, HC, SG, RH, ML).
DRR-2015-RabaevCEK #documentation #programming #using- Aligning transcript of historical documents using dynamic programming (IR, RC, JES, KK).
MSR-2015-ClaesMCV #analysis- A Historical Analysis of Debian Package Incompatibilities (MC, TM, RDC, JV), pp. 212–223.
HCI-UC-2015-StarrBBR #product line- Historical Registry of Our Families Through Textiles (CLS, SLB, SB, JJR), pp. 125–132.
LCT-2015-KimAKW #game studies #learning- H-Treasure Hunt: A Location and Object-Based Serious Game for Cultural Heritage Learning at a Historic Site (HK, SA, SK, WW), pp. 561–572.
ECIR-2015-EfremovaGC #classification- Classification of Historical Notary Acts with Noisy Labels (JE, AMG, TC), pp. 49–54.
SIGIR-2015-GrotovWR #comparison #interactive- Bayesian Ranker Comparison Based on Historical User Interactions (AG, SW, MdR), pp. 273–282.
DRR-2014-FielHGS #documentation #identification- Writer identification on historical Glagolitic documents (SF, FH, MG, RS), pp. 902102–10.
ITiCSE-2014-PatitsasCE #social- A historical examination of the social factors affecting female participation in computing (EP, MC, SME), pp. 111–116.
ICPC-2014-MaruyamaOH #comprehension #visualisation- A visualization tool recording historical data of program comprehension tasks (KM, TO, SH), pp. 207–211.
MSR-2014-AndersonSD #effectiveness #mining #testing- Improving the effectiveness of test suite through mining historical data (JA, SS, HD), pp. 142–151.
HIMI-DE-2014-Zheng #design #evolution #interactive #research- The Historical Evolution Research of Information Interaction Design (YZ), pp. 678–689.
LCT-NLE-2014-IbanezN #analysis #architecture #interactive- An Interactive Installation for the Architectural Analysis of Space and Form in Historical Buildings (LAHI, VBN), pp. 43–52.
ICPR-2014-ChenWLHI #image #robust #segmentation #using- Robust Text Line Segmentation for Historical Manuscript Images Using Color and Texture (KC, HW, ML, JH, RI), pp. 2978–2983.
ICPR-2014-FeckerAMEF #documentation #identification- Writer Identification for Historical Arabic Documents (DF, AA, VM, JES, TF), pp. 3050–3055.
ICPR-2014-HedjamCK #detection #documentation #energy #image #multi #self- Constrained Energy Maximization and Self-Referencing Method for Invisible Ink Detection from Multispectral Historical Document Images (RH, MC, MK), pp. 3026–3031.
ICPR-2014-MehriMHGMM #benchmark #documentation #evaluation #metric #performance #set- Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking of Six Texture-Based Feature Sets for Segmenting Historical Documents (MM, MM, PH, PGK, MAM, RM), pp. 2885–2890.
ICPR-2014-MotaACFL #database #named- BH2M: The Barcelona Historical, Handwritten Marriages Database (DFM, JA, NC, AF, JL), pp. 256–261.
ICPR-2014-WangEGLLF #approach #distance #documentation #edit distance #graph #word- A Coarse-to-Fine Word Spotting Approach for Historical Handwritten Documents Based on Graph Embedding and Graph Edit Distance (PW, VE, CG, CL, JL, AF), pp. 3074–3079.
SEKE-2014-KaurKF #low cost #mining #using #web- Using Web Mining to Support Low Cost Historical Vehicle Traffic Analytics (CK, DK, BHF), pp. 365–370.
SEKE-2014-SouzaRS #empirical #predict #using- A Proposal for the Improvement of Project’s Cost Predictability using Earned Value Management and Historical Data of Cost — An Empirical Study (ADdS, ARR, DCSdS), pp. 729–734.
SIGIR-2014-ArakiC #ranking #similarity #validation- An annotation similarity model in passage ranking for historical fact validation (JA, JC), pp. 1111–1114.
DocEng-2013-Esposito #documentation #machine learning- Symbolic machine learning methods for historical document processing (FE), pp. 1–2.
DRR-2013-AzawiLB #documentation #layout- WFST-based ground truth alignment for difficult historical documents with text modification and layout variations (MIAAA, ML, TMB).
DRR-2013-LabbenKB #retrieval- A proposal system for historic Arabic manuscript transcription and retrieval (AL, AK, AB).
