44 papers:
DATE-2015-JiRML #hardware #implementation #logic #network #probability #using- A hardware implementation of a radial basis function neural network using stochastic logic (YJ, FR, CM, DJL), pp. 880–883.
ICEIS-v1-2015-CoelhoC #network- Radial Basis Function Neural Network Receiver for Wireless Channels (PHGC, FMC), pp. 658–663.
ICPR-2014-KumarA1 #constraints- Generalized Radial Alignment Constraint for Camera Calibration (AK, NA), pp. 184–189.
ICPR-2014-MavridouHCL #fourier #image #normalisation #robust- Scale Normalized Radial Fourier Transform as a Robust Image Descriptor (EM, MDH, JLC, AL), pp. 3993–3998.
ICPR-2014-RosaCJPFT #clustering #network #on the #using- On the Training of Artificial Neural Networks with Radial Basis Function Using Optimum-Path Forest Clustering (GHR, KAPC, LAPJ, JPP, AXF, JMRST), pp. 1472–1477.
ICDAR-2013-CecottiV13a #multi #recognition- A Radial Neural Convolutional Layer for Multi-oriented Character Recognition (HC, SV), pp. 668–672.
SEKE-2013-ShamsHK #estimation #network #using- Software Effort Estimation using Regularized Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (KMS, HSH, AK), pp. 473–478.
CASE-2012-LeeHJKL #matlab #simulation #using- Dynamic simulation of radial active magnetic bearing system for high speed rotor using ADAMS and MATLAB co-simulation (KCL, DKH, YHJ, CYK, MCL), pp. 880–885.
ICDAR-2011-WangZPH #fourier #recognition- Chinese Chess Character Recognition with Radial Harmonic Fourier Moments (KW, HZ, ZP, H), pp. 1369–1373.
CHI-2011-HaradaTA #on the #representation- On the audio representation of radial direction (SH, HT, CA), pp. 2779–2788.
CHI-2010-BaillyLG #linear #multi- Finger-count & radial-stroke shortcuts: 2 techniques for augmenting linear menus on multi-touch surfaces (GB, EL, YG), pp. 591–594.
ICPR-2010-FujikiHUAM #self #symmetry- Self-Calibration of Radially Symmetric Distortion by Model Selection (JF, HH, YU, SA, NM), pp. 1812–1815.
ICPR-2010-JiangZWZ- Distinguishing Patients with Gastritis and Cholecystitis from the Healthy by Analyzing Wrist Radial Arterial Doppler Blood Flow Signals (XJ, DZ, KW, WZ), pp. 2492–2495.
ICPR-2010-PengYZC #classification #segmentation #using- Retinal Blood Vessels Segmentation Using the Radial Projection and Supervised Classification (QP, XY, LZ, YmC), pp. 1489–1492.
ICPR-2010-Vazquez-SantacruzB #geometry #network- A Geometric Radial Basis Function Network for Robot Perception and Action (EVS, EBC), pp. 2961–2964.
CASE-2009-NaveenRR #algorithm #difference #evolution #network #search-based #using- Rule extraction from differential evolution trained radial basis function network using genetic algorithms (NN, VR, CRR), pp. 152–157.
ICEIS-J-2009-LipariBB #2d #fault #visual notation- Investigation of Error in 2D Vibrotactile Position Cues with Respect to Visual and Haptic Display Properties: A Radial Expansion Model for Improved Cuing (NGL, CWB, VBB), pp. 963–974.
CIKM-2009-VienVCYKC #kernel #locality #named #using #visualisation- VRIFA: a nonlinear SVM visualization tool using nomogram and localized radial basis function (LRBF) kernels (NAV, NHV, TC, HY, SK, BHC), pp. 2081–2082.
ICPR-2008-DengWWD #image #visual notation- Visual metrology with uncalibrated radial distorted images (XD, FW, YW, FD), pp. 1–4.
ICDAR-2007-ZhangYT #documentation #image #using- Removing Shading Distortions in Camera-based Document Images Using Inpainting and Surface Fitting With Radial Basis Functions (LZ, AMY, CLT), pp. 984–988.
