37 papers:
CHI-2015-OhCKL #detection #documentation #named- ScanShot: Detecting Document Capture Moments and Correcting Device Orientation (JO, WC, JK, UL), pp. 953–956.
ICML-2015-Romera-ParedesT #approach #learning- An embarrassingly simple approach to zero-shot learning (BRP, PHST), pp. 2152–2161.
SIGIR-2015-LiLLDY #image #semantics- Zero-shot Image Tagging by Hierarchical Semantic Embedding (XL, SL, WL, XD, GY), pp. 879–882.
SAC-2015-BarbieriTPG #named #representation #video #visual notation- Shot-HR: a video shot representation method based on visual features (TTSB, THT, MPPJ, RG), pp. 1257–1262.
DAC-2014-AndraudSS- One-Shot Calibration of RF Circuits Based on Non-Intrusive Sensors (MA, HGDS, ES), p. 2.
ICPR-2014-GuoCLHS #ambiguity #automation #identification #multi- Multi-shot Person Re-identification with Automatic Ambiguity Inference and Removal (CCG, SZC, JHL, XJH, SCS), pp. 3540–3545.
ICPR-2014-LiuWCL #automation #category theory #image #learning- Automatic Image Attribute Selection for Zero-Shot Learning of Object Categories (LL, AW, SC, BCL), pp. 2619–2624.
ICDAR-2013-Howe #modelling #word- Part-Structured Inkball Models for One-Shot Handwritten Word Spotting (NRH), pp. 582–586.
SAC-2013-SouzaG #representation #video- Video shot representation based on histograms (TTdS, RG), pp. 961–966.
ICPR-2012-LiuSZWBCT #bound #detection- Joint shot boundary detection and key frame extraction (XL, MS, LZ, SW, JB, CC, DT), pp. 2565–2568.
CHI-2011-ChangL #framework #migration #mobile #using- Deep shot: a framework for migrating tasks across devices using mobile phone cameras (THC, YL), pp. 2163–2172.
CHI-2010-LiNLDC #process #reuse #web #what- Here’s what i did: sharing and reusing web activity with ActionShot (IL, JN, TAL, CD, AC), pp. 723–732.
ECIR-2010-AlyDHS #concept #modelling #retrieval #using- Beyond Shot Retrieval: Searching for Broadcast News Items Using Language Models of Concepts (RA, ARD, DH, AFS), pp. 241–252.
ICPR-2010-BazzaniCPFM #identification #multi- Multiple-Shot Person Re-identification by HPE Signature (LB, MC, AP, MF, VM), pp. 1413–1416.
ICPR-2010-LiZ #using- One-Shot Scanning Using a Color Stripe Pattern (RL, HZ), pp. 1666–1669.
ICPR-2010-PoullotS #detection #image #scalability #video- Detecting Screen Shot Images within Large-Scale Video Archive (SP, SS), pp. 3203–3207.
ASE-2008-LuciaOT #comparison #empirical #incremental #process #traceability- IR-Based Traceability Recovery Processes: An Empirical Comparison of “One-Shot” and Incremental Processes (ADL, RO, GT), pp. 39–48.
ICPR-2008-MohantaSC #detection #multi #using- Detection of representative frames of a shot using multivariate Wald-Wolfowitz test (PPM, SKS, BC), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MuraiF #bound #detection #using #video- Shot boundary detection using co-occurrence of global motion in video stream (YM, HF), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WangC #classification #semantics #using- Film shot classification using directing semantics (HLW, LFC), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2007-Gordon-RossVVNB #configuration management #energy #performance- A one-shot configurable-cache tuner for improved energy and performance (AGR, PV, FV, WAN, EB), pp. 755–760.
ICPR-v2-2006-SantoFSPV #algorithm #detection- An Unsupervised Algorithm for Anchor Shot Detection (MDS, PF, CS, GP, MV), pp. 1238–1241.
SIGAda-2005-MathisenC- Orchestrating shots for the national ignition racility (DGM, RWC), pp. 69–78.
ECIR-2005-AyacheQC #classification #using #video- Video Shot Classification Using Lexical Context (SA, GQ, MC), pp. 549–551.
ECIR-2005-DingCZ #analysis #clustering #concept #detection #video- Temporal Shot Clustering Analysis for Video Concept Detection (DD, LC, BZ), pp. 558–560.
ICPR-v1-2004-YangAWLC #estimation #video- Face Pose Estimation and its Application in Video Shot Selection (ZY, HA, BW, SL, LC), pp. 322–325.
ICPR-v4-2004-HaritC #using #video- Video Shot Interpretation using Principles of Perceptual Prominence and Perceptual Grouping in Spatio-Temporal Domain (GH, SC), pp. 256–259.
KDD-2002-UedaS #category theory #detection #modelling #multi #parametricity #using- Single-shot detection of multiple categories of text using parametric mixture models (NU, KS), pp. 626–631.
MLDM-2001-JangKC #detection #fuzzy- FAM-Based Fuzzy Inference for Detecting Shot Transitions (SWJ, GYK, HIC), pp. 52–61.
ICPR-v1-2000-GongL #classification #segmentation #video- Video Shot Segmentation and Classification (YG, XL), pp. 1860–1863.
ICPR-v1-2000-MachiT #automation #detection #video- Video Shot Detection and Characterization in Semi-Automatic Digital Video Restoration (AM, MT), pp. 1855–1859.
ICPR-v4-2000-LinZ #automation #video- Automatic Video Scene Extraction by Shot Grouping (TL, HZ), pp. 4039–4042.
ICPR-v4-2000-VeneauRB #clustering #segmentation #sequence #video- From Video Shot Clustering to Sequence Segmentation (EV, RR, PB), pp. 4254–4257.
ICPR-1998-LeeHSL #analysis #automation #bound #detection #parsing #using #video- Automatic video parsing using shot boundary detection and camera operation analysis (MSL, BWH, SS, SWL), pp. 1481–1483.
ICPR-1998-Vinod #process #ranking #retrieval #video- Activity based video shot retrieval and ranking (VVV), pp. 682–684.
PLDI-1996-BruggemanWD #continuation #representation- Representing Control in the Presence of One-Shot Continuations (CB, OW, RKD), pp. 99–107.
ICPR-1996-ProesmansGO #3d- One-shot active 3D shape acquisition (MP, LJVG, AO), pp. 336–340.