Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
T.E.J.Vos A.Sadovykh E.Brosse D.Pagano M.A.Juan T.Roehm B.Brügge W.Maalej A.García-Domínguez K.Barmpis D.S.Kolovos M.A.A.d.Silva A.Abherve P.Tonella W.Prasetya P.M.Kruse M.Harman O.Shehory
Talks about:
test (3) internet (2) model (2) futur (2) industri (1) commerci (1) softwar (1) process (1) monitor (1) mainten (1)
Person: Alessandra Bagnato
DBLP: Bagnato:Alessandra
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CSMR-WCRE-2014-VosTPKBHS #automation #internet #named #process #testing
- FITTEST: A new continuous and automated testing process for future Internet applications (TEJV, PT, WP, PMK, AB, MH, OS), pp. 407–410.
- CSMR-2013-BagnatoSBV #case study #industrial #internet #testing #uml
- The OMG UML Testing Profile in Use — An Industrial Case Study for the Future Internet Testing (AB, AS, EB, TEJV), pp. 457–460.
- ICSE-2012-PaganoJBRBM #maintenance #monitoring #named
- FastFix: Monitoring control for remote software maintenance (DP, MAJ, AB, TR, BB, WM), pp. 1437–1438.
- MoDELS-2016-Garcia-Dominguez #graph #integration #modelling #tool support
- Integration of a graph-based model indexer in commercial modelling tools (AGD, KB, DSK, MAAdS, AA, AB), pp. 340–350.