Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × India
1 × Luxembourg
1 × Norway
2 × Italy
2 × The Netherlands
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.M.Poulding E.Börjesson A.Shahrokni R.Torkar T.Gorschek ∅ A.Magazinius E.Alégroth H.H.Olsson M.Höst F.Lüders D.Larsson H.Bertilsson W.Afzal B.Regnell D.Clark S.Yoo L.M.Rose R.F.Paige E.Ahmad B.Raza M.Khurum L.Angelis F.Petterson A.Back G.Wikstrand J.K.Gorantla W.Zhe C.White S.Axelsson D.Baca D.Sidlauskas D.Kacan R.Berntsson-Svensson A.Aurum G.Sabaliauskaite A.Loconsole E.Engström M.Unterkalmsteiner P.Runeson
Talks about:
test (10) softwar (9) base (6) engin (5) industri (4) challeng (4) requir (4) studi (4) toward (3) system (3)
Person: Robert Feldt
DBLP: Feldt:Robert
Contributed to:
Wrote 19 papers:
- ICSE-v2-2015-ClarkFPY #re-engineering
- Information Transformation: An Underpinning Theory for Software Engineering (DC, RF, SMP, SY), pp. 599–602.
- ICST-2015-PouldingF #generative #testing
- Re-Using Generators of Complex Test Data (SMP, RF), pp. 1–10.
- ICST-2014-Feldt #question #testing
- Do System Test Cases Grow Old? (RF), pp. 343–352.
- ICSM-2013-RosePFP #framework #platform #probability #scalability #search-based #testing #towards
- Towards a Scalable Cloud Platform for Search-Based Probabilistic Testing (LMR, SMP, RF, RFP), pp. 480–483.
- ICST-2013-AlegrothFO #automation #case study #industrial #testing
- Transitioning Manual System Test Suites to Automated Testing: An Industrial Case Study (EA, RF, HHO), pp. 56–65.
- ICST-2012-BorjessonF #automation #case study #comparative #industrial #testing #tool support #user interface #using #visual notation
- Automated System Testing Using Visual GUI Testing Tools: A Comparative Study in Industry (EB, RF), pp. 350–359.
- RE-2011-Berntsson-SvenssonGRTSFA #quality #requirements
- Prioritization of quality requirements: State of practice in eleven companies (RBS, TG, BR, RT, AS, RF, AA), pp. 69–78.
- SEKE-2011-BoorjessonF #case study #multi #re-engineering
- Structuring Software Engineering Case Studies to Cover Multiple Perspectives (EB, RF), pp. 276–281.
- ICST-2010-FeldtTAR #challenge #industrial #process #validation #verification
- Challenges with Software Verification and Validation Activities in the Space Industry (RF, RT, EA, BR), pp. 225–234.
- REFSQ-2010-SabaliauskaiteLEURRGF #challenge #industrial #requirements #scalability #verification
- Challenges in Aligning Requirements Engineering and Verification in a Large-Scale Industrial Context (GS, AL, EE, MU, BR, PR, TG, RF), pp. 128–142.
- REFSQ-2010-ShahrokniF #framework #requirements #robust #specification #towards
- Towards a Framework for Specifying Software Robustness Requirements Based on Patterns (AS, RF), pp. 79–84.
- SEKE-2010-FeldtM #empirical #overview #re-engineering #research
- Validity Threats in Empirical Software Engineering Research — An Initial Survey (RF, AM), pp. 374–379.
- CSEET-2009-FeldtHL #evaluation #re-engineering #towards
- Generic Skills in Software Engineering Master Thesis Projects: Towards Rubric-Based Evaluation (RF, MH, FL), pp. 12–15.
- ICST-2009-WikstrandFGZW #testing
- Dynamic Regression Test Selection Based on a File Cache (GW, RF, JKG, WZ, CW), pp. 299–302.
- REFSQ-2009-KhurumGAF #empirical #requirements
- A Controlled Experiment of a Method for Early Requirements Triage Utilizing Product Strategies (MK, TG, LA, RF), pp. 22–36.
- SEKE-2009-AxelssonBFSK #code review #detection #fault #interactive #machine learning #overview #visualisation
- Detecting Defects with an Interactive Code Review Tool Based on Visualisation and Machine Learning (SA, DB, RF, DS, DK), pp. 412–417.
- SEKE-2009-ShahrokniFPB #challenge #robust #verification
- Robustness Verification Challenges in Automotive Telematics Software (AS, RF, FP, AB), pp. 460–465.
- ICST-2008-LarssonBF #challenge
- Challenges and Solutions in Test Staff Relocations within a Software Consultancy Company (DL, HB, RF), pp. 423–431.
- SEKE-2008-AfzalTF #non-functional #search-based #testing
- A Systematic Mapping Study on Non-Functional Search-based Software Testing (WA, RT, RF), pp. 488–493.