Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Belgium
1 × Germany
1 × Greece
1 × India
1 × Ireland
1 × Italy
1 × Japan
1 × Singapore
1 × Spain
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Austria
2 × China
2 × Sweden
27 × USA
5 × Canada
5 × France
Collaborated with:
V.Vianu ∅ T.Milo O.Benjelloun P.C.Kanellakis S.Cluet P.Senellart R.Hull G.Grahne G.Cobena I.Manolescu L.Segoufin B.Cautis B.Amann B.Marinoiu P.Bourhis C.H.Papadimitriou E.Waller E.Simon S.Nestorov A.Galland O.M.Duschka M.Scholl A.J.Bonner S.Ginsburg N.Bidoit L.Mignet R.Motwani J.Stoyanovich G.Miklau É.Antoine N.Preda F.D.Ngoc F.M.Suchanek G.Gottlob M.Manna L.Herr J.V.d.Bussche Y.Papakonstantinou H.Garcia-Molina K.J.Compton M.Spyratos N.Spyratos G.Gardarin A.Marian A.Bonifati J.McHugh J.L.Wiener J.Baumgarten V.Z.Moffitt Y.Amsterdamer M.Bienvenu K.Schnaitter N.Polyzotis Z.Abrams S.Haar J.Masanès G.Sedrati B.S.Fordham Y.Yesha G.M.Kuper M.Y.Vardi V.Christophides G.Lausen H.Uphoff G.Vasile J.D.Ullman J.Testard R.Weber M.Rys V.Vassalos I.Dar R.Pop D.Vodislav A.Eyal B.Alexe I.Fundulaki A.Sahuguet S.Tsur C.Clifton A.Rosenthal C.Cremarenco F.Dragan D.Quass J.Widom R.Goldman K.Haas Q.Luo A.Rajaraman H.Rivero T.Allard P.Chatalic A.Ghitescu F.Goasdoué B.Nguyen M.Ouazara A.Somani N.Travers S.Zoupanos V.Aguilera S.Ailleret B.Hills F.Hubert J.Mamou C.S.d.Santos B.Tessier A.Vercoustre
Talks about:
xml (19) data (14) queri (12) databas (11) activ (10) web (8) distribut (7) manag (7) languag (6) object (6)
Person: Serge Abiteboul
DBLP: Abiteboul:Serge
Facilitated 4 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 76 papers:
- SIGMOD-2015-MoffittSAM #collaboration #data access
- Collaborative Access Control in WebdamLog (VZM, JS, SA, GM), pp. 197–211.
- PODS-2013-AbiteboulV #collaboration #data-driven #workflow
- Collaborative data-driven workflows: think global, act local (SA, VV), pp. 91–102.
- SIGMOD-2013-AbiteboulAMST #development #rule-based #using
- Rule-based application development using Webdamlog (SA, ÉA, GM, JS, JT), pp. 965–968.
- CSL-2012-Abiteboul #distributed #web
- Sharing Distributed Knowledge on the Web (SA), pp. 6–8.
- SIGMOD-2012-AbiteboulAMS #learning #xml
- Auto-completion learning for XML (SA, YA, TM, PS), pp. 669–672.
- VLDB-2012-SuchanekAS11 #named #probability
- PARIS: Probabilistic Alignment of Relations, Instances, and Schema (FMS, SA, PS), pp. 157–168.
- PODS-2011-AbiteboulBGA #data transformation #rule-based #web
- A rule-based language for web data management (SA, MB, AG, ÉA), pp. 293–304.
- VLDB-2010-MarinoiuABG #collaboration #named
- AXART — Enabling Collaborative Work with AXML Artifacts (BM, SA, PB, AG), pp. 1553–1556.
- PODS-2009-AbiteboulBM #documentation #query #satisfiability
- Satisfiability and relevance for queries over active documents (SA, PB, BM), pp. 87–96.
- PODS-2009-AbiteboulGM #design #distributed #xml
- Distributed XML design (SA, GG, MM), pp. 247–258.
- PODS-2008-AbiteboulSV #static analysis #xml
- Static analysis of active XML systems (SA, LS, VV), pp. 221–230.
- VLDB-2008-AbiteboulACGGGMNOSTVZ #named #performance #web
- WebContent: efficient P2P Warehousing of web data (SA, TA, PC, GG, AG, FG, IM, BN, MO, AS, NT, GV, SZ), pp. 1428–1431.
- PODS-2007-CautisAM #constraints #reasoning #xml
- Reasoning about XML update constraints (BC, SA, TM), pp. 195–204.
- PODS-2007-SenellartA #complexity #on the #probability #xml
- On the complexity of managing probabilistic XML data (PS, SA), pp. 283–292.
- VLDB-2007-AbiteboulDPVVP #open source #scalability
- Large Scale P2P Distribution of Open-Source Software (SA, ID, RP, GV, DV, NP), pp. 1390–1393.
