Ron Wilson, Joe Gianelli, Chris Hamlin, Ken McElvain, Steve Leibson, Ivo Bolson, Rich Tobias, Raul Camposano
Structured/platform ASIC apprentices: which platform will survive your board room?
DAC, 2005.
@inproceedings{DAC-2005-WilsonGHMLBTC, author = "Ron Wilson and Joe Gianelli and Chris Hamlin and Ken McElvain and Steve Leibson and Ivo Bolson and Rich Tobias and Raul Camposano", booktitle = "{Proceedings of the 42nd Design Automation Conference}", doi = "10.1145/1065579.1065811", isbn = "1-59593-058-2", pages = "887--888", publisher = "{ACM}", title = "{Structured/platform ASIC apprentices: which platform will survive your board room?}", year = 2005, }