DRR-2013-Obafemi-AjayiA #algorithm #documentation #evaluation #image- Goal-oriented evaluation of binarization algorithms for historical document images (TOA, GA).
DRR-2013-YangP #documentation #segmentation- Local projection-based character segmentation method for historical Chinese documents (LY, LP).
ICDAR-2013-AntonacopoulosCPP #analysis #contest #layout- ICDAR 2013 Competition on Historical Newspaper Layout Analysis (HNLA 2013) (AA, CC, CP, SP), pp. 1454–1458.
ICDAR-2013-AntonacopoulosCPP13a #contest #recognition- ICDAR 2013 Competition on Historical Book Recognition (HBR 2013) (AA, CC, CP, SP), pp. 1459–1463.
ICDAR-2013-BaechlerLI #classification #using- Text Line Extraction Using DMLP Classifiers for Historical Manuscripts (MB, ML, RI), pp. 1029–1033.
ICDAR-2013-BillerAKD #documentation #generative #interactive #named- WebGT: An Interactive Web-Based System for Historical Document Ground Truth Generation (OB, AA, KK, ID), pp. 305–308.
ICDAR-2013-DovgalecsBTNH #documentation #exclamation #word- Spot It! Finding Words and Patterns in Historical Documents (VD, AB, PT, SN, LH), pp. 1039–1043.
ICDAR-2013-GarzFBI #approach #clustering- A Binarization-Free Clustering Approach to Segment Curved Text Lines in Historical Manuscripts (AG, AF, HB, RI), pp. 1290–1294.
ICDAR-2013-HerzogSN #graph #retrieval #using- Using Harris Corners for the Retrieval of Graphs in Historical Manuscripts (RH, AS, BN), pp. 1295–1299.
ICDAR-2013-MehriHGBM #approach- A Pixel Labeling Approach for Historical Digitized Books (MM, PH, PGK, AB, RM), pp. 817–821.
ICDAR-2013-NafchiAMC #performance- An Efficient Ground Truthing Tool for Binarization of Historical Manuscripts (HZN, SMA, RFM, MC), pp. 807–811.
ICDAR-2013-NafchiMC #documentation #image- Application of Phase-Based Features and Denoising in Postprocessing and Binarization of Historical Document Images (HZN, RFM, MC), pp. 220–224.
ICDAR-2013-NionMLSRMK #documentation #information management- Handwritten Information Extraction from Historical Census Documents (TN, FM, JL, CS, TR, PYM, CK), pp. 822–826.
ICDAR-2013-PengCSPN #documentation- Exploiting Stroke Orientation for CRF Based Binarization of Historical Documents (XP, HC, KS, RP, PN), pp. 1034–1038.
ICDAR-2013-RabaevBEKD #detection- Text Line Detection in Corrupted and Damaged Historical Manuscripts (IR, OB, JES, KK, ID), pp. 812–816.
ICDAR-2013-RoeM #documentation #image #using- Binarization of Color Historical Document Images Using Local Image Equalization and XDoG (ER, CABM), pp. 205–209.
ICDAR-2013-ShiraiEKIKBWN #documentation- Character Shape Restoration of Binarized Historical Documents by Smoothing via Geodesic Morphology (KS, YE, AK, SI, NK, HB, AW, MN), pp. 1285–1289.
ICDAR-2013-WeiBSI #analysis #classification #documentation #evaluation #layout- Evaluation of SVM, MLP and GMM Classifiers for Layout Analysis of Historical Documents (HW, MB, FS, RI), pp. 1220–1224.
ICDAR-2013-Weinman #recognition- Toponym Recognition in Historical Maps by Gazetteer Alignment (JW), pp. 1044–1048.
MSR-2013-GoeminneCM #dataset #ecosystem #gnome- A historical dataset for the gnome ecosystem (MG, MC, TM), pp. 225–228.
MSR-2013-VasilescuSM #dataset #re-engineering- A historical dataset of software engineering conferences (BV, AS, TM), pp. 373–376.
WCRE-2013-AliJH #co-evolution #requirements #traceability- Leveraging historical co-change information for requirements traceability (NA, FJ, AEH), pp. 361–370.
CIKM-2013-KharitonovMSO #using- Using historical click data to increase interleaving sensitivity (EK, CM, PS, IO), pp. 679–688.
