Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Republic of China
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
W.M.Jr. M.A.J.Song S.V.A.Campos G.P.Santiago R.H.Jr. R.Maranzato A.P.d.Lago M.Neubert L.E.Zárate L.C.d.Rocha F.Mourão M.A.Gonçalves R.L.d.O.Jr. A.Veloso R.Ferreira S.Parthasarathy F.Lima G.Gorgulho
Talks about:
system (3) detect (2) fraud (2) uml (2) sentiment (1) transact (1) electron (1) approach (1) specifi (1) regress (1)
Person: Adriano M. Pereira
DBLP: Pereira:Adriano_M=
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- SAC-2015-SantiagoPH #approach #detection #modelling
- A modeling approach for credit card fraud detection in electronic payment services (GPS, AMP, RHJ), pp. 2328–2331.
- SIGIR-2014-LourencoVPMFP #analysis #sentiment
- Economically-efficient sentiment stream analysis (RLdOJ, AV, AMP, WMJ, RF, SP), pp. 637–646.
- SAC-2010-MaranzatoPLN #detection #using
- Fraud detection in reputation systems in e-markets using logistic regression (RM, AMP, APdL, MN), pp. 1454–1455.
- CIKM-2008-RochaMPGM #classification
- Exploiting temporal contexts in text classification (LCdR, FM, AMP, MAG, WMJ), pp. 243–252.
- SEKE-2005-SongPCZ #specification #transaction #uml #verification
- Formal Verification of Transactional Systems Based on UML Specifications (MAJS, AMP, SVAC, LEZ), pp. 199–204.
- SEKE-2003-SongPLGCM #e-commerce #uml #verification
- Extending UML to Specify and Verify E-commerce Systems (MAJS, AMP, FL, GG, SVAC, WMJ), pp. 306–313.