Tag #fixpoint
198 papers:
POPL-2020-KimVT #parallel- Deterministic parallel fixpoint computation (SKK, AJV, AVT), p. 33.
POPL-2019-BaldanKMP #game studies- Fixpoint games on continuous lattices (PB, BK0, CMM, TP), p. 29.
SAS-2019-0001NIU #first-order #logic #source code #verification- Temporal Verification of Programs via First-Order Fixpoint Logic (NK0, TN, AI, HU0), pp. 413–436.
CC-2019-BlassP #algorithm #analysis #compilation #performance- GPU-accelerated fixpoint algorithms for faster compiler analyses (TB, MP), pp. 122–134.
ESOP-2019-Alvarez-Picallo #datalog #incremental #recursion #semantics- Fixing Incremental Computation - Derivatives of Fixpoints, and the Recursive Semantics of Datalog (MAP, AET, MPJ, CHLO), pp. 525–552.
FSCD-2018-Ayala-RinconFN #constraints #equation #unification- Fixed-Point Constraints for Nominal Equational Unification (MAR, MF, DNS), p. 16.
PPDP-2018-BarenbaumBM #call-by #pattern matching- Pattern Matching and Fixed Points: Resource Types and Strong Call-By-Need: Extended Abstract (PB, EB, KM), p. 12.
CSL-2018-NolletST #linear #logic #proving- Local Validity for Circular Proofs in Linear Logic with Fixed Points (RN, AS, CT), p. 23.
POPL-2017-KobayashiLB #higher-order #logic #on the #recursion- On the relationship between higher-order recursion schemes and higher-order fixpoint logic (NK0, ÉL, FB), pp. 246–259.
SEFM-2016-Yavuz #abstraction #approximate- Combining Predicate Abstraction with Fixpoint Approximations (TY), pp. 104–120.
ICML-2016-LinTA #network- Fixed Point Quantization of Deep Convolutional Networks (DDL, SST, VSA), pp. 2849–2858.
PLDI-2016-MadsenYL #datalog #declarative- From Datalog to flix: a declarative language for fixed points on lattices (MM, MHY, OL), pp. 194–208.
FSE-2016-Monteiro #bound #finite #implementation #model checking #modelling- Bounded model checking of state-space digital systems: the impact of finite word-length effects on the implementation of fixed-point digital controllers based on state-space modeling (FRM), pp. 1151–1153.
CSL-2016-EnqvistSV #algebra #logic- Completeness for Coalgebraic Fixpoint Logic (SE, FS, YV), p. 19.
ICALP-v2-2015-EtessamiSY #branch #equation #markov #polynomial #probability #process #reachability- Greatest Fixed Points of Probabilistic Min/Max Polynomial Equations, and Reachability for Branching Markov Decision Processes (KE, AS, MY), pp. 184–196.
ICML-2015-MarietS #algorithm #learning #process- Fixed-point algorithms for learning determinantal point processes (ZM, SS), pp. 2389–2397.
CSL-2015-BaeldeDS - Least and Greatest Fixed Points in Ludics (DB, AD, AS), pp. 549–566.
CSL-2015-CranenLW #logic- Evidence for Fixpoint Logic (SC, BL, TACW), pp. 78–93.
ICLP-J-2015-BogaertsB #approximate #compilation #logic programming #source code #using- Knowledge compilation of logic programs using approximation fixpoint theory (BB, GVdB), pp. 464–480.
LICS-2015-BenediktCB #decidability #logic- Interpolation with Decidable Fixpoint Logics (MB, BtC, MVB), pp. 378–389.
LICS-2015-CanavoiGLP #logic- Defining Winning Strategies in Fixed-Point Logic (FC, EG, SL, WP), pp. 366–377.
CIAA-2014-EsparzaLS #equation #named- FPsolve: A Generic Solver for Fixpoint Equations over Semirings (JE, ML, MS), pp. 1–15.
CIKM-2014-PaikO #query- A Fixed-Point Method for Weighting Terms in Verbose Informational Queries (JHP, DWO), pp. 131–140.