ICSE-2013-Dagnino- Estimating software-intensive projects in the absence of historical data (AD), pp. 941–950.
ICSE-2013-Souza #predict #using- A proposal for the improvement of project’s cost predictability using EVM and historical data of cost (ADdS), pp. 1447–1449.
ASE-2012-DingFLLZSX #mining #online #repository- Healing online service systems via mining historical issue repositories (RD, QF, JGL, QL, DZ, JS, TX), pp. 318–321.
DRR-2012-WalkerLR #dataset #documentation #image- A synthetic document image dataset for developing and evaluating historical document processing methods (DDW, WBL, EKR).
ICSM-2012-RaemaekersDV #analysis #library- Measuring software library stability through historical version analysis (SR, AvD, JV), pp. 378–387.
FM-2012-BenkiraneNSS #algebra #process #using- Measles Epidemics and PEPA: An Exploration of Historic Disease Dynamics Using Process Algebra (SB, RN, ES, CS), pp. 101–115.
CHI-2012-LeeLKS #named- JigsawMap: connecting the past to the future by mapping historical textual cadasters (HL, SL, NK, JS), pp. 463–472.
CIKM-2012-HofmannWR #comparison- Estimating interleaved comparison outcomes from historical click data (KH, SW, MdR), pp. 1779–1783.
ICPR-2012-ClausnerAP #approach #documentation #hybrid #robust #segmentation- A robust hybrid approach for text line segmentation in historical documents (CC, AA, SP), pp. 335–338.
ICPR-2012-CoustatyUO #image- Extraction of light and specific features for historical image indexing and matching (MC, SU, JMO), pp. 1326–1329.
ICPR-2012-LiVolsiZB #metric- Collecting historical font metrics from Google Books (RL, RZ, CAB), pp. 351–355.
ICPR-2012-WilkinsonO #analysis #documentation- Mask-edge connectivity: Theory, computation, and application to historical document analysis (MHFW, JO), pp. 1334–1337.
KDD-2012-ShanZCSWYYL #multi #named #retrieval- EventSearch: a system for event discovery and retrieval on multi-type historical data (DS, WXZ, RC, BS, ZW, JY, HY, XL), pp. 1564–1567.
KDIR-2012-LemnaruSVP #classification #documentation #taxonomy- A System for Historical Documents Transcription based on Hierarchical Classification and Dictionary Matching (CL, ASN, MAV, RP), pp. 353–357.
SAC-2012-MatthaiouK #documentation #information management- An information extraction system from patient historical documents (EM, EK), pp. 787–791.
SAT-2012-LiWL #satisfiability- Exploiting Historical Relationships of Clauses and Variables in Local Search for Satisfiability — (Poster Presentation) (CML, WW, YL), pp. 479–480.
DRR-2011-Obafemi-AjayiA #documentation #multi #statistics- Statistical multi-resolution schemes for historical document binarization (TOA, GA), pp. 1–10.
DRR-2011-SmithDL #documentation- A mask-based enhancement method for historical documents (EHBS, JD, LLS), pp. 1–10.
HT-2011-TakahashiOYIOT #analysis #using #wiki- Evaluating significance of historical entities based on tempo-spatial impacts analysis using Wikipedia link structure (YT, HO, MY, HI, SO, KT), pp. 83–92.
ICDAR-2011-AntonacopoulosCPP #analysis #contest #documentation #layout- Historical Document Layout Analysis Competition (AA, CC, CP, SP), pp. 1516–1520.
ICDAR-2011-FischerIFB #documentation- HMM-Based Alignment of Inaccurate Transcriptions for Historical Documents (AF, EI, VF, HB), pp. 53–57.
ICDAR-2011-GaoSWG #documentation #recognition #word- Classical Mongolian Words Recognition in Historical Document (GG, XS, HW, YG), pp. 692–697.
ICDAR-2011-GarzSD #analysis #layout #using- Layout Analysis for Historical Manuscripts Using Sift Features (AG, RS, MD), pp. 508–512.
ICDAR-2011-GuichardCC #documentation #word- Exploiting Collection Level for Improving Assisted Handwritten Word Transcription of Historical Documents (LG, JC, BC), pp. 875–879.
ICDAR-2011-HedjamC #data transformation #documentation #image #multi #novel #representation- Novel Data Representation for Text Extraction from Multispectral Historical Document Images (RH, MC), pp. 172–176.
