Travelled to:
1 × Austria
Collaborated with:
S.Abiteboul I.Dar R.Pop D.Vodislav N.Preda T.Allard P.Chatalic G.Gardarin A.Ghitescu F.Goasdoué I.Manolescu B.Nguyen M.Ouazara A.Somani N.Travers S.Zoupanos
Talks about:
web (2) distribut (1) softwar (1) content (1) effici (1) wareh (1) sourc (1) scale (1) open (1) larg (1)
Person: Gabriel Vasile
DBLP: Vasile:Gabriel
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- VLDB-2008-AbiteboulACGGGMNOSTVZ #named #performance #web
- WebContent: efficient P2P Warehousing of web data (SA, TA, PC, GG, AG, FG, IM, BN, MO, AS, NT, GV, SZ), pp. 1428–1431.
- VLDB-2007-AbiteboulDPVVP #open source #scalability
- Large Scale P2P Distribution of Open-Source Software (SA, ID, RP, GV, DV, NP), pp. 1390–1393.