KR-2014-StrassW #approximate #complexity #framework- Analyzing the Computational Complexity of Abstract Dialectical Frameworks via Approximation Fixpoint Theory (HS, JPW).
SAS-2014-ChakarovS #invariant #probability- Expectation Invariants for Probabilistic Program Loops as Fixed Points (AC, SS), pp. 85–100.
DAC-2014-AlbalawiLL #algorithm #classification #design #implementation #machine learning #power management- Computer-Aided Design of Machine Learning Algorithm: Training Fixed-Point Classifier for On-Chip Low-Power Implementation (HA, YL, XL), p. 6.
IJCAR-2014-Gore #logic #ltl- And-Or Tableaux for Fixpoint Logics with Converse: LTL, CTL, PDL and CPDL (RG), pp. 26–45.
LICS-CSL-2014-ChaudhuriG #calculus #similarity- Equality and fixpoints in the calculus of structures (KC, NG), p. 10.
ICML-c1-2013-LiWWT - Fixed-Point Model For Structured Labeling (QL, JW, DPW, ZT), pp. 214–221.
DATE-2013-NovoAI #estimation #fault #invariant #linear #trade-off- Accuracy vs speed tradeoffs in the estimation of fixed-point errors on linear time-invariant systems (DN, SEA, PI), pp. 15–20.
CSL-2013-GallianiH #logic- Inclusion Logic and Fixed Point Logic (PG, LH), pp. 281–295.
LICS-2013-AndersonDH #linear #logic #programming- Maximum Matching and Linear Programming in Fixed-Point Logic with Counting (MA, AD, BH), pp. 173–182.
LICS-2013-BirkedalM #recursion #type system- Intensional Type Theory with Guarded Recursive Types qua Fixed Points on Universes (LB, REM), pp. 213–222.
VMCAI-2013-SeladjiB #abstract domain #analysis #tool support #using- Fixpoint Computation in the Polyhedra Abstract Domain Using Convex and Numerical Analysis Tools (YS, OB), pp. 149–168.
KR-2012-Grossi - Fixpoints and Iterated Updates in Abstract Argumentation (DG).
PPDP-2012-FilipiukNN #logic- Layered fixed point logic (PF, FN, HRN), pp. 45–54.
LICS-2012-BaeldeN #deduction #logic- Combining Deduction Modulo and Logics of Fixed-Point Definitions (DB, GN), pp. 105–114.
ICFP-2011-HinzeJ #category theory #proving- Proving the unique fixed-point principle correct: an adventure with category theory (RH, DWHJ), pp. 359–371.
SAS-2011-MonniauxG #bound #model checking #using- Using Bounded Model Checking to Focus Fixpoint Iterations (DM, LG), pp. 369–385.
SAC-2011-VenkateshGBC #implementation #markov #modelling #recognition #speech #using- Fixed-point implementation of isolated sub-word level speech recognition using hidden Markov models (NV, RG, RB, MGC), pp. 368–373.
CAV-2011-HoderBM #constraints #named #performance- μZ — An Efficient Engine for Fixed Points with Constraints (KH, NB, LMdM), pp. 457–462.
CAV-2011-PhamTTC #constraints #named #quantifier- FixBag: A Fixpoint Calculator for Quantified Bag Constraints (THP, MTT, AHT, WNC), pp. 656–662.
PODS-2010-DeutchKM #markov #on the #probability #query- On probabilistic fixpoint and Markov chain query languages (DD, CK, TM), pp. 215–226.
ICML-2010-Scherrer #difference #perspective- Should one compute the Temporal Difference fix point or minimize the Bellman Residual? The unified oblique projection view (BS), pp. 959–966.
ICLP-J-2010-HouCD #logic #rule-based- FO(FD): Extending classical logic with rule-based fixpoint definitions (PH, BdC, MD), pp. 581–596.
LICS-2010-EndrullisHK #combinator #composition- Modular Construction of Fixed Point Combinators and Clocked Bohm Trees (JE, DH, JWK), pp. 111–119.