- ECOOP-2006-Abiteboul #database #network #xml
- Turning the Network into a Database with Active XML (SA), pp. 203–205.
- SIGMOD-2006-SchnaitterAMP #named #online
- COLT: continuous on-line tuning (KS, SA, TM, NP), pp. 793–795.
- PODS-2005-AbiteboulAHM #datalog #exclamation
- Diagnosis of asynchronous discrete event systems: datalog to the rescue! (SA, ZA, SH, TM), pp. 358–367.
- PODS-2005-AbiteboulMB #ambiguity #xml
- Regular rewriting of active XML and unambiguity (SA, TM, OB), pp. 295–303.
- FASE-2004-Abiteboul #distributed #information management #web #web service #xml
- Distributed Information Management with XML and Web Services (SA), pp. 1–11.
- PODS-2004-AbiteboulBM #xml
- Positive Active XML (SA, OB, TM), pp. 35–45.
- SIGMOD-2004-AbiteboulBCMMP #evaluation #lazy evaluation #query #xml
- Lazy Query Evaluation for Active XML (SA, OB, BC, IM, TM, NP), pp. 227–238.
- VLDB-2004-AbiteboulABCFMS #distributed #peer-to-peer #privacy
- An Electronic Patient Record “on Steroids”: Distributed, Peer-to-Peer, Secure and Privacy-conscious (SA, BA, OB, BC, IF, TM, AS), pp. 1273–1276.
- CAiSE-2003-Abiteboul #xml
- Managing an XML Warehouse in a P2P Context (SA), pp. 4–13.
- SIGMOD-2003-AbiteboulBCMM #documentation #replication #xml
- Dynamic XML documents with distribution and replication (SA, AB, GC, IM, TM), pp. 527–538.
- SIGMOD-2003-MiloAABN #xml
- Exchanging Intensional XML Data (TM, SA, BA, OB, FDN), pp. 289–300.
- VLDB-2003-AbiteboulABBNM #web #web service
- Schema-driven Customization of Web Services (SA, BA, JB, OB, FDN, TM), pp. 1093–1096.
- VLDB-2003-AbiteboulBBCCDMMP #distributed #xml
- Managing Distributed Workspaces with Active XML (SA, JB, AB, GC, CC, FD, IM, TM, NP), pp. 1061–1064.
- ECDL-2002-AbiteboulCMS #experience #web
- A First Experience in Archiving the French Web (SA, GC, JM, GS), pp. 1–15.
- VLDB-2002-AbiteboulBMMW #integration #peer-to-peer #web #web service #xml
- Active XML: Peer-to-Peer Data and Web Services Integration (SA, OB, IM, TM, RW), pp. 1087–1090.
- LICS-2001-Abiteboul #semistructured data #theory and practice
- Semistructured Data: from Practice to Theory (SA), pp. 379–386.
- PODS-2001-AbiteboulSV #query #representation #xml
- Representing and Querying XML with Incomplete Information (SA, LS, VV).
- VLDB-2001-MignetMAC #xml
- Change-Centric Management of Versions in an XML Warehouse (AM, SA, GC, LM), pp. 581–590.
- PODS-1999-Abiteboul #on the #xml
- On Views and XML (SA), pp. 1–9.
- VLDB-1999-AbiteboulAAACHHMMMMSTV #repository #xml
- XML Repository and Active Views Demonstration (SA, VA, SA, BA, SC, BH, FH, JCM, AM, LM, TM, CSdS, BT, AMV), pp. 742–745.
- VLDB-1999-AbiteboulACEMM
- Active Views for Electronic Commerce (SA, BA, SC, AE, LM, TM), pp. 138–149.
- PODS-1998-AbiteboulD #complexity #query #using
- Complexity of Answering Queries Using Materialized Views (SA, OMD), pp. 254–263.
- PODS-1998-AbiteboulVFY #relational #transducer
- Relational Transducers for Electronic Commerce (SA, VV, BSF, YY), pp. 179–187.
- SIGMOD-1998-NestorovAM #semistructured data
- Extracting Schema from Semistructured Data (SN, SA, RM), pp. 295–306.
- SIGMOD-1998-TsurUACMNR #mining #query
- Query Flocks: A Generalization of Association-Rule Mining (ST, JDU, SA, CC, RM, SN, AR), pp. 1–12.
- VLDB-1998-AbiteboulMRVW #incremental #maintenance #semistructured data
- Incremental Maintenance for Materialized Views over Semistructured Data (SA, JM, MR, VV, JLW), pp. 38–49.
- ECDL-1997-Abiteboul #database #library
- Object Database Support for Digital Libraries (SA), pp. 11–23.
- PODS-1997-AbiteboulV #constraints #query
- Regular Path Queries with Constraints (SA, VV), pp. 122–133.