SEKE-2007-MoserPS #agile #development #incremental #modelling #predict #using- Incremental Effort Prediction Models in Agile Development using Radial Basis Functions (RM, WP, GS), pp. 519–522.
ICPR-v1-2006-JungLYK #refinement- Radial Distortion Refinement by Inverse Mapping-Based Extrapolation (HGJ, YHL, PJY, JK), pp. 675–678.
ICPR-v3-2006-BaiSW #algorithm #novel #symmetry- A Novel Eye Location Algorithm based on Radial Symmetry Transform (LB, LS, YW), pp. 511–514.
ICPR-v1-2004-MallonW #image #precise- Precise Radial Un-Distortion of Images (JM, PFW), pp. 18–21.
SAC-2004-TominskiAS #visualisation- Axes-based visualizations with radial layouts (CT, JA, HS), pp. 1242–1247.
ICPR-v2-2002-HuangSK #detection #network #using- Face Detection Using a Modified Radial Basis Function Neural Network (LLH, AS, HK), pp. 342–345.
ICPR-v2-2002-Perez-JimenezP #feature model- Radial Projections for Non-Linear Feature Extraction (AJPJ, JCPC), pp. 444–447.
ICPR-v2-2002-SatohTWKNY #detection #robust- Robust Event Detection by Radial Reach Filter (RRF) (YS, HT, CW, SK, YN, KY), pp. 623–627.
ICPR-v3-2002-XuWFS #adaptation #using- Stereo Computation Using Radial Adaptive Windows (YX, DW, TF, HS), pp. 595–598.
MLDM-2001-Krzyzak #classification #learning #network #using- Nonlinear Function Learning and Classification Using Optimal Radial Basis Function Networks (AK), pp. 217–225.
ICPR-v1-2000-TordoffM #geometry #self- Violating Rotating Camera Geometry: The Effect of Radial Distortion on Self-Calibration (BT, DWM), pp. 1423–1427.
ICPR-v2-2000-Figueiredo #approximate #learning #on the- On Gaussian Radial Basis Function Approximations: Interpretation, Extensions, and Learning Strategies (MATF), pp. 2618–2621.
ICPR-v2-2000-KeglKN #classification #complexity #learning #network- Radial Basis Function Networks and Complexity Regularization in Function Learning and Classification (BK, AK, HN), pp. 2081–2086.
ICPR-1998-KeglKN #classification #learning #network #parametricity- Radial basis function networks in nonparametric classification and function learning (BK, AK, HN), pp. 565–570.
ICML-1996-BlanzieriK #learning #network #online- Learning Radial Basis Function Networks On-line (EB, PK), pp. 37–45.
ICPR-1996-HwangB #classification #network #performance #recognition- An efficient method to construct a radial basis function neural network classifier and its application to unconstrained handwritten digit recognition (YSH, SYB), pp. 640–644.
ICPR-1996-KrzyzakL #classification #complexity #convergence #network #parametricity- Radial basis function networks and nonparametric classification: complexity regularization and rates of convergence (AK, TL), pp. 650–653.
ICPR-1996-LiaoA #using- Curve and surface interpolation using rational radial basis functions (WHL, JKA), pp. 8–13.
ICPR-1996-Webb #feature model #multi #scalability #using- Nonlinear feature extraction with radial basis functions using a weighted multidimensional scaling stress measure (ARW), pp. 635–639.
ICPR-1996-WebbG #estimation #using- Source position estimation using radial basis functions (ARW, PNG), pp. 3–7.
ICPR-1996-WebbS #adaptation- Adaptive radial basis functions (ARW, SS), pp. 630–634.
SAC-1996-Fritzke #automation #fuzzy #logic #network- Automatic construction of radial basis function networks with the growing neural gas model and its relevance for fuzzy logic (BF), pp. 624–627.
ICDAR-v1-1995-GillouxLL #hybrid #markov #network #recognition #word- A hybrid radial basis function network/hidden Markov model handwritten word recognition system (MG, BL, ML), pp. 394–397.
ICDAR-1993-Lemarie #implementation #network #recognition- Practical implementation of a radial basis function network for handwritten digit recognition (BL), pp. 412–415.