LICS-2010-Grohe #graph #polynomial- Fixed-Point Definability and Polynomial Time on Graphs with Excluded Minors (MG), pp. 179–188.
CIAA-2009-GantyMR #abstraction #automaton #refinement- Fixpoint Guided Abstraction Refinement for Alternating Automata (PG, NM, JFR), pp. 155–164.
ICFP-2009-YakushevHLJ #data type #programming #recursion- Generic programming with fixed points for mutually recursive datatypes (ARY, SH, AL, JJ), pp. 233–244.
PLDI-2009-TorreMP #calculus #recursion #source code #using- Analyzing recursive programs using a fixed-point calculus (SLT, PM, GP), pp. 211–222.
PPDP-2009-Aranda-LopezNSS #constraints #database #deduction #implementation #semantics- Implementing a fixed point semantics for a constraint deductive database based on hereditary harrop formulas (GAL, SN, FSP, JSH), pp. 117–128.
DATE-2009-DSilvaK #detection #multi- Fixed points for multi-cycle path detection (VD, DK), pp. 1710–1715.
FoSSaCS-2009-Clairambault #game studies #semantics- Least and Greatest Fixpoints in Game Semantics (PC), pp. 16–31.
CAV-2009-BjornerH #functional #linear- Linear Functional Fixed-points (NB, JH), pp. 124–139.
CAV-2009-GawlitzaS #game studies- Games through Nested Fixpoints (TG, HS), pp. 291–305.
CSL-2009-Grohe #polynomial- Fixed-Point Definability and Polynomial Time (MG), pp. 20–23.
DLT-2008-DurandRS - Fixed Point and Aperiodic Tilings (BD, AER, AS), pp. 276–288.
DLT-2008-EsparzaKL #analysis- Derivation Tree Analysis for Accelerated Fixed-Point Computation (JE, SK, ML), pp. 301–313.
ICFP-2008-Hinze #functional- Functional pearl: streams and unique fixed points (RH), pp. 189–200.
ICPR-2008-LiZ #algorithm #matrix #named #performance- FastNMF: A fast monotonic fixed-point non-negative Matrix Factorization algorithm with high ease of use (LL, YJZ), pp. 1–4.
KR-2008-Cortes-CalabuigDAB #approximate #database #performance #query- Accuracy and Efficiency of Fixpoint Methods for Approximate Query Answering in Locally Complete Databases (ACC, MD, OA, MB), pp. 81–91.
PPDP-2008-BertotK #coq #recursion #semantics- Fixed point semantics and partial recursion in Coq (YB, VK), pp. 89–96.
DAC-2008-PangR #optimisation- Optimizing imprecise fixed-point arithmetic circuits specified by Taylor Series through arithmetic transform (YP, KR), pp. 397–402.
DATE-2008-NovoBLPC #energy #refinement- Scenario-Based Fixed-point Data Format Refinement to Enable Energy-scalable Software Defined Radios (DN, BB, AL, LVdP, FC), pp. 722–727.
ICALP-2007-ArenasBL #automaton #regular expression #word- Regular Languages of Nested Words: Fixed Points, Automata, and Synchronization (MA, PB, LL), pp. 888–900.
POPL-2007-OhoriS #lightweight- Lightweight fusion by fixed point promotion (AO, IS), pp. 143–154.
ESOP-2007-GawlitzaS #precise- Precise Fixpoint Computation Through Strategy Iteration (TG, HS), pp. 300–315.
DLT-2006-Krieger #morphism #on the- On Critical Exponents in Fixed Points of Non-erasing Morphisms (DK), pp. 280–291.
ICALP-v1-2006-ChenD #2d #complexity #on the #problem- On the Complexity of 2D Discrete Fixed Point Problem (XC, XD), pp. 489–500.
PEPM-2006-Edwards #simulation #using- Using program specialization to speed SystemC fixed-point simulation (SAE), pp. 21–28.
POPL-2006-AlurCM #calculus- A fixpoint calculus for local and global program flows (RA, SC, PM), pp. 153–165.
