Serge Abiteboul, Tristan Allard, Philippe Chatalic, Georges Gardarin, A. Ghitescu, François Goasdoué, Ioana Manolescu, Benjamin Nguyen, M. Ouazara, A. Somani, Nicolas Travers, Gabriel Vasile, Spyros Zoupanos
WebContent: efficient P2P Warehousing of web data
VLDB, 2008.
@article{VLDB-2008-AbiteboulACGGGMNOSTVZ, author = "Serge Abiteboul and Tristan Allard and Philippe Chatalic and Georges Gardarin and A. Ghitescu and François Goasdoué and Ioana Manolescu and Benjamin Nguyen and M. Ouazara and A. Somani and Nicolas Travers and Gabriel Vasile and Spyros Zoupanos", ee = "", journal = "{Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment}", number = 2, pages = "1428--1431", title = "{WebContent: efficient P2P Warehousing of web data}", volume = 1, year = 2008, }