- PODS-1996-AbiteboulHB #database #first-order #logic #query
- Temporal Versus First-Order Logic to Query Temporal Databases (SA, LH, JVdB), pp. 49–57.
- PODS-1996-AbiteboulKPV
- In Memoriam: Paris C. Kanellakis (SA, GMK, CHP, MYV), p. 79.
- SIGMOD-1996-QuassWGHLMNRRAUW #lightweight #named #repository #semistructured data
- LORE: A Lightweight Object REpository for Semistructured Data (DQ, JW, RG, KH, QL, JM, SN, AR, HR, SA, JDU, JLW), p. 549.
- VLDB-1996-PapakonstantinouAG
- Object Fusion in Mediator Systems (YP, SA, HGM), pp. 413–424.
- SIGMOD-1995-AbiteboulCM #database #interface
- A Database Interface for File Updates (SA, SC, TM), pp. 386–397.
- LICS-1994-AbiteboulPV #power of #relational
- The Power of Reflective Relational Machines (SA, CHP, VV), pp. 230–240.
- SIGMOD-1994-ChristophidesACS #documentation #novel #query
- From Structured Documents to Novel Query Facilities (VC, SA, SC, MS), pp. 313–324.
- ICALP-1993-AbiteboulV
- Computing on Structures (SA, VV), pp. 606–620.
- SIGMOD-1993-AbiteboulLUW
- Methods and Rules (SA, GL, HU, EW), pp. 32–41.
- VLDB-1993-AbiteboulCM #query
- Querying and Updating the File (SA, SC, TM), pp. 73–84.
- JICSLP-1992-Abiteboul #database #deduction #object-oriented
- Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (SA), pp. 26–29.
- PODS-1992-AbiteboulCV #query
- Queries Are Easier Than You Thought (Probably) (SA, KJC, VV), pp. 23–32.
- SIGMOD-1991-AbiteboulB
- Objects and Views (SA, AJB), pp. 238–247.
- STOC-1991-AbiteboulV #complexity
- Generic Computation and Its Complexity (SA, VV), pp. 209–219.
- PODS-1990-AbiteboulKW
- Method Schemas (SA, PCK, EW), pp. 16–27.
- PODS-1990-AbiteboulSV #nondeterminism
- Non-Deterministic Languages to Express Deterministic Transformations (SA, ES, VV), pp. 218–229.
- LICS-1989-AbiteboulV #first-order #fixpoint #logic
- Fixpoint Extensions of First-Order Logic and Datalog-Like Languages (SA, VV), pp. 71–79.
- SIGMOD-1989-AbiteboulK #query
- Object Identity as a Query Language Primitive (SA, PCK), pp. 159–173.
- PODS-1988-AbiteboulV #database #declarative
- Procedural and Declarative Database Update Languages (SA, VV), pp. 240–250.
- SIGMOD-1988-AbiteboulH #datalog
- Data Functions, Datalog and Negation (SA, RH), pp. 143–153.
- PODS-1987-AbiteboulV #database #specification
- A Transcation Language Complete for Database Update and Specification (SA, VV), pp. 260–268.
- SIGMOD-1987-AbiteboulKG #on the #query #representation #set
- On the Representation and Querying of Sets of Possible Worlds (SA, PCK, GG), pp. 34–48.
- PODS-1986-AbiteboulV #transaction
- Deciding Properties of Transactional Schemas (SA, VV), pp. 235–239.
- VLDB-1986-AbiteboulSGS #towards
- Towards DBMSs for Supporting New Applications (SA, MS, GG, ES), pp. 423–435.
- PODS-1985-AbiteboulV #constraints #transaction
- Transactions and Integrity Constraints (SA, VV), pp. 193–204.
- VLDB-1985-AbiteboulG #database #semantics #semistructured data
- Update Semantics for Incomplete Databases (SA, GG), pp. 1–12.
- ICALP-1984-AbiteboulG #sequence #tuple
- Tuple Sequences and Indexes (SA, SG), pp. 41–50.
- PODS-1984-AbiteboulB #normalisation
- Non First Normal Form Relations to Represent Hierarchical Organized Data (SA, NB), pp. 191–200.
- PODS-1984-AbiteboulH #database #named #semantics
- IFO: A Formal Semantic Database Model (SA, RH), pp. 119–132.
- VLDB-1984-AbiteboulV #database #relational #transaction
- Transactions in Relational Databases (SA, VV), pp. 46–56.
- PODS-1983-Abiteboul #database
- Disaggregations in Databases (SA), pp. 384–388.
- PODS-1983-AbiteboulSS #aspect-oriented #database
- Information Theoretic Aspects of Data Bases (SA, MS, NS), pp. 312–316.
- PPDP-2017-Abiteboul #data transformation
- Issues in ethical data management (SA), p. 1.