DATE-DF-2006-MadingLPSBEH #architecture- The vector fixed point unit of the synergistic processor element of the cell architecture processor (NM, JL, JP, RS, SB, SE, WH), pp. 244–248.
DATE-DF-2006-SohnWYY #design #mobile #multi- Design and test of fixed-point multimedia co-processor for mobile applications (JHS, JHW, JY, HJY), pp. 249–253.
IFM-2005-BarradasB #semantics- A Fixpoint Semantics of Event Systems With and Without Fairness Assumptions (HRB, DB), pp. 327–346.
STOC-2005-ChenD #algorithm #approximate #on the- On algorithms for discrete and approximate brouwer fixed points (XC, XD), pp. 323–330.
CAV-2005-CostanGGMP #algorithm #policy #source code #static analysis- A Policy Iteration Algorithm for Computing Fixed Points in Static Analysis of Programs (AC, SG, EG, MM, SP), pp. 462–475.
CSL-2005-BradfieldK #complexity #logic- The Complexity of Independence-Friendly Fixpoint Logic (JCB, SK), pp. 355–368.
ICALP-2004-DawarGK #backtracking #game studies- Backtracking Games and Inflationary Fixed Points (AD, EG, SK), pp. 420–432.
ICALP-2004-Martin - Entropy as a Fixed Point (KM), pp. 945–958.
ICALP-2004-Schweikardt #logic #monad #on the #power of- On the Expressive Power of Monadic Least Fixed Point Logic (NS), pp. 1123–1135.
SAC-2004-TangMC #embedded #implementation #mobile #performance #using #verification- Efficient implementation of fingerprint verification for mobile embedded systems using fixed-point arithmetic (TYT, YSM, KCC), pp. 821–825.
DAC-2004-RoyB #algorithm #design #float #matlab- An algorithm for converting floating-point computations to fixed-point in MATLAB based FPGA design (SR, PB), pp. 484–487.
DAC-2004-ShiB #automation #communication #data type #optimisation- Automated fixed-point data-type optimization tool for signal processing and communication systems (CS, RWB), pp. 478–483.
DATE-v2-2004-LinZ - Wire Retiming for System-on-Chip by Fixpoint Computation (CL, HZ), pp. 1092–1097.
TACAS-2004-GrooteK #equation- Solving Disjunctive/Conjunctive Boolean Equation Systems with Alternating Fixed Points (JFG, MK), pp. 436–450.
CSL-2004-AbelM #recursion- Fixed Points of Type Constructors and Primitive Recursion (AA, RM), pp. 190–204.
TLCA-2003-KakutaniH #category theory- Parameterizations and Fixed-Point Operators on Control Categories (YK, MH), pp. 180–194.
TLCA-2003-Montelatici #proving #semantics- Polarized Proof Nets with Cycles and Fixpoints Semantics (RM), pp. 256–270.
PPDP-2003-ZhouS #linear #performance- Efficient fixpoint computation in linear tabling (NFZ, TS), pp. 275–283.
DAC-2003-CarlettaVKF - Determining appropriate precisions for signals in fixed-point IIR filters (JC, RJV, FWK, ZF), pp. 656–661.
CSL-2003-DawarR #logic #symmetry- A Fixed-Point Logic with Symmetric Choice (AD, DR), pp. 169–182.
LICS-2003-GradelK - Will Deflation Lead to Depletion? On Non-Monotone Fixed Point Inductions (EG, SK), p. 158–?.
IFM-2002-AkbarpourDT #formal method- Formalization of Cadence SPW Fixed-Point Arithmetic in HOL (BA, AD, ST), pp. 185–204.
ICML-2002-PerkinsP #on the- On the Existence of Fixed Points for Q-Learning and Sarsa in Partially Observable Domains (TJP, MDP), pp. 490–497.
LOPSTR-2002-VanhoofTB #logic programming #semantics #source code- A Fixed Point Semantics for Logic Programs Extended with Cuts (WV, RT, MB), pp. 238–257.
DATE-2002-MenardS #algorithm #automation #evaluation- Automatic Evaluation of the Accuracy of Fixed-Point Algorithms (DM, OS), pp. 529–535.
