37 papers:
DATE-2015-KalaliH #2d #adaptation #energy #hardware- A low energy 2D adaptive median filter hardware (EK, IH), pp. 725–729.
ICALP-v1-2015-BeameLP #bound- Finding the Median (Obliviously) with Bounded Space (PB, VL, MP), pp. 103–115.
ICALP-v1-2015-BehsazFSS #algorithm #approximate #clustering- Approximation Algorithms for Min-Sum k-Clustering and Balanced k-Median (BB, ZF, MRS, RS), pp. 116–128.
ICML-c2-2014-HsuS- Heavy-tailed regression with a generalized median-of-means (DH, SS), pp. 37–45.
ICML-c2-2014-MinskerSLD #robust #scalability- Scalable and Robust Bayesian Inference via the Median Posterior (SM, SS, LL, DBD), pp. 1656–1664.
ICPR-2014-HafianePS #adaptation #classification- Adaptive Median Binary Patterns for Texture Classification (AH, KP, GS), pp. 1138–1143.
STOC-2013-LiS #approximate #pseudo- Approximating k-median via pseudo-approximation (SL, OS), pp. 901–910.
DUXU-CXC-2013-WangTKS #evaluation #eye tracking #performance #predict- Banner Evaluation Predicted by Eye Tracking Performance and the Median Thinking Style (MYW, DLT, CTK, VCS), pp. 129–138.
ICALP-v1-2012-CharikarL #approach #problem- A Dependent LP-Rounding Approach for the k-Median Problem (MC, SL), pp. 194–205.
ICPR-2012-RiechertZMK #estimation #hybrid #realtime #recursion #using- Real-time disparity estimation using line-wise hybrid recursive matching and cross-bilateral median up-sampling (CR, FZ, MM, PK), pp. 3168–3171.
STOC-2011-IndykP #clustering #distance #modelling- K-median clustering, model-based compressive sensing, and sparse recovery for earth mover distance (PI, EP), pp. 627–636.
STOC-2010-RothR #interactive #privacy- Interactive privacy via the median mechanism (AR, TR), pp. 765–774.
ICPR-2010-FerrerB #algorithm #approximate #graph- An Iterative Algorithm for Approximate Median Graph Computation (MF, HB), pp. 1562–1565.
ICPR-2010-Gonzalez-RubioC #multi #on the #string- On the Use of Median String for Multi-source Translation (JGR, FC), pp. 4328–4331.
ICPR-2010-JainO #consistency #graph- Consistent Estimator of Median and Mean Graph (BJJ, KO), pp. 1032–1035.
ICPR-2010-JouiliTL #algorithm #clustering #graph- Median Graph Shift: A New Clustering Algorithm for Graph Domain (SJ, ST, VL), pp. 950–953.
ICPR-2010-NasonovK #performance #using- Fast Super-Resolution Using Weighted Median Filtering (AVN, ASK), pp. 2230–2233.
ICALP-v1-2009-GfellerS #towards- Towards Optimal Range Medians (BG, PS), pp. 475–486.
CIKM-2009-TakamuraO #modelling #problem #summary- Text summarization model based on the budgeted median problem (HT, MO), pp. 1589–1592.
ICPR-2008-FerrerVSRB #algorithm #approximate #graph #using- An approximate algorithm for median graph computation using graph embedding (MF, EV, FS, KR, HB), pp. 1–4.
STOC-2004-Har-PeledM #clustering #on the- On coresets for k-means and k-median clustering (SHP, SM), pp. 291–300.
KDD-2004-LiCTW #incremental #maintenance- Incremental maintenance of quotient cube for median (CL, GC, AKHT, SW), pp. 226–235.
PODS-2003-BabcockDMO #data type #maintenance- Maintaining variance and k-medians over data stream windows (BB, MD, RM, LO), pp. 234–243.
ICPR-v3-2002-SmolkaSPV #on the #performance- On the Fast Modification of the Vector Median Filter (BS, MS, KNP, ANV), pp. 931–934.
STOC-2001-AryaGKMP #heuristic #problem- Local search heuristic for k-median and facility location problems (VA, NG, RK, AM, KM, VP), pp. 21–29.
ICALP-2001-Thorup #graph- Quick k-Median, k-Center, and Facility Location for Sparse Graphs (MT), pp. 249–260.
STOC-2000-FederMPOW #nondeterminism- Computing the median with uncertainty (TF, RM, RP, CO, JW), pp. 602–607.
ICPR-v2-2000-Martinez-HinarejosJC #classification #string- Use of Median String for Classification (CDMH, AJ, FC), pp. 2903–2906.
STOC-1999-CharikarGTS #algorithm #approximate #problem- A Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithm for the k-Median Problem (Extended Abstract) (MC, SG, ÉT, DBS), pp. 1–10.
STOC-1999-NayakW #approximate #complexity #quantum #query #statistics- The Quantum Query Complexity of Approximating the Median and Related Statistics (AN, FW), pp. 384–393.
SIGMOD-1998-RajagopalanML #approximate #memory management- Approximate Medians and other Quantiles in One Pass and with Limited Memory (GSM, SR, BGL), pp. 426–435.
STOC-1998-AroraRR #approximate #problem- Approximation Schemes for Euclidean k-Medians and Related Problems (SA, PR, SR), pp. 106–113.
STOC-1998-CharikarCGG #algorithm #approximate- Rounding via Trees: Deterministic Approximation Algorithms for Group Steiner Trees and k-Median (MC, CC, AG, SG), pp. 114–123.
SAC-1996-Sharma- A note on tree medians (MBS), pp. 216–218.
SAC-1995-HoeltingSW #approximate #problem- Approximation techniques for variations of the p-median problem (CJH, DAS, RLW), pp. 293–299.
STOC-1985-BentJ- Finding the Median Requires 2n Comparisons (SWB, JWJ), pp. 213–216.
STOC-1972-BlumFPRT #bound #linear- Linear Time Bounds for Median Computations (MB, RWF, VRP, RLR, RET), pp. 119–124.