ICDAR-2011-KluznerTCW #adaptation #approach #hybrid- Hybrid Approach to Adaptive OCR for Historical Books (VK, AT, DC, EW), pp. 900–904.
ICDAR-2011-KonyaES #using- Character Enhancement for Historical Newspapers Printed Using Hot Metal Typesetting (IVK, SE, CS), pp. 936–940.
ICDAR-2011-RahnemoonfarA #documentation #image #using- Restoration of Arbitrarily Warped Historical Document Images Using Flow Lines (MR, AA), pp. 905–909.
ICDAR-2011-RoyRR #documentation #retrieval #using #word- Word Retrieval in Historical Document Using Character-Primitives (PPR, JYR, NR), pp. 678–682.
ICDAR-2011-SilvaL #automation #documentation #recognition- An Automatic Method for Enhancing Character Recognition in Degraded Historical Documents (GPeS, RDL), pp. 553–557.
ICDAR-2011-StommelF #automation #documentation #estimation #parametricity- Automatic Estimation of the Legibility of Binarised Historic Documents for Unsupervised Parameter Tuning (MS, GF), pp. 104–108.
ICDAR-2011-TerasawaSK #image #performance- A Fast Appearance-Based Full-Text Search Method for Historical Newspaper Images (KT, TS, TK), pp. 1379–1383.
ICDAR-2011-WangT- Non-rigid Registration and Restoration of Double-Sided Historical Manuscripts (JW, CLT), pp. 1374–1378.
VLDB-2011-RenLKZC #evolution #graph #on the #query #sequence- On Querying Historical Evolving Graph Sequences (CR, EL, BK, XZ, RC), pp. 726–737.
CSMR-2011-TsantalisC #ranking #refactoring- Ranking Refactoring Suggestions Based on Historical Volatility (NT, AC), pp. 25–34.
HCI-UA-2011-OhkuraKKTESIW #using- Restoration Support System for a Historic Textile Market Using Virtual Environment (MO, MK, YK, ST, HE, AS, TI, YW), pp. 413–422.
Onward-2011-Derk #perspective #programming language #what- What makes a programming language popular?: an essay from a historical perspective (MD), pp. 163–166.
DocEng-2010-Meyer-LerbsSG #documentation #image- Glyph extraction from historic document images (LML, AS, BG), pp. 227–230.
DocEng-2010-TerradesTSRVJ #analysis #documentation #interactive #layout- Interactive layout analysis and transcription systems for historic handwritten documents (ORT, AHT, NS, VR, EV, AJ), pp. 219–222.
DRR-2010-BallPSS #comparison #documentation- Comparison of historical documents for writership (GRB, DP, RS, SNS), pp. 1–10.
DRR-2010-SunPD #documentation #segmentation- Touching character segmentation method for Chinese historical documents (XS, LP, XD), pp. 1–10.
ICPR-2010-JouiliCTO #documentation #named #towards- NAVIDOMASS: Structural-based Approaches Towards Handling Historical Documents (SJ, MC, ST, JMO), pp. 946–949.
ICPR-2010-Ramirez-OrtegonR #documentation #evaluation- Unsupervised Evaluation Methods Based on Local Gray-Intensity Variances for Binarization of Historical Documents (MARO, RR), pp. 2029–2032.
ICPR-2010-Ramirez-OrtegonR10a #documentation- Transition Thresholds for Binarization of Historical Documents (MARO, RR), pp. 2362–2365.
ICPR-2010-WangT #image- Non-rigid Image Registration for Historical Manuscript Restoration (JW, CLT), pp. 2274–2277.
KDIR-2010-KhurshidSFV #documentation #image #information retrieval- Information Retrieval from Historical Document Image Base (KK, IS, CF, NV), pp. 188–193.
PPDP-2010-Bonacina #on the #proving #theorem proving- On theorem proving for program checking: historical perspective and recent developments (MPB), pp. 1–12.
ICSE-2010-AdamsJH #identification #using- Identifying crosscutting concerns using historical code changes (BA, ZMJ, AEH), pp. 305–314.
DocEng-2009-BertholdoVA #documentation #readability- Layout-aware limiarization for readability enhancement of degraded historical documents (FB, EV, AdAA), pp. 131–134.
DocEng-2009-GotscharekRRS #documentation #on the- On lexical resources for digitization of historical documents (AG, UR, CR, KUS), pp. 193–200.
