Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × USA
2 × Austria
2 × France
Collaborated with:
R.F.Paige K.Barmpis H.H.Rodriguez A.García-Domínguez R.Wei A.Zolotas S.Popoola J.Hingorani S.Madani S.Hutchesson M.A.A.d.Silva A.Abherve A.Bagnato S.Gerasimou A.Gómez X.Mendialdua G.Bergmann J.Cabot C.Debreceni A.Garmendia J.d.Lara S.Trujillo
Talks about:
model (10) languag (2) generat (2) epsilon (2) toward (2) integr (2) tool (2) proprietari (1) transform (1) technolog (1)
Person: Dimitrios S. Kolovos
DBLP: Kolovos:Dimitrios_S=
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- ECMFA-2016-Garcia-Dominguez
- Stress-Testing Centralised Model Stores (AGD, KB, DSK, RW, RFP), pp. 48–63.
- ICMT-2016-PopoolaKR #generative #model transformation #named #transformation language
- EMG: A Domain-Specific Transformation Language for Synthetic Model Generation (SP, DSK, HHR), pp. 36–51.
- MoDELS-2016-Garcia-Dominguez #graph #integration #modelling #tool support
- Integration of a graph-based model indexer in commercial modelling tools (AGD, KB, DSK, MAAdS, AA, AB), pp. 340–350.
- MoDELS-2016-WeiKGBP #modelling #xmi
- Partial loading of XMI models (RW, DSK, AGD, KB, RFP), pp. 329–339.
- ECMFA-2017-GomezMBCDGKLT #case study #development #experience #modelling #on the #scalability
- On the Opportunities of Scalable Modeling Technologies: An Experience Report on Wind Turbines Control Applications Development (AG, XM, GB, JC, CD, AG, DSK, JdL, ST), pp. 300–315.
- MoDELS-2017-ZolotasRKPH #model management #modelling #open source #tool support
- Bridging Proprietary Modelling and Open-Source Model Management Tools: The Case of PTC Integrity Modeller and Epsilon (AZ, HHR, DSK, RFP, SH), pp. 237–247.
- ECMFA-2018-BarmpisKH #execution #framework #natural language #towards
- Towards a Framework for Writing Executable Natural Language Rules (KB, DSK, JH), pp. 251–263.
- ECMFA-2018-MadaniKP #parallel #validation
- Parallel Model Validation with Epsilon (SM, DSK, RFP), pp. 115–131.
- ECMFA-2018-ZolotasWGRKP #automation #editing #generative #papyrus #towards #uml #visual notation
- Towards Automatic Generation of UML Profile Graphical Editors for Papyrus (AZ, RW, SG, HHR, DSK, RFP), pp. 12–27.