FoSSaCS-2002-LangeS #logic #model checking- Model Checking Fixed Point Logic with Chop (ML, CS), pp. 250–263.
CSL-2002-Chen #parallel- A Fixpoint Theory for Non-monotonic Parallelism (YC), pp. 120–134.
CSL-2002-Kreutzer #infinity #logic- Partial Fixed-Point Logic on Infinite Structures (SK), pp. 337–351.
LICS-2002-Kreutzer #equivalence #logic- Expressive Equivalence of Least and Inflationary Fixed-Point Logic (SK), p. 403–?.
DLT-2001-Esik #equation- The Equational Theory of Fixed Points with Applications to Generalized Language Theory (ZÉ), pp. 21–36.
ICML-2001-ChoiR #approximate #difference #learning #performance- A Generalized Kalman Filter for Fixed Point Approximation and Efficient Temporal Difference Learning (DC, BVR), pp. 43–50.
DAC-2001-ZhouSN #analysis- Timing Analysis with Crosstalk as Fixpoints on Complete Lattice (HZ, NVS, WN), pp. 714–719.
CSL-2001-DawarGK #logic- Inflationary Fixed Points in Modal Logic (AD, EG, SK), pp. 277–291.
ICLP-2001-KumarRS #equation #modelling- Alternating Fixed Points in Boolean Equation Systems as Preferred Stable Models (KNK, CRR, SAS), pp. 227–241.
PODS-2000-Kreutzer #constraints #database #linear #query- Fixed-Point Query Languages for Linear Constraint Databases (SK), pp. 116–125.
ICML-2000-FariasR #approximate #learning- Fixed Points of Approximate Value Iteration and Temporal-Difference Learning (DPdF, BVR), pp. 207–214.
CL-2000-WangZL #logic programming #source code- Alternating Fixpoint Theory for Logic Programs with Priority (KW, LZ, FL), pp. 164–178.
CSL-2000-Atserias #bound #complexity- The Descriptive Complexity of the Fixed-Points of Bounded Formulas (AA), pp. 172–186.
CSL-2000-Esik #axiom- Axiomatizing the Least Fixed Point Operation and Binary Supremum (ZÉ), pp. 302–316.
LICS-2000-SimpsonP #axiom #category theory- Complete Axioms for Categorical Fixed-Point Operators (AKS, GDP), pp. 30–41.
FM-v1-1999-DeharbeM #model checking- Symbolic Model Checking with Fewer Fixpoint Computations (DD, AMM), pp. 272–288.
ICFP-1999-SplawskiU #recursion- Type Fixpoints: Iteration vs. Recursion (ZS, PU), pp. 102–113.
CC-1999-CilioC #c #float- Floating Point to Fixed Point Conversion of C Code (AGMC, HC), pp. 229–243.
DAC-1999-BashfordL #constraints- Constraint Driven Code Selection for Fixed-Point DSPs (SB, RL), pp. 817–822.
DATE-1999-CmarRSVB #design #refinement- A Methodology and Design Environment for DSP ASIC Fixed-Point Refinement (RC, LR, PS, SV, IB), p. 271–?.
CSL-1999-Bradfield #game studies #quantifier- Fixpoint Alternation and the Game Quantifier (JCB), pp. 350–361.
CSL-1999-SeidlN #on the- On Guarding Nested Fixpoints (HS, AN), pp. 484–498.
LICS-1999-AtseriasK #finite #first-order #logic #set- First-Order Logic vs. Fixed-Point Logic in Finite Set Theory (AA, PGK), pp. 275–284.
LICS-1999-GradelW #logic- Guarded Fixed Point Logic (EG, IW), pp. 45–54.
ICALP-1998-LiuS #algorithm #linear- Simple Linear-Time Algorithms for Minimal Fixed Points (XL, SAS), pp. 53–66.
DATE-1998-KedingWCM #design #named #simulation- FRIDGE: A Fixed-Point Design and Simulation Environment (HK, MW, MC, HM), pp. 429–435.
