Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
1 × Turkey
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Feldt D.Gawley J.M.Ferryman F.Petterson A.Back R.Berntsson-Svensson T.Gorschek B.Regnell R.Torkar A.Aurum
Talks about:
softwar (2) robust (2) requir (2) base (2) pedestrian (1) framework (1) recognit (1) challeng (1) telemat (1) specifi (1)
Person: Ali Shahrokni
DBLP: Shahrokni:Ali
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- RE-2011-Berntsson-SvenssonGRTSFA #quality #requirements
- Prioritization of quality requirements: State of practice in eleven companies (RBS, TG, BR, RT, AS, RF, AA), pp. 69–78.
- ICPR-2010-ShahrokniGF #novel #performance #recognition
- A Novel Shape Feature for Fast Region-Based Pedestrian Recognition (AS, DG, JMF), pp. 444–447.
- REFSQ-2010-ShahrokniF #framework #requirements #robust #specification #towards
- Towards a Framework for Specifying Software Robustness Requirements Based on Patterns (AS, RF), pp. 79–84.
- SEKE-2009-ShahrokniFPB #challenge #robust #verification
- Robustness Verification Challenges in Automotive Telematics Software (AS, RF, FP, AB), pp. 460–465.