5 papers:
- FASE-2015-BrennerGS #distributed #on the fly #specification #synthesis
- On-the-Fly Synthesis of Scarcely Synchronizing Distributed Controllers from Scenario-Based Specifications (CB, JG, WS), pp. 51–65.
- ICPR-2010-ChakrabortyG #recognition #speech
- Role of Synthetically Generated Samples on Speech Recognition in a Resource-Scarce Language (RC, UG), pp. 1618–1621.
- EDOC-2006-MutschlerBR #empirical #industrial #information management #why
- Why Process-Orientation is Scarce: An Empirical Study of Process-oriented Information Systems in the Automotive Industry (BM, JB, MR), pp. 433–440.
- ICML-2002-PeshkinS #experience #learning
- Learning from Scarce Experience (LP, CRS), pp. 498–505.
- SEI-1988-LeventhalM #design #re-engineering #user interface
- A Scarce Resource in Undergraduate Software Engineering Courses: User Interface Design Materials (LML, BTM), pp. 187–198.