ESOP-1998-FechtS #algorithm #constraints #difference #performance- Propagating Differences: An Efficient New Fixpoint Algorithm for Distributive Constraint Systems (CF, HS), pp. 90–104.
TACAS-1998-LiuRS #evaluation #performance- Fully Local and Efficient Evaluation of Alternating Fixed Points (XL, CRR, SAS), pp. 5–19.
CADE-1998-Crary #induction- Admissibility of Fixpoint Induction over Partial Types (KC), pp. 270–285.
CSL-1998-Matthes #normalisation- Monotone Fixed-Point Types and Strong Normalization (RM), pp. 298–312.
LICS-1998-Grohe #graph #logic- Fixed-Point Logics on Planar Graphs (MG), pp. 6–15.
DAC-1997-WillemsBKGM #approach #design- System Level Fixed-Point Design Based on an Interpolative Approach (MW, VB, HK, TG, HM), pp. 293–298.
LICS-1997-Janin #automaton #calculus #reduction #theorem- Automata, Tableaus and a Reduction Theorem for Fixpoint Calculi in Arbitrary Complete Lattices (DJ), pp. 172–182.
LICS-1997-Rathke #induction #process- Unique Fixpoint Induction for Value-Passing Processes (JR), pp. 140–148.
ICALP-1996-Kaivola #automaton- Fixpoints for Rabin Tree Automata Make Complementation Easy (RK), pp. 312–323.
CC-1996-GeserKLRS #higher-order- Non-monotone Fixpoint Iterations to Resolve Second Order Effects (AG, JK, GL, OR, BS), pp. 106–120.
CSL-1996-Dziembowski #bound #query- Bounded-Variable Fixpoint Queries are PSPACE-complete (SD), pp. 89–105.
CAV-1995-AndersenV #behaviour #performance #using- Efficient Checking of Behavioural Relations and Modal Assertions using Fixed-Point Inversion (HRA, BV), pp. 142–154.
CAV-1995-CousotC #composition #constraints #equation #game studies #induction #rule-based #semantics- Compositional and Inductive Semantic Definitions in Fixpoint, Equational, Constraint, Closure-condition, Rule-based and Game-Theoretic Form (PC, RC), pp. 293–308.
ILPS-1995-LeoneS #declarative #modelling- Declarative and Fixpoint Characterizations of Disjunctive Stable Models (NL, FS), pp. 399–413.
LICS-1995-Seth #complexity #logic #question- When Do Fixed Point Logics Capture Complexity Classes? (AS), pp. 353–363.
SAS-1994-Consel #analysis #performance #strict- Fast Strictness Analysis Via Symbolic Fixpoint Iteration (CC), pp. 423–431.
SAS-1994-Henglein #analysis #strict #type system- Iterative Fixed Point Computation for Type-Based Strictness Analysis (FH), pp. 395–407.
SAS-1994-Jorgensen #analysis #finite #using- Finding Fixpoints in Finite Function Spaces Using Neddedness Analysis and Chaotic Iteration (NJ), pp. 329–345.
SAS-1994-VergauwenWL #performance- Efficient FixPoint Computation (BV, JW, JL), pp. 314–328.
EDAC-1994-GhatrajuAM #synthesis- High-Level Synthesis of Digital Circuits by Finding Fixpoints (LG, MHAEB, CM), pp. 94–98.
ESOP-J-1992-HankinH94 #abstract interpretation #approximate- Approximate Fixed Points in Abstract Interpretation (CH, SH), pp. 283–306.
ESOP-1994-Amtoft #re-engineering- Local Type Reconstruction by Means of Symbolic Fixed Point Iteration (TA), pp. 43–57.
CAV-1994-LongBCJM #algorithm #evaluation- An Improved Algorithm for the Evaluation of Fixpoint Expressions (DEL, AB, EMC, SJ, WRM), pp. 338–350.
PODS-1993-Morishita #source code- An Alternating Fixpoint Tailored to Magic Programs (SM), pp. 123–134.
