Travelled to:
2 × Greece
2 × Japan
Collaborated with:
B.Durand A.E.Romashchenko L.Bienvenu D.Desfontaines L.A.Levin
Talks about:
tile (3) complex (2) percentag (1) program (1) aperiod (1) spars (1) point (1) error (1) what (1) high (1)
Person: Alexander Shen
DBLP: Shen:Alexander
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ICALP-v1-2015-BienvenuDS #question #source code #what
- What Percentage of Programs Halt? (LB, DD, AS), pp. 219–230.
- ICALP-v1-2009-DurandRS #complexity #fault
- High Complexity Tilings with Sparse Errors (BD, AER, AS), pp. 403–414.
- DLT-2008-DurandRS #fixpoint
- Fixed Point and Aperiodic Tilings (BD, AER, AS), pp. 276–288.
- STOC-2001-DurandLS
- Complex tilings (BD, LAL, AS), pp. 732–739.