Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
Y.Zorian ∅ L.Sarno S.Eo L.Lestringand J.Goodenough G.Stark S.Leef D.Witt J.Gianelli C.Hamlin K.McElvain S.Leibson I.Bolson R.Tobias R.Camposano F.Catthoor A.Cuomo G.Martin P.Groeneveld R.Lauwereins K.Maex P.v.d.Steeg T.Borgstrom E.Haritan D.Abada A.Dauman R.Chandra O.Mielo C.Cruse A.Nohl
Talks about:
platform (2) hardwar (2) system (2) design (2) show (2) interconnect (1) technolog (1) apprentic (1) structur (1) prototyp (1)
Person: Ron Wilson
DBLP: Wilson:Ron
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- DAC-2009-BorgstromHWADCMCN #hardware #hybrid #prototype #question
- System prototypes: virtual, hardware or hybrid? (TB, EH, RW, DA, AD, RC, OM, CC, AN), pp. 1–3.
- DAC-2007-SarnoWELGSLW #ll
- IP Exchange: I’ll Show You Mine if You Show Me Yours (LS, RW, SKE, LL, JG, GS, SL, DW), pp. 990–991.
- DAC-2006-WilsonZ
- Decision-making for complex SoCs in consumer electronic products (RW, YZ), p. 173.
- DAC-2005-WilsonGHMLBTC #framework #platform #question
- Structured/platform ASIC apprentices: which platform will survive your board room? (RW, JG, CH, KM, SL, IB, RT, RC), pp. 887–888.
- DATE-v1-2004-CatthoorCMGLMSW #design #how #problem #question #scalability
- How Can System-Level Design Solve the Interconnect Technology Scaling Problem? (FC, AC, GM, PG, RL, KM, PvdS, RW), pp. 332–339.
- DATE-2001-Wilson #challenge #design #hardware
- Managing the SoC design challenge with “Soft” hardware (RW), pp. 610–611.