DRR-2009-DoulgeriK #documentation #retrieval #word- Retrieval of historical documents by word spotting (ND, EK), pp. 1–10.
DRR-2009-ZingerNS #documentation- Text-image alignment for historical handwritten documents (SZ, JN, LS), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2009-ArdizzonePDMN #fault #taxonomy- A Dual Taxonomy for Defects in Digitized Historical Photos (EA, ADP, HD, GM, CN), pp. 1166–1170.
ICDAR-2009-BulacuBZS #recognition #scalability- Recognition of Handwritten Numerical Fields in a Large Single-Writer Historical Collection (MB, AB, TvdZ, LS), pp. 808–812.
ICDAR-2009-GatosP #documentation #word- Segmentation-free Word Spotting in Historical Printed Documents (BG, IP), pp. 271–275.
ICDAR-2009-IndermuhleLB #analysis #documentation- Combining Alignment Results for Historical Handwritten Document Analysis (EI, ML, HB), pp. 1186–1190.
ICDAR-2009-KhurshidFV #documentation #image #retrieval #word- Fusion of Word Spotting and Spatial Information for Figure Caption Retrieval in Historical Document Images (KK, CF, NV), pp. 266–270.
ICDAR-2009-KluznerTSWA #adaptation- Word-Based Adaptive OCR for Historical Books (VK, AT, YS, EW, AA), pp. 501–505.
ICDAR-2009-MoghaddamC #automation #classification #clustering #documentation #image #multi #word- Application of Multi-Level Classifiers and Clustering for Automatic Word Spotting in Historical Document Images (RFM, MC), pp. 511–515.
ICDAR-2009-NtirogiannisGP #adaptation #documentation #image #logic- A Modified Adaptive Logical Level Binarization Technique for Historical Document Images (KN, BG, IP), pp. 1171–1175.
ICDAR-2009-PletschacherHA #clustering #documentation #framework #recognition- A New Framework for Recognition of Heavily Degraded Characters in Historical Typewritten Documents Based on Semi-Supervised Clustering (SP, JH, AA), pp. 506–510.
ICDAR-2009-VamvakasGP #classification #documentation #feature model #novel #recognition- A Novel Feature Extraction and Classification Methodology for the Recognition of Historical Documents (GV, BG, SJP), pp. 491–495.
ICDAR-2009-WangBT #automation #documentation #image- Automatic Corresponding Control Points Selection for Historical Document Image Registration (JW, MSB, CLT), pp. 1176–1180.
ICDAR-2009-YosefHKD #documentation #segmentation- Line Segmentation for Degraded Handwritten Historical Documents (IBY, NH, KK, ID), pp. 1161–1165.
SIGMOD-2009-MoonCHZ #evolution #named #query- PRIMA: archiving and querying historical data with evolving schemas (HJM, CC, MH, CZ), pp. 1019–1022.
TAP-2009-FazlalizadehKAP #constraints #performance #testing- Incorporating Historical Test Case Performance Data and Resource Constraints into Test Case Prioritization (YF, AK, MAA, SP), pp. 43–57.
VLDB-2008-SherkatR #on the- On efficiently searching trajectories and archival data for historical similarities (RS, DR), pp. 896–908.
ICSM-2008-DAmbros #analysis #dependence #evolution #fault- Supporting software evolution analysis with historical dependencies and defect information (MD), pp. 412–415.
WCRE-2008-RompaeyD #estimation #using- Estimation of Test Code Changes Using Historical Release Data (BVR, SD), pp. 269–278.
ICPR-2008-StathisKP #algorithm #bibliography #documentation #evaluation- An evaluation survey of binarization algorithms on historical documents (PS, EK, NP), pp. 1–4.
DocEng-2007-Mello #algorithm #documentation #image- A new Tsallis entropy-based thresholding algorithm for images of historical documents (CABM), pp. 32–34.
DRR-2007-KennardB #documentation #interactive #recognition- Interactive training for handwriting recognition in historical document collections (DJK, WAB).
ICDAR-2007-BulacuKSZ #analysis #documentation #layout- Layout Analysis of Handwritten Historical Documents for Searching the Archive of the Cabinet of the Dutch Queen (MB, RvK, LS, TvdZ), pp. 357–361.
