Ronen Feldman, Yair Liberzon, Binyamin Rosenfeld, Yonatan Schler, Jonathan Stoppi
A framework for specifying explicit bias for revision of approximate information extraction rules
KDD, 2000.
@inproceedings{KDD-2000-FeldmanLRSS, author = "Ronen Feldman and Yair Liberzon and Binyamin Rosenfeld and Yonatan Schler and Jonathan Stoppi", booktitle = "{Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining}", doi = "10.1145/347090.347125", isbn = "1-58113-233-6", pages = "189--197", publisher = "{ACM}", title = "{A framework for specifying explicit bias for revision of approximate information extraction rules}", year = 2000, }