Travelled to:
1 × France
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.B.Lee J.Weinberg D.M.Tullsen X.Gao L.Carter J.He R.F.V.d.Wijngaart M.A.Frumkin
Talks about:
approxim (2) symbiot (2) perform (2) trace (2) multithread (1) jobschedul (1) processor (1) simultan (1) scientif (1) recognit (1)
Person: Allan Snavely
DBLP: Snavely:Allan
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- HPDC-2008-HeSWF #approximate #automation #performance #recognition #test coverage
- Code coverage, performance approximation and automatic recognition of idioms in scientific applications (JH, AS, RFVdW, MAF), pp. 223–224.
- HPDC-2007-LeeS #analysis #performance #precise
- Precise and realistic utility functions for user-centric performance analysis of schedulers (CBL, AS), pp. 107–116.
- HPDC-2006-GaoSC #approximate
- Path Grammar Guided Trace Compression and Trace Approximation (XG, AS, LC), pp. 57–68.
- HPDC-2006-WeinbergS #game studies
- When Jobs Play Nice: The Case For Symbiotic Space-Sharing (JW, AS), pp. 361–362.
- ASPLOS-2000-SnavelyT #multi #thread
- Symbiotic Jobscheduling for a Simultaneous Multithreading Processor (AS, DMT), pp. 234–244.