ICDAR-2007-JournetRME #documentation #image #library #retrieval #tool support- A Proposition of Retrieval Tools for Historical Document Images Libraries (NJ, JYR, RM, VE), pp. 1053–1057.
ICDAR-2007-Likforman-SulemS #network #recognition #using- Recognition of Broken Characters from Historical Printed Books Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks (LLS, MS), pp. 173–177.
ICDAR-2007-LladosS #documentation #word- Indexing Historical Documents by Word Shape Signatures (JL, GS), pp. 362–366.
ICDAR-2007-MakridisNG #documentation #performance #segmentation #word- An Efficient Word Segmentation Technique for Historical and Degraded Machine-Printed Documents (MM, NAN, BG), pp. 178–182.
ICDAR-2007-Schomaker #documentation #retrieval- Retrieval of Handwritten Lines in Historical Documents (LS), pp. 594–598.
ICDAR-2007-ZahourLBT #documentation #segmentation- Text Line Segmentation of Historical Arabic Documents (AZ, LLS, WB, BT), pp. 138–142.
HIMI-IIE-2007-AllenJAL #framework- A Framework for Text Processing and Supporting Access to Collections of Digitized Historical Newspapers (RBA, AJ, PA, KJL), pp. 235–244.
CIKM-2007-PraingS #database #modelling- Modeling historical and future movements of spatio-temporal objects in moving objects databases (RP, MS), pp. 183–192.
SAC-2007-BoussellaaZA #hybrid #using- A methodology for the separation of foreground/background in Arabic historical manuscripts using hybrid methods (WB, AZ, AMA), pp. 605–609.
PPoPP-2007-Chien #architecture #parallel #pervasive #programming- Pervasive parallel computing: an historic opportunity for innovation in programming and architecture (AAC), p. 160.
ICSM-2006-ShenM #architecture #named- ESDM — A Method for Developing Evolutionary Scenarios for Analysing the Impact of Historical Changes on Architectural Elements (YS, NHM), pp. 45–54.
ECIR-2006-Ernst-GerlachF #generative- Generating Search Term Variants for Text Collections with Historic Spellings (AEG, NF), pp. 49–60.
ECIR-2006-KoolenAKR #approach #documentation #retrieval- A Cross-Language Approach to Historic Document Retrieval (MK, FA, JK, MdR), pp. 407–419.
ICPR-v2-2006-AntonacopoulosC #documentation #flexibility- Flexible Text Recovery from Degraded Typewritten Historical Documents (AA, CCC), pp. 1062–1065.
ICPR-v2-2006-InoueNK #analysis #feature model #kernel #recognition #string #using- Historical Hand-Written String Recognition by Non-linear Discriminant Analysis using Kernel Feature Selection (RI, HN, NK), pp. 1094–1097.
ICPR-v3-2006-KavallieratouS #adaptation #documentation #image- Adaptive Binarization of Historical Document Images (EK, ES), pp. 742–745.
SIGIR-2006-FernandezVC #rank #using- Using historical data to enhance rank aggregation (MF, DV, PC), pp. 643–644.
PPDP-2006-FernandezF #calculus #functional #object-oriented- A historic functional and object-oriented calculus (MF, FF), pp. 145–156.
SAC-2006-SilvaLR #documentation- Binarizing and filtering historical documents with back-to-front interference (JMMdS, RDL, VCdR), pp. 853–858.
DRR-2005-ShiG #documentation #image #normalisation #segmentation #using- Historical document image segmentation using background light intensity normalization (ZS, VG), pp. 167–174.
ICDAR-2005-AntonacopoulosK #documentation #semantics- Semantics-Based Content Extraction in Typewritten Historical Documents (AA, DK), pp. 48–53.
ICDAR-2005-Carrera- Making History: an Emergent System for the Systematic Accrual of Transcriptions of Historic Manuscripts (FC), pp. 543–449.
ICDAR-2005-FengM #classification #modelling #recognition- Classification Models for Historical Manuscript Recognition (SF, RM), pp. 528–532.
ICDAR-2005-GatosKNPP #approach #documentation #keyword- A Segmentation-free Approach for Keyword Search in Historical Typewritten Documents (BG, TK, KN, IP, SJP), pp. 54–58.
ICDAR-2005-HeDDK #comparison #documentation- A Comparison of Binarization Methods for Historical Archive Documents (JH, QDMD, ACD, JHK), pp. 538–542.