WSA-1993-CharlierDMH #abstract interpretation #algorithm #optimisation #performance #prolog- Optimization Techniques for General Purpose Fixpoint Algorithms — Practical Efficiency for the Abstract Interpretation of Prolog (BLC, OD, LM, PVH), pp. 15–26.
WSA-1993-Jorgensen #dependence- Chaotic Fixpoint Iteration Guided by Dynamic Dependency (NJ), pp. 27–44.
SAC-1993-RankinW #combinator #prolog #using- Finding Fixed Point Combinators Using Prolog (RR, RWW), pp. 604–608.
CSL-1993-Grohe #bound #logic- Bounded-Arity Hierarchies in Fixed-Point Logics (MG), pp. 150–164.
CSL-1993-Stewart #quantifier- Incorporating Generalized Quantifiers and the Least Fixed Point Operator (IAS), pp. 318–333.
ICLP-1993-BossiBF #prolog #semantics- A New Fixpoint Semantics for Prolog (AB, MB, MF), pp. 374–389.
ILPS-1993-MartelliMP #semantics- Fixpoint Semantics of L-λ (MM, AM, CP), p. 666.
ILPS-1993-NystromJ #concurrent #constraints #programming #semantics- Indeterminate Concurrent Constraint Programming: A Fixpoint Semantics for Non-Terminating Computations (SON, BJ), pp. 335–352.
LFP-1992-ChuangG #approach #finite- A Syntactic Approach to Fixed Point Computation on Finite Domains (TRC, BG), pp. 109–118.
LFP-1992-NielsonN - Finiteness Conditions for Fixed Point Iteration (FN, HRN), pp. 96–108.
ALP-1992-GabbrielliM #semantics- Fixpoint Semantics for Partial Computed Answer Substitutions and Call Patterns (MG, MCM), pp. 84–99.
POPL-1992-NielsonN #bound- Bounded Fixed Point Iteration (HRN, FN), pp. 71–82.
ESOP-1992-HankinH #abstract interpretation #approximate- Approximate Fixed Points in Abstract Interpretation (CH, SH), pp. 219–232.
CSL-1992-Bosse #game studies #logic- An “Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé Game” for Fixpoint Logic and Stratified Fixpoint Logic (UB), pp. 100–114.
LICS-1992-KolaitisV #logic- Fixpoint Logic vs. Infinitary Logic in Finite-Model Theory (PGK, MYV), pp. 46–57.
WSA-1991-DenisD #logic programming #semantics #source code- Unfolding, Procedural and Fixpoint Semantics of Logic Programs (FD, JPD), pp. 157–164.
LICS-1991-Taylor - The Fixed Point Property in Synthetic Domain Theory (PT0), pp. 152–160.
VLDB-1990-RamakrishnanSS #bottom-up #evaluation #logic programming #source code- Rule Ordering in Bottom-Up Fixpoint Evaluation of Logic Programs (RR, DS, SS), pp. 359–371.
ALP-1990-Batarekh - Fixpoint Techniques for Non-Monotone Maps (AB), pp. 132–143.
ALP-1990-GabbrielliL #concurrent #constraints #logic programming #semantics #source code- Unfolding and Fixpoint Semantics of Concurrent Constraint Logic Programs (MG, GL), pp. 204–216.
PLILP-1990-Sahlin #prolog #using- Finding the Least Fixed Point Using Wait-Declarations in Prolog (DS), pp. 151–158.
CLP-1990-Fages90 #logic programming #semantics #source code- A New Fixpoint Semantics for General Logic Programs Compared with the Well-Founded and the Stable Model Semantics (FF), pp. 441–458.
CSL-1990-Stark #logic #on the- On the Existence of Fixpoints in Moore’s Autoepistemic Logic and the Non-Monotonic Logic of McDermott and Doyle (RFS), pp. 354–365.
LICS-1990-CroleP - New Foundations for Fixpoint Computations (RLC, AMP), pp. 489–497.
PODS-1989-DublishM #bound #query- Expressibility of Bounded-Arity Fixed-Point Query Hierarchies (PD, SNM), pp. 324–335.
