15 papers:
HCI-AS-2014-HimmelZWZ #challenge #design #energy- The Youth of Today Designing the Smart City of Tomorrow — Challenges to Future Mobility, Energy, and City Climate (SH, BSZ, WW, MZ), pp. 389–400.
CHI-2013-MankoffRF #research #using- Looking past yesterday’s tomorrow: using futures studies methods to extend the research horizon (JM, JAR, HF), pp. 1629–1638.
ESEC-FSE-2013-HawblitzelLPHGFDW #compilation #validation- Will you still compile me tomorrow? static cross-version compiler validation (CH, SKL, KP, HH, SG, LF, DD, SW), pp. 191–201.
DATE-2012-AbeleinLHS #challenge #complexity #quality #robust- Complexity, quality and robustness — the challenges of tomorrow’s automotive electronics (UA, HL, DH, SS), pp. 870–871.
ICEIS-v3-2012-FrischbierGMRW #enterprise- Emergence as Competitive Advantage — Engineering Tomorrow’s Enterprise Software Systems (SF, MG, DM, AR, CW), pp. 181–186.
SIGIR-2012-MaSC #hashtag #question- Will this #hashtag be popular tomorrow? (ZM, AS, GC), pp. 1173–1174.
DATE-2008-Micheli #design- Designing Micro/Nano Systems for a Safer and Healthier Tomorrow (GDM), p. 1.
DATE-2007-Wingen #design #question #what- What if you could design tomorrow’s system today? (NW), pp. 835–840.
HIMI-MTT-2007-BullingerSP #human-computer #interactive- Signposts to Tomorrow’s Human-Computer Interaction (HJB, DS, MP), pp. 571–574.
DAC-2006-BorkarBCNSS #question- Tomorrow’s analog: just dead or just different? (SYB, RWB, JHC, EN, DS, CS), pp. 709–710.
KDD-2000-Cutler #metric #named- E-metrics: tomorrow’s business metrics today (invited talk, abstract only) (MC), p. 6.
ICDAR-1997-Miletzki #recognition- Character Recognition in Practice Today and Tomorrow (UM), pp. 902–907.
CHI-1992-ThomasPRSSW #collaboration #design- Designing collaborative, knowledge-building environments for tomorrow’s schools (ANT, JP, PR, MS, ES, JW), pp. 427–430.
CHI-1990-Dertouzos #user interface- Redefining tomorrow’s user interface (plenary address) (MLD), p. 1.
DAC-1969-Fitch #past present future- A user looks at da — yesterday, today, tomorrow (AEF), pp. 371–382.