ICDAR-2005-Miyazaki #documentation- Documents and Services: From the Historical Points of Document Media as Extension of Human Body (JM), p. 811.
ICDAR-2005-ShiSG #adaptation #documentation #image #using- Text Extraction from Gray Scale Historical Document Images Using Adaptive Local Connectivity Map (ZS, SS, VG), pp. 794–798.
ICDAR-2005-TerasawaNK #documentation #image #retrieval- Eigenspace Method for Text Retrieval in Historical Document Images (KT, TN, TK), pp. 437–441.
ICDAR-2005-ZanibbiBC #precise- Historical Recall and Precision: Summarizing Generated Hypotheses (RZ, DB, JRC), pp. 202–206.
CIKM-2005-ZhaoBG05a #named #web- WAM-Miner: in the search of web access motifs from historical web log data (QZ, SSB, LG), pp. 421–428.
KDD-2005-PearsonKH #database #modelling- Disease progression modeling from historical clinical databases (RKP, RJK, AH), pp. 788–793.
ASE-2004-SilvaF #evaluation #framework #object-oriented- Helping Object-Oriented Framework Use and Evaluation by means of Historical Use Information (RPeS, ECF), pp. 278–281.
DocEng-2004-AntonacopoulosKKW #documentation #lifecycle- The lifecycle of a digital historical document: structure and content (AA, DK, HK, BW), pp. 147–154.
SIGMOD-2004-BoseF #data type #xml- Data Stream Management for Historical XML Data (SB, LF), pp. 239–250.
SIGMOD-2004-DeligiannakisKR #network- Compressing Historical Information in Sensor Networks (AD, YK, NR), pp. 527–538.
CIKM-2004-ZhaoBMK #xml- Discovering frequently changing structures from historical structural deltas of unordered XML (QZ, SSB, MKM, YK), pp. 188–197.
ICPR-v1-2004-ShiG #documentation #image #normalisation #using- Historical Document Image Enhancement Using Background Light Intensity Normalization (ZS, VG), pp. 473–476.
KDD-2004-MamoulisCKHTC #mining #query- Mining, indexing, and querying historical spatiotemporal data (NM, HC, GK, MH, YT, DWC), pp. 236–245.
KR-2004-McCarthy #reasoning- Historical Remarks on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Especially Circumscription (JM0), pp. 738–739.
SIGIR-2004-RathML #image- A search engine for historical manuscript images (TMR, RM, VL), pp. 369–376.
DRR-2003-HauserSSDST #dataset- Correcting OCR text by association with historical datasets (SEH, JS, TFS, DDF, SS, GRT), pp. 84–93.
ICDAR-2003-FeldbachT #documentation #segmentation #semantics #word- Word Segmentation of Handwritten Dates in Historical Documents by Combining Semantic A-Priori-Knowledge with Local Features (MF, KDT), pp. 333–337.
ICDAR-2003-RathM #word- Features for Word Spotting in Historical Manuscripts (TMR, RM), pp. 218–222.
CSEET-2003-Ahtee #education #re-engineering- Inspections and Historical Data in Teaching Software Engineering Project Course (TA), pp. 288–297.
ECIR-2003-Jones #documentation #retrieval- Document Retrieval: Shallow Data, Deep Theories; Historical Reflections, Potential Directions (KSJ), pp. 1–11.
DocEng-2002-MelloL #composition #documentation #generative #image- Generation of images of historical documents by composition (CABM, RDL), pp. 127–133.
SIGMOD-2002-RiedewaldAA #integration #performance- Efficient integration and aggregation of historical information (MR, DA, AEA), pp. 13–24.
CSEET-2002-DugginsT #education #re-engineering- An Historical Investigation of Graduate Software Engineering Curriculum (SD, BBT), p. 78–?.
ICDAR-2001-FeldbachT #detection #segmentation- Line Detection and Segmentation in Historical Church Registers (MF, KDT), pp. 743–747.
ICSM-2000-MockusV #database #identification #using- Identifying Reasons for Software Changes using Historic Databases (AM, LGV), pp. 120–130.
WCRE-2000-DavisA #bibliography #reverse engineering- Data Reverse Engineering: A Historical Survey (KHD, PHA), pp. 70–78.
ICPR-v1-2000-VogelBK #automation #image #segmentation- (Semi-) Automatic Segmentation in Historic Collections of Heraldic Images (JV, WTB, WK), pp. 1478–1481.
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