PODS-1989-Gelder #logic programming #source code- The Alternating Fixpoint of Logic Programs with Negation (AVG), pp. 1–10.
PODS-1989-Przymusinski #logic programming- Every Logic Program Has a Natural Stratification And an Iterated Least Fixed Point Model (TCP), pp. 11–21.
STOC-1989-Feder #approach #network- A New Fixed Point Approach for Stable Networks and Stable Marriages (TF), pp. 513–522.
LICS-1989-AbiteboulV #first-order #logic- Fixpoint Extensions of First-Order Logic and Datalog-Like Languages (SA, VV), pp. 71–79.
LICS-1989-MisloveMO #set- Non-Well-Founded Sets Obtained from Ideal Fixed Points (MWM, LSM, FJO), pp. 263–272.
NACLP-1989-Batarekh #convergence- Convergence Issues and Fixed Points of Non-Monotone Maps (AB), pp. 257–273.
NACLP-1989-DungK89a #approach #declarative #logic programming #semantics #source code- A Fixpoint Approach to Declarative Semantics of Logic Programs (PMD, KK), pp. 604–625.
NACLP-1989-MaherR #logic programming #source code- Déjà Vu in Fixpoints of Logic Programs (MJM, RR), pp. 963–980.
PODS-1988-KolaitisP #question #why- Why Not Negation by Fixpoint? (PGK, CHP), pp. 231–239.
VLDB-1988-Rougemont #algorithm #representation #scalability #semantics- Fixed-point semantics and the representation of algorithms on large data (MdR), pp. 264–272.
POPL-1988-Vardi #calculus- A Temporal Fixpoint Calculus (MYV), pp. 250–259.
JICSCP-1988-Levi88 #modelling #semantics- Models, Unfolding Rules and Fixpoint Semantics (GL), pp. 1649–1665.
LICS-1988-Amadio #higher-order #modelling #λ-calculus- A fixed point extension of the second order λ-calculus: observable equivalences and models (RMA), pp. 51–60.
LICS-1988-Niwinski #generative #infinity- Fixed Points vs. Infinite Generation (DN), pp. 402–409.
FPCA-1987-MartinH #finite- Finding fixed points in finite lattices (CM, CH), pp. 426–445.
ICLP-1987-OKeefe87 #finite #problem- Finite Fixed-Point Problems (RAO), pp. 729–743.
LICS-1987-Milner - Some Uses of Maximal Fixed Points (RM), p. 3.
ICALP-1986-Niwinski #on the- On Fixed-Point Clones (DN), pp. 464–473.
PODS-1982-ChandraH #horn clause #query- Horn Clauses and the Fixpoint Query Hierarchy (AKC, DH), pp. 158–163.
ICALP-1982-Niwinski #algebra #semantics- Fixed-Point Semantics for Algebraic (Tree) Grammars (DN), pp. 384–396.
ICALP-1980-EmersonC #correctness #parallel #source code #using- Characterizing Correctness Properties of Parallel Programs Using Fixpoints (EAE, EMC), pp. 169–181.
ICALP-1980-Majster-Cederbaum #algebra #axiom #named #semantics- Semantics: Algebras, Fixed Points, Axioms (MEMC), pp. 394–408.
ICALP-1979-Istrail #monad #recursion #semantics #source code #theorem- A Fixed-Point Theorem for Recursive-Enumerable Languages and Some Considerations About Fixed-Point Semantics of Monadic Programs (SI), pp. 289–303.
ICALP-1979-Tiuryn - Unique Fixed Points vs. Least Fixed Points (JT), pp. 633–645.
ICALP-1977-Roever #backtracking #on the- On Backtracking and Greatest Fixpoints (WPdR), pp. 412–429.
POPL-1977-CousotC #abstract interpretation #approximate #source code #static analysis- Abstract Interpretation: A Unified Lattice Model for Static Analysis of Programs by Construction or Approximation of Fixpoints (PC, RC), pp. 238–252.
ICALP-1972-MannaV #approach #formal method- Fixpoint Approach to the Theory of Computation (ZM, JV), pp. 273–291.