Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Canada
1 × Finland
1 × Germany
1 × India
1 × Spain
1 × Sweden
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Cyprus
2 × Japan
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
F.Dragan Z.Tang L.Yeh J.Gruser H.Kou F.Sha Q.Chen ∅ C.d.Maindreville M.A.Melkanoff P.Lebeux B.Nguyen J.L.Bihan I.Bedini F.Machuca P.Pucheral M.Bouzeghoub E.Métais S.Abiteboul M.Scholl E.Simon J.Baer C.Girault G.Roucairol P.Fankhauser M.Lopez J.Muñoz A.Tomasic J.Cheiney G.Kiernan D.Pastre H.Stora N.Goodman B.G.Lindsay R.Munz J.B.R.Jr. M.E.Adiba J.Chupin R.Demolombe L.Bouganim T.Chan-Sine-Ying T.Dang-Ngoc J.Darroux C.Esculier G.L.Lann W.Litwin S.Sedillort L.Treille T.Allard P.Chatalic A.Ghitescu F.Goasdoué I.Manolescu M.Ouazara A.Somani N.Travers G.Vasile S.Zoupanos
Talks about:
databas (9) object (6) web (6) model (5) data (5) system (4) distribut (3) algorithm (3) function (3) orient (3)
Person: Georges Gardarin
DBLP: Gardarin:Georges
Facilitated 3 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 24 papers:
- ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-BediniNG #automation #taxonomy
- B2B Automatic Taxonomy Construction (IB, BN, GG), pp. 325–330.
- VLDB-2008-AbiteboulACGGGMNOSTVZ #named #performance #web
- WebContent: efficient P2P Warehousing of web data (SA, TA, PC, GG, AG, FG, IM, BN, MO, AS, NT, GV, SZ), pp. 1428–1431.
- ICEIS-DISI-2006-GardarinDY #semantics #web
- P2P Semantic Mediation of Web Sources (GG, FD, LY), pp. 7–15.
- ICEIS-J-2006-GardarinDY06a #semantics #web
- P2P Semantic Mediation of Web Sources (GG, FD, LY), pp. 3–16.
- ICEIS-v1-2005-DraganG #benchmark #metric #xml
- Benchmarking an XML Mediator (FD, GG), pp. 191–196.
- SIGIR-2002-KouG #algorithm #classification
- Study of category score algorithms for k-NN classifier (HK, GG), pp. 393–394.
- VLDB-1999-BouganimCDDGS #data flow #data type #multi #semistructured data #web
- Miro Web: Integrating Multiple Data Sources through Semistructured Data Types (LB, TCSY, TTDN, JLD, GG, FS), pp. 750–753.
- VLDB-1998-FankhauserGLMT #case study #database #experience
- Experiences in Federated Databases: From IRO-DB to MIRO-Web (PF, GG, ML, JM, AT), pp. 655–658.
- VLDB-1996-GardarinGT #algorithm #cost analysis #database #object-oriented
- Cost-based Selection of Path Expression Processing Algorithms in Object-Oriented Databases (GG, JRG, ZHT), pp. 390–401.
- VLDB-1996-GardarinST #cost analysis #database #object-oriented #query
- Calibrating the Query Optimizer Cost Model of IRO-DB, an Object-Oriented Federated Database System (GG, FS, ZHT), pp. 378–389.
- SIGMOD-1995-GardarinMP #execution #functional #named #query
- OFL: A Functional Execution Model for Object Query Languages (GG, FM, PP), pp. 59–70.
- VLDB-1995-GardarinGT #clustering #cost analysis #database #object-oriented
- A Cost Model for Clustered Object-Oriented Databases (GG, JRG, ZHT), pp. 323–334.
- VLDB-1989-GardarinCKPS #relational
- Managing Complex Objects in an Extensible Relational DBMS (GG, JPC, GK, DP, HS), pp. 55–65.
- SIGMOD-1988-ChenG #implementation #reasoning
- An Implementation Model for Reasoning with Complex Objects (QC, GG), pp. 164–172.
- VLDB-1987-Gardarin #datalog #recursion #source code
- Magic Functions: A Technique to Optimize Extended Datalog Recursive Programs (GG), pp. 21–30.
- SIGMOD-1986-GardarinM #database #evaluation #logic programming #recursion #source code
- Evaluation of Database Recursive Logic Programs as Recurrent Function Series (GG, CdM), pp. 177–186.
- VLDB-1986-AbiteboulSGS #towards
- Towards DBMSs for Supporting New Applications (SA, MS, GG, ES), pp. 423–435.
- VLDB-1985-BouzeghoubGM #approach #database #design #tool support
- Database Design Tools: An Expert System Approach (MB, GG, EM), pp. 82–95.
- ICSE-1981-BaerGGR #modelling #protocol #proving #specification
- The Two-Step Commitment Protocol: Modeling, Specification and Proof Methodology (JLB, GG, CG, GR), pp. 363–373.
- VLDB-1980-BihanELLGST #database #distributed #named
- SIRIUS: A French Nationwide Project on Distributed Data Bases (JLB, CE, GLL, WL, GG, SS, LT), pp. 75–85.
- VLDB-1980-GardarinGLMR #database #distributed
- Distributed Database Systems (GG, NG, BGL, RM, JBRJ), pp. 201–202.
- VLDB-1979-GardarinM #consistency #database #proving #transaction
- Proving Consistency of Database Transactions (GG, MAM), pp. 291–298.
- VLDB-1978-AdibaCDGB #bibliography #database #distributed #perspective
- Issues in Distributed Data Base Management Systems: A Technical Overview (MEA, JCC, RD, GG, JLB), pp. 89–110.
- VLDB-1977-GardarinL #algorithm #consistency #database #nondeterminism #scalability #scheduling
- Scheduling Algorithms for Avoiding Inconsistency in Large Databases (GG, PL), pp. 501–506.