Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × Switzerland
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Lu L.Ravindranath D.Marinov T.Jiang L.Tan P.Chang C.Radoi L.Song Q.Luo M.Pradel T.R.Gross
Talks about:
perform (4) problem (3) fix (3) detect (2) multithread (1) understand (1) smartphon (1) ballerina (1) toddler (1) similar (1)
Person: Adrian Nistor
DBLP: Nistor:Adrian
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- ICSE-v1-2015-NistorCRL #detection #named #performance #problem
- CARAMEL: Detecting and Fixing Performance Problems That Have Non-Intrusive Fixes (AN, PCC, CR, SL), pp. 902–912.
- ISSTA-2014-NistorR #developer #named #performance #predict #problem #smarttech
- SunCat: helping developers understand and predict performance problems in smartphone applications (AN, LR), pp. 282–292.
- ICSE-2013-NistorSML #data access #detection #named #performance #problem
- Toddler: detecting performance problems via similar memory-access patterns (AN, LS, DM, SL), pp. 562–571.
- MSR-2013-NistorJT #debugging #performance
- Discovering, reporting, and fixing performance bugs (AN, TJ, LT), pp. 237–246.
- ICSE-2012-NistorLPGM #automation #clustering #generative #named #parallel #performance #random #testing #thread
- Ballerina: Automatic generation and clustering of efficient random unit tests for multithreaded code (AN, QL, MP, TRG, DM), pp. 727–737.